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Belly rubs?

Male. Lives in Everfree forest,  Ponyville,  Equestria. 32 years old
Roleplay Availability
About Me
I don't bite..i don't bite...i don't bite....Much
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*bug sits there looking at his computer screen while mumbling to himself* "683 hours in Skyrim and only 4 achievements" #rp
2 people like this.
Bright Brave
"Ack, shame." You could have been like me. Never played Skyrim. :3
Like June 19, 2024
Tality leans in through the window. "Casual."
Like June 19, 2024 Edited
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"bug understand...bug will now give himself an appropriate punishment"
Like June 20, 2024
"Your punishment is to install the chat text to speech mod for Skyrim, stream your session to Twitch, and post the link on /pol/."
Like June 20, 2024 Edited
can i get a link to that mod if possible
Like June 20, 2024
what Ai thinks Bug looks like, i cant say I'm disappointed
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Sprouting Bulb
AI thinks Bug has two hooves and toe beans
Like May 29, 2024
bug is happy with his squishy toe beans
Like May 29, 2024
Bright Brave
This isn't what he looks like ?
Like June 8, 2024
well it is now
Like June 10, 2024
Bright Brave
*rubs your belly a lot*
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Eeeeeeeee yaaaaaay
Like May 12, 2024
Bright Brave
Like May 12, 2024
*bug sits with a tinfoil hat on in his locked and Boarded up house it’s clear he has finally gone mad….again * #rp
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Shifter Burnside
“Oh shit”
Like March 2, 2024
*Bug gets kicked out of Canterlot castle for the third time today for trying to steal cupcakes from Celestia* #rp
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Sprouting Bulb
Spinneret peeked out from beyond the city limits. "Look, I keep tellin you, this is a bad idea! Changelings like us shouldn't be so close to Canterlot!!"
Like January 21, 2024
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“But the cupcakes were just sat there….unattended I had to try and rescue them”
Like January 21, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spins sighed in frustration. "Fine...but if you get caught, I'm not stickin around!"
Like January 21, 2024
“Well if you come with me then I should be able to grab them”
Like January 21, 2024
*Puddlers sits inside an art gallery resisting the urge to lick the ice cream painting again* #rp
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Shifter Burnside
Like March 2, 2024
*curls up in my bed cuddling up around around a mountain of pillows* #rp
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*Bug has covered your front door and windows in candy canes and marshmallows because he had ordered to many* #rp
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Euphotic Breeze
Euphie looked up from her filleting to see this scenario unfold. "...why?"
Like November 25, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Impressive. Love it. *He would then get his tongue stuck to the cold candy canes.* Muh taunge...
Like November 26, 2023
*Bug sits at your front door with a goofy smile on his face and a big bucket of marbles* #rp
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Princess Starwatcher
Hello puddlers, back for more pats?
Like November 18, 2023 Edited
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*Gasps out and makes cute happy stamps* Eeee yes…yes…yes
Like November 18, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
Of course this cute bug wants the pets lol *I gently pet your nogin*
Like November 18, 2023
Eeeeee yaaaaay all the head pets
Like November 19, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
The hay? Where did you get all these marbles?
Like November 19, 2023
I um found them…they had bags of them in the shop…for free
Like November 20, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Huh, how about that? Well, what's up?
Like November 20, 2023
*Puddlers waits patiently with his extra large saddle bag ,waiting for the library to open so he could get some books* #rp
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Sprouting Bulb
Spinneret waited next to him.
Like October 11, 2023
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*Puddlers makes cute happy stamps* “a-are you here for the free books to?”
Like October 11, 2023
Sprouting Bulb
"Of course!" She beamed.
Like October 11, 2023
*he squeaks and bleps while looking extremely happy*
Like October 11, 2023
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