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Sunset Shimmer

Female. Lives in Canterlot,  Human World,  Beyond Equestria. Born on January 8, 1986
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hi there! Names Sunset Shimmer nice to meet you.
Roleplay Universe
MLP/EQG, Sometimes Pony Universe
Roleplay Type
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No achievements
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Equestria Girls Fans
8 Members
WonderBolts & Fans
30 Members

Status Update

Sunset Shimmer
#rp *You see Sunset tuning her guitar trying to figure out why it’s not working right what do you do?*
3 people like this.
Sunset Shimmer
“Figures. But I guess it’s good that my friends and me gained another friend that transferred from the city to Canterlot here heh you might know her though. Anyways I do have a car if that’s okay?” *Sunset says twirling her keys.*
Like September 6, 2024
Yearling Writer
Yearling nodded. "Yeah, I don't mind. Let's get going, I'm sure he'd be happy to see me stop by. Oh and uh, don't mind him if he's a bit cold, he's just like that with new people" He said, offering a hand to help her up.
Like September 6, 2024
Sunset Shimmer
“Meh I’m used to it and sure come on.” *As Sunset smiles taking his hand grabbing her guitar putting it away and walks with Yearling to her car.*
Like September 6, 2024
Yearling Writer
He followed her to her car, still looking around before finally spotting her car. "Oh wow, is that yours?"
Like September 6, 2024
Sunset Shimmer
“Yep this is her alright my pride and joy well second to my other pride and joy of my guitar heh go ahead and hop in on the passenger side and will get going yes?”
Like September 6, 2024
Yearling Writer
He nodded and hopped into the passenger side of the car. "Sure thing. I have to say, it looked really nice. I don't really have a car of my own"
Like September 6, 2024
Sunset Shimmer
“Really? That’s strange considering your old enough to have one.” *Sunset says getting into her side of the seat keys in the ignition as she turns the key engine revving as it starts as she buckles up checking her mirrors remembering what friend Fluttershy taught her about checking everything then... View More
Like September 6, 2024
Yearling Writer
Yearling seemed to appear a bit off, likely distracted by something until she'd asked him to tell her a bit about himself. "Huh? Wh-Oh. I don't really know if there's much to say. I'm trying to be an author, I guess that's one thing. I actually have a few novels ready to be published"
Like September 6, 2024
Sunset Shimmer
“Oh, well that’s good I guess heh I write a little myself mostly to a friend of mine that lives far away as she’s from a whole other world plus she’s kinda the reason why I’ve changed since I first came here.” *Sunset says with a bit of bitterness but then sighs a little turning the music down a bi... View More
Like September 6, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
What the? Since when did you play eh Sunny? *She thinks you're the mirrorverse one*
Like September 6, 2024 Edited