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Male. Lives in  Cloudsdale,  Equestria. Born on February 12, 2002
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Getting close to spooky season , hope everyone is ready 👻
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*Blue Oyster Cult and Oingo Boingo in the background.*
Like September 26, 2024
Blep :derp:
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Silver Shield
"How dare you, sir."
Like September 25, 2024
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"Strike me down if you must!!" He giggles, acting like he got stabbed and falls to the ground "you are too mighty for me"
Like September 25, 2024
Silver Shield
"Hmph, clearly you will think twice about this blep business in the future, now that some sense has been put into you!"
Like September 25, 2024
"I shall.. blep again.. bleh" plays dead
Like September 25, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would float down from a large green bubble. Upon landing, it popped and he bowed. With a smile, he would introduce himself.* Good Joy to you! Welcome to this magical realm, I really hope you... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
Nice to meet you Flame! So, no need for any assistance? Like at all?
Like September 25, 2024
Hmmmm well I could use some help decorating for the spooky season
Like September 26, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Spooky Season? Oh shoot, its almost here!
Like 21 hours ago
It is indeed , must dress for the occasion
Like 20 hours ago Edited
Nitroxus Soulspins
Yes, I think I have something in mind.
Like 20 hours ago
Can't wait to see what it might be!
Like 20 hours ago
Nitroxus Soulspins
For Nightmare Night?
Like 20 hours ago
*Currently perusing Ponville's wares for any interesting new gadgets* #rp
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Sprouting Bulb
His search had taken him to Rich's Barnyard Bargains, where Sprout was currently on duty as a janitor. "You're a little early for zap-apple jam, if that's what you're looking for."
Like September 24, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout looked up to see him heading towards Cloudsdale. "...damn it. Guess it's drunk stallion tonight again..."
Like September 24, 2024
*he yawns after taking note of his bits. Deciding to look for a inn to rent a room for the night rather than make the flight home* "Maybe I'll stick around and see what the morning vendors have before I head back"
Like September 24, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"..." Sprout clocked out and trotted after him. Sure, she was hungry, but also she lived in the hotel he was looking at.
Like September 24, 2024
Dr. Odd
Reiner would have been strapped to three balloons. The miniature pomeranian would have been there for an hour, and only now is he panicking. "Uhm...- Help! I seem to have been bamboozled! They said it was a cute ride but I see now! Trickery! Awh." He floats and spins slowly and helplessly.
Like September 24, 2024 Edited
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*he nods and works on untangling the rope* "Sounds like your ran into some mean tricksters" *he gives a smile, satisfied as the rope drops loose to the ground* "There! Hope you had your fill of flying for today"
Like September 24, 2024
Dr. Odd
"Indeed I have. Gene Reinhardt Reid. Most people call me Reiner or Dr. Odd!" Reiner would quickly shake his hoof with his soft fluffy paws.
Like September 24, 2024
*he shakes the surprisingly soft paw* "Pleased to rescue you Dr.Odd"
Like September 24, 2024
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