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Moonlight Secrets

Female. Lives in Foal Mountain,  Foal Mountain,  Equestria.
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Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Moonlight Secrets
// *curls up in a ball while sitting in her chair* I don't know what's worse, the appendix pain I endured back in 2019 or this. Friday while I was working, I rotated a bunch of boxes containing large ... View More
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Moonlight Secrets
//Well I made it a full week without having access to a phone that has a network. No calls or texts unless I'm connected to wifi. Have handled it pretty well only having use of my phone at home and wo... View More
Moonlight Secrets
// *sulks in her room feeling disconnected from the world*
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Moonlight Secrets
//Not having a cell phone sucks. I mean I don't use it to talk or text all that much anyway because I don't have any friends who I chat with regularly daily. But I use it for other useful things that ... View More
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Moonlight Secrets
// An update from yesterday regarding my phone. Returned to the ATT store after I got off work and called the customer service number and spoke to a woman. Turns out it's nothing to do with ATT and ev... View More
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Moonlight Secrets
//so just left the att store and even talked to the tech Joel who waited on me last time. He found it odd that the esim stopped working. He tried 2 different esims and a physical sim card and it's com... View More
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Moonlight Secrets
// don't you just hate when you have several ideas in your head for role plays you wanna do but no one to play the other character? That's how I feel at the moment.
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Bright Brave
I always want to build something. But need money for super parts.
Like March 15, 2025
Bro I gotchu
Like March 15, 2025
Moonlight Secrets
// So aggravated and frustrated right now. I have A T & T Prepaid and even brought my own phone which I had bought new off Ebay. Earlier this year the sim card stopped working so I took it up to the s... View More
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//that's weird. I mean I've had the same problem with the sim card before but I just changed it so that my default sim was my esim and that fixed the issue...though if it's the esim yeah that has to be checked.
Like March 15, 2025
Moonlight Secrets
// I mean I thought the tray was damaged where I tried to pry it open as I didn't have the special key on me. Replaced the tray and that wasn't it so I just took the sim card out so was only reading the esim. I don't know if att monitors what you browse or search for and will shut it off if they don... View More
Like March 15, 2025
//yeah that's still weird. Honestly I download music and videos from other sites and such and have no problem while with att and if using the sim manager doesn't work to change the primary sim or if both are faulty then yeah it's gonna be a store issue or something.
Like March 15, 2025
Moonlight Secrets
// yeah I've done that too take songs from YouTube and use listen to YouTube to get the song on my phone. Gonna see if my ride to church afterwards can swing me by a store so i can have them check it out. I know it's not a money issue cause my payment is on autopay and they took out the $46.30 for m... View More
Like March 15, 2025
Bright Brave
That's awful
Like March 15, 2025
Moonlight Secrets
It is. I had to use Google voice on my tablet to talk to my brother.
Like March 15, 2025
Be careful out there, and watch out for crab people.
Like March 15, 2025
Moonlight Secrets
I definitely shall
Like March 15, 2025
Moonlight Secrets
What really sucks about not having any service is that even connected to my wifi at home I can't play Harry Potter Puzzles and Spells.
Like March 15, 2025
Moonlight Secrets
//Strongly debated on whether to buy the adopt and after checking Financials with incoming bills chose to get her. If my paycheck happens to be less will get help from roommate. Meet Dreamland Selen... View More
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Very nice.
Like March 12, 2025
Moonlight Secrets
// ugh don't you hate it when an adopt becomes available that you want but don't have the funds to get it?
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