Nitroxus Soulspins Dust Devil
*Nitroxus climbed down a tree and looked around to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus walked on some stilts toward to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large git over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Dusty smugs smugly.
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Shoots a fireball which was blue, from her mouth to cause a badass explosion from behind dust
"Buying gf"
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One of these days I'll remember to wait until after February to bring a new character in
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Dusty stretched like a cat.
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Fell for classic act like a cat prank. She bit him. Biting and clawing and gnashing teeth and violence and screaming.
DusDev fell for the reverse gambit. BriBra was totally into it. Biting and kissing and snuggling and ruggling back. Loving every minute of it~
February 1, 2022
*Nitroxas would blink. She then got the laser pointer. She needed Dusty to move away from stack of important papers.* Come on, find the red dot...
No, nothing new. Well besides not watering some watermelons this morning. I was just so tired this morning.
February 1, 2022
Dirt and grime melted off the mare. Her dingy off-green coat grew brighter by the moment. A sudden rain shower had caught her off guard, though rather than take shelter, she seemed content to stand in... View More
*Nitroxus would deliver himself in a gift box in front of the creature and explode from it. With a bow, he would smile to them.* Hello and Welcome this magical place! I hope you enjoy it here!
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Nice to meet you Dusty. So, I must ask, why does your mane look so wonderful? Like is that natural, or you do that yourself? Its looks to epic.
January 27, 2022
Oh? Calling her Dusty so casually already? Did that mean they were actually already friends? Was it actually that easy?
"All natural, baby!" She'd boast, starting to puff her her chest a bit, finding some of that hidden confidence once more, "What abou t you, Nix? You don't seem like a body mod kin... View More
January 27, 2022
Well, I'm a burrowing pony. Which means I can dig into the ground like a mole. So Mole pony? Of course, evolution from living in a society of ponies who lives in a bunker city in the southern isles to escape Dagger-Moles, would force us to learn how to dig very quickly. So I'm naturally stronger tha... View More
January 27, 2022
Mole Pony? Dagger mole? What in the Stars name was he talking about?
Then again. Dusty did fail geography. Twice. Maybe she shouldnt say anything about that.
"It's not about useful, Nix! Like.. piercing your ears! It's something you do cuz you wanna, y'know? Not because it's helpful"
January 27, 2022
//Didn't know you replied. I didn't see the notification.
*Would look to his own ears.* Wait, I can get my ears pierced? I didn't know that stallions could. Well, I could get those nice ear rings for the tips.
January 30, 2022
"Anyone can do anything, Nix" she would say, offering a fanged toothed grin, "I'd say do it! I bet it would look nice."
January 31, 2022
I will get something for myself. So, how are things for you? Doing good?
January 31, 2022
14 people like this.
Why is there a Shiny version of her?
I require information for my immense curiosity towards this conundrum.
January 27, 2022
She's always covered in a layer of dust and sand— she's an arid storm chaser.
Her colours are brighter when she can finally clean up :)
Yeah! Wolfy is one of my fave designers! When they posted a list of adopts it was really hard to just pick one
January 27, 2022
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