by on December 13, 2024
The lands of the Dark World seemed to be at a low silence. The sounds of wind and storm casting over the darkened purple sky, providing a sort of calm ambiance. Upon the tallest mountain within this word, a being stood overlooking the dark lands below from a castle balcony. This figure was one as dark as a shadow. It had no detail appearance. It's appearance was shaped like a Alicorn sized dragon, though no mouth or eyes were seen on the figure in dark. Only physical features the resembled a dra...
99 views 2 likes
by on February 3, 2024
202 views 6 likes
by on January 17, 2024
"Father. I'm having a hard time in understanding this lesson you've given us this past week. When I listen to you speak, I feel as if it all makes sense. Yet,....reading it out fights my doubts towards it. Is there a way to get a better explanation?" "For such cases, shouldn't I also be prepared?" "My Own Kingdom?" "Well....I'd seek out to be a King that is loved and cherished. A King that does everything possible to keep his citizens happy. For a Kingdom of Happiness is a Kingdom worth livin...
322 views 3 likes
by on January 5, 2024
"Mother? What would you describe to be a good decision vs a bad decision?" "Brother and I were trotting back to the Castle, whereas on the way, we stumbled upon a Noble colt getting bullied by what appeared to be his classmates who were also from Noble families given the school uniforms. He was being teased and pushed around as they taunted him in a circle. I simply observed, finding it soon to be none of my concern as I have no relation to those ponies. Brother, however, took action, stepping ...
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by on October 23, 2023
(Disclaimer: All characters mentioned are exaggerated actions and views of what my Character views them as, as well as what they think the actions of them would be. This is in no way myself speaking or claiming to know how your character acts or would act. If your characters are mentioned, note that I don't claim to these actions to be Canon nor possible. This is all simple deception and theory to drive a story narrative for my Character) The night is upon me. The sounds of darkness are back to...
315 views 6 likes
by on October 3, 2023
Seems with every glimmer of joy presented before me, the universe finds a way to remind me of the disgust I have towards a certain problem. Said problem seemed to be invading my mindscape at the moment. Such is the hardships of absorbing a Tyrant Level Arcane Spirit.  "Seems you've been busy, Artemis Luminous." The Spirit spoke towards me as he stepped forward to look eye to eye with myself.  A rather disturbing appearance this Spirit had. Dark as knight coat, with hinges of deep blue. Pierci...
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by on May 31, 2023
In most times of my life, I've shown to be somewhat of a poetic person. I have a belief that I always seem to stick by. The things you enjoy your life will always be available for you to experience, but will never last forever. As chapters close in on your life, new chapters are opened. A chapter of my life as ended and I'm soon going to be writing the newest the chapter going forward. And with going forward, comes the decision to leave behind what you've been enjoying. I'm leaving the site ...
368 views 14 likes
by on April 3, 2023
The Castle wasn't the first name that was considered when making a Rp Group. Canterlot Castle was to be the official name, however it had soon changed when the sound of it in action seemed rather....cringe. Therefore the words 'The Castle' seemed to fit a better style of title. So much so that it is basically its own brand. (Not really) During the beginning stages of The Castle, Kirra, Velvet, Levi, and Chloe did not exist. It was originally meant to be a Castle with unnamed Lunars, Solars, a...
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by on November 15, 2022
Lord Somber: "I have an interesting experiment for you to participate in, my most precious Apprentice. This test is to see if you have been taking in any of my wise teachings. For understanding how to view life correctly? It aids in understanding how to view Arcane. For Arcane is in everything we do. And seeing is one of many things we constantly do." My Master's words seemed to seek in subtly upon my body as he looked before more. Being inside the Throne Room, next to my Master was not an od...
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by on November 10, 2022
A full three months. A full three months had passed and yet I'm still finding struggles within my research. Arcane is a complicated center point. The subject itself is unique and vastly unpredictable. Therefore experiments, tests, and theories can so easily be stated as fact or thrown out the window in a matter of minutes. Why is Arcane the way that it is? Why is it so addicting yet so corrupt? Why does it aide powerful magic, yet create a unstable process of spell? Perhaps there isn't a why. Ma...
423 views 1 like
by on November 10, 2022
Lord Somber: "What is it that you see before you, my dearest apprentice?" These were the words spoken to me by my Master. Lord Somber, the Ruler of the Dark Kingdom and Master of all things Arcane. From first glance, you'd suspect yourself to be meeting the Devil. A large Alicorn with a rather darkened blue complexation. Even darker were his bat like wings and horn, which seemed almost a midnight. The same could go for the horn as well, which was the most upsetting feature, being that it rese...
375 views 2 likes
by on November 9, 2022
??? "Ahhh! Ahh! P-Please! more. No more please. I-I have done nothing of notice....Nothing of value. I'm just a nopony! Ahhh!" ??? "It is rather sad to hear you refer to yourself as a simple nopony. Where as here? In this space? You are providing purpose. You are involved in the steps for future knowledge." My name is Arold Murk. I am a unicorn blessed in knowledge and will. Brought into this world for purpose. Gifted to this land in order to change it. I may not kno...
254 views 2 likes