Earth Pony
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Canon Equestrian
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"Hey everypony, remember to have your snow shovels at the ready today, because there's gonna be snow to the rooftops!" Warned the weathermare. #rp
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Captain Sky N Nova
"Should we tell her she's a week too late?"
February 25, 2021

The ghostling would shivered as this was from somepony booping his nose and apparently if a ling's nose was booped it cause's a giant snow cloud to appear
February 25, 2021

Rainfall Montanya
The ghostling's nose causes nothing but trouble!
February 25, 2021

But somepony booped it! he didn't boop his snout! So His booped nose isn't trouble
February 25, 2021

Radiant Dawn
"Thank you for the warning and keep up the good work!" said Dawn to the weather pony
February 25, 2021

Rainfall Montanya
Rainfall gives a cheerful smile towards Radiant Dawn and replied, "Of course! I can't wait for the Winter Wrap Up to come around soon!"
February 25, 2021

Radiant Dawn
"Same winter wrap up is kind of fun. Wonder what team I'll be assigned too?" said Dawn
February 25, 2021
"You smell."
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"Hmm.. Petrichor, if I remember correctly. The smell when the oils that plants give off after finally getting that bit of rain after enough of a dry period. It tends to linger and become more prominent after the rain lets up. Hehe... I don't mind smelling like that one bit."
She leans into his nuzz... View More
February 23, 2021
"When it rains, it pours," he teases in response before she rubbed that nose of hers along such sensitive ears that flicked at the touch. He even shivered once more, showing just how sensitive they were! "What- What do I smell like?" He asks out of his own curiosity, his head turning to run his fang... View More
February 23, 2021
After some moments of thought, she'd give him his answer, "... Like firewood and leather. That scent lingers when you're cutting up wood for the fireplace." She answered him, leaning her neck close to his fangs, unafraid of any marks that may come. Her words tickled the inside of his ear. "And when ... View More
February 23, 2021
Those fangs simply teased along her soft fur and skin, but he didn't bite her. It was that threat and thrill of him being able to sink them deep into her neck that he gave her in return for teasing his ears. "Mn, look at you being all cheesy~ But I suppose that makes sense. You always enjoyed using ... View More
February 23, 2021
"It's still a little weird that I HAVE those memories. In a way, it feels so foreign, since they're not mine... But I feel the emotions you felt when you ate those cookies. A lot of sweet memories.." Rainfall paused a moment and looked down, "... And a lot of bad ones. I knew you had been through a ... View More
February 23, 2021
"You got a rare glimpse of my coalthood through my own eyes. My parents, how sweet my mother was. My big sister, dad.." Trailing off, he went silent for a moment as he remembered his parents, and had a brief moment of missing them.
Inhaling, he gave Rainfall a nod while melting against her at such... View More
February 23, 2021
"Hehe, yeah... You know, it's kind of funny. It's like you and I can have a total conversation like we were both there and can remember it as well as one another," explained Rainfall. "And it's really weird with the additional link with Andromeda too. I remember times when we were just growing up, b... View More
February 23, 2021
I love their faces in this. Such an intense stare!
Rainfall and Kadai art from Das_Leben on ych.commishes
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Rainfall wants to know the best way to make fish tacos for the family! Can anyone help so she can surprise them with something delicious?
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"Pufferfish? Isn't that, like poisonous? What does it even taste like?" She asked the dragon curiously.
"How about habenero instead of jalepeno? I find it to be a lot tastier of a pepper!" Admitted Rainfall. "Hm. Might be too spicy for the kids though, but my husband doesn't really mind spice. Do you ever add lime or anything yourself?"
February 19, 2021
"Alright, sounds like I'll have to go get myself some lime from the store, then!"
February 20, 2021
Rainfall thinks Kadai would be likely the one to teach how to hunt. Stella would probably have a field day with that. But she can at least prepare whatever they end up hunting, at the very least!
February 19, 2021
"Oooh, that sounds pretty good! Never tried it with coleslaw, though!"
Rainfall devises an evil plot to steal all of the clouds for herself ... Wait, did she just say that out loud?
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Happy Hearts and Hooves day, everyone. This is an art of Rainfall Montanya and Kadai Montanya .
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"Some days, you just want to stay in, lay down, and snuggle your favorite person until the sun goes back down." Art of Rainfall Montanya and her husband, Kadai Montanya.
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Today's weather forecast in Vanhoover was overcast with a chance of rain later on in the afternoon so there were a few ponies who were in a rush before the rain settles on in. Not all seemed to be in ... View More
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