Unicorn, amateurishly spell-spliced with a laser beam.
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A mind clicks back into place. Foggy at first, stirring from an extended period of vacancy.
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Light Show blinks for the first time in three months, re-entering the timeline. Her thoughts restart from non-existence. Her mane blows in a gust of wind before settling. She doesn't move though,... View More
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Tality's head perked up and she dropped what she was working on. She turned her head, trying to find what had alarmed her. It was a strange sensation, rippling up her being. It was like the pond she'd been sitting on the surface of was suddenly disturbed. She tried to nail down where she'd felt this... View More
Light shakes her head, "Trust me mate, /I haven't/ worked for world enders, no matter whether the cults that approached me believed they were or not. My agent has an information network, and part of it are twenty Zebrican oracles, ay?" She jumps up, manifests a couch before she hits the ground and l... View More
August 21, 2024
Tality listens, nods and laughs good-naturedly. "All right, I'll stop being so serious." She catches the moon blade out of the air, which has finally decided to come back down again, brings it up to her eye, and lets it liquify again, gritting her teeth as the frigid liquid streams back in and settl... View More
"Sounds like a tantabus," hears of a creature trying to escape the dreaming world, "After Luna tortured herself with one... A few years ago? Months ago?" She takes a moment to try and have a moment of clear temporal memory, before shaking her head, "At some point, the idea of the tantabus caught on.... View More
August 21, 2024
As soon as Light entered Ponyville, she was tacklepounced by an excited and tearful Sprout. "LIGHT!!!!!!" she exclaimed, squeezing the unicorn tight. "Light I've missed you so much!!! I've had to build a Moth Sprout out of pompoms and pipe cleaners to keep me company!!! Rain Check was there too ... View More
August 4, 2024
When Light wakes up, she blinks in confusion, before sighing. "I passed out first... Fuck..." She forces herself to open her eyes and looks around for Spin. "Did I at least wake up first?"
August 19, 2024
Hey you your finally awake, you were trying to cross the border weren't you?
*Sorry lol*
You should keep a lower profile ~
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#rp "Hello, you! Would you like to sign a petition to bring back a really neat feature of Discord's first reign?" She pulls out a book with a picture of a total eclipse on it, "Most of his changes wer... View More
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Sprout stood beside her, her fake signature on the paper already. "Think about it! It gives us all a new reason to get together and celebrate the Princesses!" She glanced over at Light. "...wonder if we can get somepony influential to sign this...Mayor Mare? One of the Element Bearers? The mai... View More
Light runs a forehoof through her mane, "I mean, I /am/ the first to use it like I do, mate," as her mane sparkles, glinting in rainbow hues like hair-sized and textured tubes of light. "But I get your point, I wasn't raised an idiot, I was raised an assassin, ay?" Looking ahead, she blinks. Maybe f... View More
April 10, 2024
Bright bought them each a large frosty ginger beer, and led them to a Shady cool spot.
"All warfare is based on deception. Never show all your cards. You're much more magical than I first thought." The war horse uncomfortably studied Light show. "What kind of spell makes your mane like that? And I... View More
April 10, 2024
Shaking her head with a smile, "Not a spell, a miscast. I tried to splice myself with a laser beam." She spreads her forelegs, "Look at me now!" She puts her hooves back on the ground and levitates her drink to herself. "I like deception, I plan on being a stage magician when I manage to escape my w... View More
Light looks at the book, "Far as I can tell, it just wasn't thought about. Discord's reign was traumatic, ay? I doubt anypony wanted to call anything he did 'cool' for hundreds of years, and eclipses are a relatively small thing he'd did."
April 10, 2024
#rp The day after April Fools. Light Show.... Kind of fucked up the day before. Wrong target and all, now she was walking around with a knitting needle between her barrel and her foreleg, stabbing int... View More
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A shrug, good enough. "Anyway, I'm gonna go isolate myself until the love potion wears off, ay?" Walking off and looking back, "Thanks again."
April 3, 2024
"Uh..." Diamond looked around nervously. "If I tell you where to find it, do you promise not to tell anycreature it was my family that led you there? I don't think Father could take any more blackmail..."
April 2, 2024
Light manifests a cushion on the floor so she doesn't get hurt, looking up to a clock. "I'm a mare of many talents, ay?" She looks down at Spin, "I would've gone longer, but my gut-" and the narrative force of two days- "Said we probably wouldn't get anything done then, ay?"
She hops up off the couc... View More
April 13, 2024
#rp It was a happy day. An amazing day! Not really for anypony else, it was generally an average day. But Light Show was a step or two away from dancing through the streets. Whistling quietly to herse... View More
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The pony in question was one who did have the looks of needing money, rough and unkempt, while at the same time maybe not requiring it. "Oh. Is this... huh, why? Is something about to happen?"
March 23, 2024
"I'll be safe, mate," She replies without worry, before pausing, "Who's regards, mate? I can't send regards from somepony I don't know the name of."
March 23, 2024
"I trust you know what you are doing then," the mare nodded, not pushing any concerns further. She tilted her head, right, nameless regards wouldn't work well. "Tell them... the healer, Little Leaf, sends her regards."
March 23, 2024
She throws up an illusory message, 'Got it!' Before taking it back down, "I'll let them know, mate. Have a good day!" She waves as she walks off.
March 23, 2024
"Yeah, y-yeah, that's a good idea. Go- wait..."
She pauses, considering a question, before she blushes even more and waves it away with a hoof. "Goodnig-goodnight, Spin. See you soon, ay?"
She has no idea if the moving in from another of her fragments has happened yet, but she assumes not.
March 26, 2024
She will give the stars her thanks tonight, and with that thought she headed to her house.
(I'm not trying to avoid RP with you sorry, Light is just a character that does what she does. Maybe at some point something'll go past two or three replies.)
March 25, 2024
#rp Hearts and Hooves day, a bittersweet time for Lights. Not because she can't find a date, or because she's loveless. It's just a reminder of what her job and... Afllictions, mean for her.
On the o... View More
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Sprout was at the cafe's outdoor seating, eating hay fries drowned in malt vinegar and staring off into the distance. Seemed she was still alone this year. She languidly tossed a fry into her mouth as an alley cat hopped onto the table. The cat meowed, and Sprout started petting her. Not only wa... View More
February 14, 2024
She gets up, swishing her tail in excitement at the thought of the coming night. "Great seeing you as well, Spin." She produces a moonlight colored card and levitates it over to her. In the corner with cyan letters it says 'Light Show calling card, literally!'. "Next Hearts and Hooves, hopefully you... View More
February 15, 2024
Light walks off with an actual smile rather than the casual smile she had earlier, having made plans to help a friend of a friend, and cheered up a friend, though she didn't know if her involvement was necessary for that.
She also stole a third of the fries Spin had left, leaving a few bits in retu... View More
She raises an eyebrow. "Well I can't just leave without knowing what this 'redacted' thing is, ay?" Her ear flicks in curiosity, "Spill, mate."
February 15, 2024
“It’s [REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED]. Oh great, now I can’t even say that anymore.”
February 15, 2024
She blinks.
She blinks again.
"Nevermind, I'm not interested anymore." Comes her reply, as she walks off, her enthusiasm for H&H completely deflated.
February 15, 2024
February Lights!
For once I'll actually be doing the thing. The February thing. I'll write up a short story for in-universe explanation soon, though I have it in my head already.
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I Am
Unicorn, amateurishly spell-spliced with a laser beam.