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Light Show

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. 27 years old
Unicorn, amateurishly spell-spliced with a laser beam.
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Canon mostly
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Bright Brave
You should keep a lower profile ~
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Light Show
"Never!" She smiles. "Low profile is boring, ay?"
Like April 22, 2024
Light Show
#rp "Hello, you! Would you like to sign a petition to bring back a really neat feature of Discord's first reign?" She pulls out a book with a picture of a total eclipse on it, "Most of his changes wer... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout stood beside her, her fake signature on the paper already. "Think about it! It gives us all a new reason to get together and celebrate the Princesses!" She glanced over at Light. "...wonder if we can get somepony influential to sign this...Mayor Mare? One of the Element Bearers? The mai... View More
Like April 10, 2024
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Light Show
Light Show was signed on the paper as Lite Show, an intentional misspelling. And a joke alias. Whispering back to her, "That would be hilarious. Not very useful, but hilarious." In her head she imagines just subtly whispering in the Mayor's ear 'you're a chicken for the day' and watching the outcome... View More
Like April 10, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spins giggled. "Yup! We...we're actually bringin this to the castle, right? I, I actually really do want eclipses to be a thing..."
Like April 10, 2024
Light Show
Thinking a moment, "I could have the enchantment moved after we're done with it, ay? It is a decent idea," She ruffles Spin's mane a little, "But we're certainly not taking it to the castle personally. I'd risk a thousand royal guard over one singular Princess. Any Princess."
Like April 10, 2024
Bright Brave
BriBra sniffed the paper, then took a big bite out of it.
Like April 10, 2024
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Light Show
The paper just glowed and then dissolved. "Ay mate, you ruined my petition paper!" She rummages through a nearby box and acquires a new one, devoid of signatures. Levitating it away from the madpony, "Bad dog. Paper isn't food." At least she hopes he's a mad pony. Otherwise he's an ass or he caught... View More
Like April 10, 2024
Bright Brave
"You better skadaddle with those magic papers. Before I tell the guards." >:3
Like April 10, 2024
Light Show
A shrug, putting the papers away. "Not like the guards could do anything. They'd need a specialized task force to put me away, and that's just not worth the bits or time. But I'll pack up, ay?" She sighs, "Not much point in some whole secret thing when the secrets out." Looking the stallion over, "A... View More
Like April 10, 2024
Little did she know was that He didn't know how to spell his own name, So He just wrote down her name as He knew she also thought Eclipses, Eclipsi ? were Cool. Also He wrote it in Crayon.
Like April 10, 2024
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Light Show
Light turns the paper to look at it, then at the creature, then back at the paper, before shrugging. Her name isn't really a secret, and it has to be the owner of the name signing the paper to work magically. "Close enough mate. Thanks for the signature, ay? Even if it's my own name."
Like April 10, 2024 Edited
"Chu welcomes!" Ghost said before putting a sticker with his name on it on her forehead, Giving them a blep afterwards.
Like April 10, 2024
Light Show
Light giggles with amusement, putting the sticker on the paper.
Like April 10, 2024
Light Show
#rp The day after April Fools. Light Show.... Kind of fucked up the day before. Wrong target and all, now she was walking around with a knitting needle between her barrel and her foreleg, stabbing int... View More
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"N...No ? I do know that I have been called a Love buffet by changeling's from my Kindness!" He exclaimed, but not before Pulling out a Herbology book, A Gift from Ms. Zecora herself!, and studies done by Twi and Shy. " Also the hay is a Or-knit-hi-am ?"
Like April 2, 2024
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Light Show
Light just stabs herself in the hoof with the needle, whispering to herself for a moment, "He's not cute, he's a stallion-analogue, fuck this potion..." Shaking her head and speaking normally, "Bipedal talking birds, have a kingdom in the mountains, and that first bit doesn't help, ay?"
Like April 2, 2024 Edited
"But Most ponies do call me Cute ?" Ghost said, That was the biggest downside of having huge ears. Can't really get secret's past the Ling. "Also you shouldn't do that!" He exclaimed, pointing at the needle Light had used to prick herself in her hoof.
Like April 3, 2024
Light Show
"I can get it healed later, mate, the pain is helping keep my mind grounded, ay?" She replies, closing her eyes in the hopes that maybe not seeing him would help keep the potion away. "And most ponies don't mean it that way. You said you didn't know of a cure for a pony dosed with Ornithian love pot... View More
Like April 3, 2024
Diamond Tiara
"Uh..." Diamond looked around nervously. "If I tell you where to find it, do you promise not to tell anycreature it was my family that led you there? I don't think Father could take any more blackmail..."
Like April 2, 2024
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Light Show
A nod, blood dripping down her leg that she quickly uses illusions to hide. "I'm used to keeping that kind of secret," a pause, as she manages to build stable walls in her head against the potion. Clearly it must have a failsafe or something against foals. This let's her curiosity take full force, "... View More
Like April 2, 2024
Diamond Tiara
Diamond giggled. "No, Mother didn't blackmail Father into marrying him. At least, I don't think she did. But one of our janitors makes a lot more than the others, and when I stay up at night I sometimes see Father bringing her into a guest bedroom." She shrugged. "Haven't seen her at home in a ... View More
Like April 2, 2024
Light Show
She doesnt let her initial reaction of 'Yay, divorce!' out in case Diamond has... Any affection for her mother, instead, just a shrug, "News to me your family's dirty, I was just thinking Spoiled dosed your dad, ay? But I can take care of myself," she taps her head, "Even drugged like this, ay? How ... View More
Like April 2, 2024 Edited
Light Show
#rp There was an unattended lemonade stand on the side of the street. Two bits for a cup. If you tried to pay or were going to pay, the lemonade wouldn't pour. But for the first pony that tried to dri... View More
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Light Show
#rp It was a happy day. An amazing day! Not really for anypony else, it was generally an average day. But Light Show was a step or two away from dancing through the streets. Whistling quietly to herse... View More
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Little Leaf
The pony in question was one who did have the looks of needing money, rough and unkempt, while at the same time maybe not requiring it. "Oh. Is this... huh, why? Is something about to happen?"
Like March 23, 2024
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Light Show
An excited shake of the head, "Nope mate, nothing's about to happen, I'm just feeling generous and excited and eee!" She bites her tongue to calm down. "Sorry, sorry, something /wonderful/ happened today! I'm just trying to burn off the excitement, ay? I thought maybe giving away some bits would hel... View More
Like March 23, 2024 Edited
Little Leaf
A puzzled look remained on her face, though she seemed to partially understand what the stranger was trying to convey. She shook her head after a moment of contemplation. "Give these bits to a village instead, there are plenty that need them if you search hard enough. It seems things are going well ... View More
Like March 23, 2024
Light Show
She actually takes a moment to think on the other mare's suggestion. A village... She eventually nods and puts the bits back in her invisible saddlebags. "That's a good idea. Thanks, mate." She starts to walk off, subtly placing two bits in the mare's mane with her levitation. "I'm off to the neares... View More
Like March 23, 2024 Edited
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout looked at the bag of bits. "Thanks, but you should give these to somepony else. I got a lot from that concert last night. With that profit, I could afford one monthly payment of a house!" She beamed.
Like March 23, 2024
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Light Show
Light thinks a moment. She especially wants to give Spin this bag of bits, she felt the ticket was too cheap for what she saw- though she knew it was bias- but... Sprout didn't want it. How else to relieve excitement /and/ celebrate Spin's successful concert. The word celebrate sends signals through... View More
Like March 23, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Heh, no problem." Spins sat down next to her. "What'd you have in mind, Light? I take it you're not up to the task of chasing down whoever cast that spell on me..." She leaned onto Light.
Like March 23, 2024
Light Show
A faint blush that quickly fades, unnoticed at least by Light who has other things on her mind. She shakes her head, "I was looking for them, but I found a lead on another of my targets in the process." She looks over at Spin, "I found a lead on Switchblade, I have something on the stallion that kil... View More
Like March 23, 2024
Shifter Burnside
She happens to give it to Shift, who is rich.
Like March 23, 2024
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Light Show
Light quickly takes it back without a word and starts to look for somepony else. No words for the obviously rich. Possibly offensive, she doesn't really care.
Like March 23, 2024 Edited
Shifter Burnside
Like March 25, 2024
Light Show
(I'm not trying to avoid RP with you sorry, Light is just a character that does what she does. Maybe at some point something'll go past two or three replies.)
Like March 25, 2024
Light Show
Some quick free art done by Sund Down of Light Show's current timeshattered body, Lux. Actually really like it, thinking on whether to replace the present PT pixel pony profile picture with it. (Yes ... View More
Light Show
#rp Hearts and Hooves day, a bittersweet time for Lights. Not because she can't find a date, or because she's loveless. It's just a reminder of what her job and... Afllictions, mean for her. On the o... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout was at the cafe's outdoor seating, eating hay fries drowned in malt vinegar and staring off into the distance. Seemed she was still alone this year. She languidly tossed a fry into her mouth as an alley cat hopped onto the table. The cat meowed, and Sprout started petting her. Not only wa... View More
Like February 14, 2024
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Light Show
Lights spotted her staring off into the distance and paused. Other ponies alone on Hearts and Hooves, that was normal. A friend? A good friend? Ten minutes after first passing by, she comes back around, walking over to Sprout's table. In an aura of silver magic floats a sour apple green heart-shape... View More
Like February 14, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Hm?" Sprout looked up. "Oh. Hay, Light. Have you met Feathers?" She gestured to the cat. "Good friend of mine. Helpin me feel less alone today."
Like February 14, 2024
Light Show
Light looks at the cat curiously, "Nice to meet you, Feathers." She bows respectfully, like a knight to their king. "Good on you keeping Sprout company." She looks back to Spin. "Chocolates with sour fillings, by the way. I ran by Bon's shop after spotting you. Why're you relatively alone today, ma... View More
Like February 14, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Like February 15, 2024
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Light Show
The mare stops at the sound of a greeting. Looking towards the entity that greeted her and giving a small wave hello. "Ay there mate, do I know you?"
Like February 15, 2024 Edited
Shifter Burnside
Hello. How are you doing?
Like February 15, 2024
Light Show
She tilts her head slightly. "I'm doing fine, why? And that doesn't really answer my question either, ay?"
Like February 15, 2024
Light Show
February Lights! For once I'll actually be doing the thing. The February thing. I'll write up a short story for in-universe explanation soon, though I have it in my head already.
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Twilight Sparkle
[[Ooh! Ponytown pony! ]]
Like February 1, 2024
Light Show
#rp "You know mate, I'm starting to think my handler thinks I have a death wish. I mean, really! He could've /told/ me the forest my target was hiding in was infested with red-glass spiders, ay?" He d... View More
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“Did you try fire?” The large armoured stallions deep voice rumbled out beneath his sturdy helmet in curiosity.
Like December 30, 2023
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Light Show
He thinks a moment, "Did I try fire?" He pretends to consider it, before looking straight into the eyes of the helmet. "Mate, I'm not going to burn down a forest because of some spiders, ay? I'm not a fuckin' monster."
Like December 30, 2023
“Hm.” A quiet grunt echoed in the helmet, along with the subtle grinding of plates shifting against one another as he met the strangers gaze. “A simple torch would’ve sufficed. You had a problem, I had a solution.” Another subtle shift of metal on metal as the stallions head briefly lowered, glanci... View More
Like December 30, 2023
Light Show
A small shrug, "A simple shield spell. Their venom might be magic, but they certainly aren't. I was lucky and saw them before any got the drop on me."
Like December 30, 2023
Sprouting Bulb
"Red-glass spiders?" Spins took another sip of her hot chocolate.
Like December 30, 2023
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Light Show
He nods, "They look like rubies, and their venom turns their victims to glass, while siphoning the life energy from them. Kind of fucked, but some crime bosses like to have them bite traitors and display the body as an art piece."
Like December 30, 2023 Edited
Sprouting Bulb
"Ah...glad Chrysalis never knew about those, that sounds worse than Tartarus." She chuckled. "So what happened next, Light?"
Like December 30, 2023
Light Show
He shrugs, sighing. "I wish I could give a more dramatic answer, but I really just made a shield. Got lucky and saw them before I got bit." A pause, "Though my client did get a glass pony for Hearth's Warming. /Speaking of which/..." He levitates over a strangely shaped small wrapped present. "I got... View More
Like December 30, 2023 Edited
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
He raised an eyebrow at him. "Well that just seems reckless of your handler, then again I have dealt with that kinda stuff, apparently info isn't important to others anymore"
Like December 30, 2023
Little Leaf
"Ah, friendly critters, are they not? I imagine they would have even guided you to your intended destination."
Like December 31, 2023
Light Show
He gives her a look of extreme confusion and concern. "Are you, by any chance, a swarm of spiders in a pony suit, mate?"
Like December 31, 2023
Light Show
Light's photo from Soulspins' christmas art. I fuckin' love it. This is twice in a row a Nitro Soul christmas art photo is going up as my long term profile image for Light Show. The Google Drive file... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
//Wait, this is the 2nd time this has happened? Dang, I'm losing my touch. Also, did you get your Gift Card from the file? Its in the folder, in the G-Drive. Zarra is on Twitter.
Like January 1, 2024 Edited
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