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Stella Montanya

Female. Lives in  Vanhoover,  Equestria. Born on January 1, 1900
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus climbed up the mountain while using some ropes and hooks. He finally made it up where the creature was with a smile. He then passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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"From where you're sitting this must like a fourteen carat run of bad luck, but the truth is kid? The game was rigged from the start." And then, as if it were fate, she was booped. Again. Mercilessly.... View More
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Stella Montanya
Again? Stella was confused. But she does the most reasonable thing she thought a filly would do when booped by a stranger. And when he tried to boop her snoot, she opened her mouth wide and bit the hoof as punishment with those fangs of hers. She released the hoof immediately afterwards. "Yeah, well... View More
Like February 21, 2021
"Oh yeah?" He didn't much mind the chomp on the hoof, it smarted sure, but what was a little bit of pain in the face of adorableness like this? Painful, painful adorableness. That was probably going to bruise later. "Do you usually win games then, squirt?"
Like February 21, 2021
Stella Montanya
"When I play them? Pft, all the time," she said, although if it were from her own stubbornness or actual belief that she always won was yet to be determined. "And it's not Squirt. It's Stella. Get it right or I'll bite you again!" She threatened, the prideful filly staring him down. "And who're you ... View More
Like February 21, 2021
Well, he had to give her that, one usually shouldn't go around booping snoots no matter how adorable they may be. He glanced at his offending hoof, then shrugged his shoulders. She had a point, loathe as he was to admit it! "Well, Steelah..." He chuckled, deliberately mispronouncing her name. "I bet... View More
Like February 21, 2021
Stella Montanya
The filly narrowed her eyes, as if a metaphorical storm cloud was hovering over her head, but she'd not correct him for the time being and instead play along. For now, at least. Stella would ask him slowly, "... What kind of riddle do you have? It better be a good one!"
Like February 21, 2021
"Ohoho it's an awesome one!" The ultramarine stallion all but cackled in a manner most devious and evil, was it an act? Maybe, maybe not. "Ready for it? Here goes. I am what men love more then life, fear more then death or mortal strife, I am what dead men have and rich require, I'm what content men... View More
Like February 21, 2021 Edited
Stella Montanya
"Hey! What's a filly gotta do to get into some cool, crazy adventure?" Inquired the far too ambitious bat, an eager glint lingering in those bright blue eyes of hers and a grin that showed fear as a f... View More
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The gryphon looked down to the small bat pone, cocking his head slightly. "Most adventures come when one least expect them. Going out of your way to search for one can lead to danger if you are not cautious."
Like February 21, 2021
Stella Montanya
"Good! Danger's my middle name! ... Well, it's not, but if I DID have a middle name, it would be danger," proudly proclaimed the pridful bat. She didn't seem deterred in the least. She looked up at Zephyrus and insisted, "Besides, isn't waiting for adventures like totally lame? How am I supposed to ... View More
Like February 21, 2021
"Lame..." Zephyrus whispered quietly to himself as he furrowed his brow, thinking of the terminology she had used. She seemed rather determined to seek out a thrilling adventure of some kind, regardless of what dangers would await her. That was something that slightly concerned him. "I see. If you ... View More
Like February 21, 2021
Stella Montanya
"Supplies!?" She said in surprise, before clearing her throat and crossing her forelegs turning her body half away and huffing out, "... Of.. Of course I had supplies, what kind of adventurer would I be if I forgot to pack something like that. I just . . . Happened to misplace them, is all. But it's... View More
Like February 21, 2021
The large gryphon couldn't help but chuckle quietly to himself as the mare turned away from him and rambled about her predicament. It seemed she was so anxious to find excitement and danger she did not even think of making sure she was ready for such things. "There is much you could manage without... View More
Like February 21, 2021
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"Timberwolves are quite....resourceful when it comes to catching their prey. I have witnessed them climb trees and jump out onto unexpecting travelers believing they would be safe in the air. It is always best to air on the side of caution." He continued his walk with the mare silently, leading her... View More
Like February 21, 2021
Stella Montanya
As they went to the woods, she looked around and remained relatively calm. But upon spotting the gryphon's abode, she was not so quiet, "Pffft... Are.. Are you ... Hahaha, you've got to be kidding me, right? You live in a cave. A literal cave. Perhaps it was her hubris which made her think such a ... View More
Like February 21, 2021
Since this was something the gryphon had been doing for several years, he never once thought it odd to make a temporary home from a cave. In fact he found it odd that his new mare companion found it odd that he did so. "It is a rather common practice when one is out traveling, especially when you fi... View More
Like February 21, 2021
Bright Brave
Bat? Bats are stinky
Like February 21, 2021
Stella Montanya
It's okay to be wrong.
Like February 21, 2021
Bright Brave
Bats can’t smell themselves. And that’s a fact. Ask other bats. Everyone knows they the smelly
Like February 21, 2021
Stella Montanya
You do seem like the kind of person who'd know a lot about smelly things.
Like February 21, 2021
Spirit Weaver
"I'm gonna need a signed permission slip from your parents before you do any questing."
Like February 21, 2021
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"Can I go instead? I'm cooler than both of you combined."
Like February 21, 2021
Spirit Weaver
"If you're that cool you can like... go without a chaperone. Have fun. Don't die too hard."
Like February 21, 2021
"I'll only commit one whole war crime while I'm out." Phalanx said proudly.
Like February 21, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would explode out of confetti and smile to the creature. With a bow, he would wave at them.* Why hello there. I deeply hope that you'll enjoy this place greatly!
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