Defective lesser demon
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Nitroxus Soulspins Damean the paranormal detective
*Nitroxus floated down from his wing suit and landed on the ground near the being. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus floated down to the ground from the air with the help of an umbrella. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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"I know times are tough for a lot of creatures out there. Just remember, everyone depressed right now so you aren't alone"
QnA with the half demon boi. lez go
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"Sorry to disappoint. I'm not really a big strong monster or something. If you want a fight I'm not it. I can hardly throw a punch"
He's normally pretty skeptical of demons. Most of them aren't up to anything wholesome and the few he does talk to tend to look down on him. So he doesn't really have too much love for other demons. In terms of how it affects his view on himself he does wish that he wasn't a weird mix of pony and de... View More
April 6, 2021
Damean would narrow his eyes slightly as he read from a piece of paper "Hello every creature I have a once in a lifetime opportunity for you. Me and my associates are willing to trade your soul or the... View More
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Damean would nod Seir "Make the pitch. Close the deal" He said quietly to himself
"ya am not getting killed by a dead Pegasus demon" polo said simply as he heard that deal before.
Carmine had nothing to lose, so he signed the copy. Real neat too!
“Cool! Olive Garden. 6. Movie after. I choose. Deal?”
October 31, 2020
"Yeah sounds good" He said as he stashed the contract back into his jacket "I'm going to buy snacks for the movie at a dollar store. Want anything?"
October 31, 2020
*Nitroxus would roll on the ground like a ball toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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"I don't get the whole april fools thing"
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"Well, some dambasses didn't get the memo that the first day of the year was moved to January 1st, rather than April 1st which is was previously, and then we created an entire day to making fun of them.
It's quite beautiful, honestly."
i did not realize this was the origins of such an auspicious day
"Shows what I know about history. Surprisingly the education system in hell didn't really prepare me for life up here" He'd joke with a chuckle "I like this holiday then. All the other ones are about peace and love but the one thing that really brings ponies together is laughing at idiots"
"So why everyone pointing a shotgun at me?"
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"Hey there ponies. I've got two important things to say. First is shilling my services. If anyone is having trouble with the occult or paranormal and you have a few bits. I'm your guy. Second, I'm rea... View More
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"I think my Ex was a monster and even though I'm pretty sure she passed, I still have nightmares, maybe she's back, maybe she's haunting me. What do I do?"
March 5, 2020
"Track down some holywater and drink it before you fall asleep. If you actually see a ghost or see something move on it's own you should hire me and I'll get rid of the spirit"
March 5, 2020
"What are windigos? Are they somethin normal just like most of the species in Equestria, or are they something... Well, something that I would be able to ask you about." She asks, wondering if he has information about a part of what she is.
March 5, 2020
"I don't think windigos are demons although I'm sure some ponies mistook a demon or two for a windigo"
March 5, 2020
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Defective lesser demon