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About Me
Um... hello everypony! My name is Fluttershy, and I just wanted to thank you all for coming by and saying hi! Uh... I am just a pegasus who is not the greatest at talking with strangers, or being in crowds, oh... honestly... I could just say most things I am not the greatest at.But what I am very good at, is taking care of my animal friends in my cottage! It is always nice and relaxing... and just seeing all of the happy and friendly faces on the critters is always nice! Especially to the most a... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins Fluttershy
*Nitroxus jumps out of his hot air balloon and parachute down to the ground. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus walked inside of a giant tire toward the pony. He soon smiled to them as he stopped. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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A pegasus stallion swooped down earth level, lightly landing upon all fours as he stopped short of the dirt path leading up to a quaint little cottage he had been directed towards. 'This must be it,' ... View More
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Fluttershy was currently inside of her cottage, focusing between tidying up her house as it has been awhile and taking care of her little animal friends. "N-now hang on... just give me a little bit more of dusting and I promise to f-feed all of you- Huh?"
She stopped however hearing a knock on the ... View More
October 9, 2020
Sacred had taken a step or two back respectfully as he waited. Ears swiveled forward as he heard the soft hoof steps on the other side as well as the occupant. As the door opened just enough for a pretty face to appear, the stallion offered a genuine smile in greetings, "Afternoon, ma'am," he offere... View More
October 9, 2020
"Yes, I am Fluttershy... oh... you... have questions about animals? You did come to the right place... I... am pretty good with animals..." The door would open up a bit more finally, as animal talk she could go on and on about for hours on end. "I see... uhm..." After a few seconds, she finally open... View More
October 9, 2020
"A pleasure to meet you, Fluttershy," he begins, head once more dipping respectfully, "Name's Sacred Blade, by the way." His name is offered as he takes the invitation into the interior of her cottage. Which, of course, has plenty of animals all about-- but he was already warned about that from the ... View More
October 9, 2020
Ah I see, the best mare ever has decided to grace us with her presence.
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Ah! I mean... I wasn't really expecting so many compliments coming over here, but so far... this has been just lovely!
"Heh of course I will gladly compliment you whenever I can find the chance, though as well im sure I said it before but I think you're plenty special but its also nice that you are very modest as well, its a great quality about you miss Shy." He said with a smile and small nod.
October 9, 2020
"Yes! Compliments are always good ti give and receive! Hmmm... I guess I am special? I am not sure yet since it has only been a couple of days now... but... um... yeah!" Flutters said with a very slight smile back at him.
October 9, 2020
"Well just from us talking now I can say your pretty special and awesome heh, at least to me but just you being as nice and kind is enough for me to say so." He chuckled as he walked by her a bit, looking around. "Though if I am bothering you with probably sounding kinda weird or maybe creepy for ju... View More
October 9, 2020
That's cheating. I'm reading all your posts in your voice. =3=
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Cheating...? But how did I cheat...? That should be good, right? I am Fluttershy, after all...!
Oh, well.. thank you? That was fast... glad I could be entertaining..!
Hello all, I know this might not be much, but... I wanted to wish you all a good day! I hope you are all waking up well, in the middle of the day, or maybe a night owl where you live... but either way... View More
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Ohh, that doesn't sound good... well.. I hope those words helped out a least a little bit!
Flootah- what? Uh... well I will try! And I hope you have fun as well, today! ^-^
*Nitroxus floated down by holding onto an umbrella and landed in front of the creature. With a smile, he bowed to them.* Hello and welcome. I do hope you enjoy your time here.
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That's good to hear. I'm Nitroxus Soulspins and you are? Also, I bow to everypony so that they feel welcomed. It just a little thing I like to do.
October 8, 2020
My name is Fluttershy, and, usually I don't see bowing unless you are an alicorn or something... but... it was nice, I will say that at least!
October 8, 2020
Understood. So Fluttershy, how are you feeling today? Anything that you want to talk about or share?
October 9, 2020
Ohh, well today I am okay at least... uh... as for topics to talk about? Well... we can talk about anything! Just the company is nice...
October 9, 2020
Well, I would like to ask what do you do for a living as well, what's your favorite color?
October 9, 2020
Well... I take care of animals for the most part! I used to have another job, but, that seems to have calmed down... Oh! I don't know what my favorite color is... I... kind of like all of them! Hm, if I can ask... how about you on both questions...?
October 9, 2020
Well I'm a bunker builder by trade, also I deliver gifts to ponies on their birthdays. As well, my favorite color is green.
October 9, 2020
Phew... I think I have all of my profile done for the most part on Fluttershy! Means I am ready to role play and hopefully make friends around here!
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Uhm, well, I try to sound more out going OOC! And in role play is when I get just a bit more shy?
well your just another fluttershy from a different universe so...doesnt really matter
October 7, 2020
//Ohh, never heard of that one before! Thank you for letting me know, and, okay!
October 7, 2020
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