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What can I tell ya? I do what I want heh.- Mirror Fluttershy
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*Mirror Fluttershy would be singing a sad but oddly beautiful song to herself unaware that (oc name here ) was watching.* #rp
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Percy was analyzing the song as they heard it, seemingly waiting for an opportunity to ask about it.
February 7, 2025

Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Now go away.
Yesterday, 8:02 pm

"Are you sure?" A holographic pop-up appeared in front of them, with the options of "YES" and "NO".
Yesterday, 1:07 am

Mirrorverse Fluttershy
*she picks the YES option*
4 hours ago

Hawker Hurricane
-Listens hiding in some bushes.-
February 8, 2025

Hawker Hurricane
Oh.....Like emotional?
Yesterday, 5:23 pm

Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Yeah! I'm usually doing upbeat stuff.
Yesterday, 6:19 pm

Hawker Hurricane
Neat. Different tone.
Yesterday, 8:01 pm

Slavene Slaptop
-Flies over, catches a few bars of the sad song and looks down, landing on top of the building.- look familiar.
February 12, 2025

Mirrorverse Fluttershy
'ell yeah I do! *Shows you her electric guitar*
4 hours ago

Slavene Slaptop
Fucking eh. Care to play me some chops?
3 hours ago

Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Heh, watch me work. *She'd play an epic solo on her electric guitar.*
1 hour ago
*She would be rocking out on her electric guitar, practicing for a gig *
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*she pulls out a (washable) maker then writes MFS on your chest*
Chance Time! Who's gonna win big or lose it all!
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Comp requested: /roll 1d6
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 3 = 3
This is an automated bot message.
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 3 = 3
This is an automated bot message.
January 15, 2025
Mirrorverse Fluttershy requested: /roll 1d6
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 1 = 1
This is an automated bot message.
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 1 = 1
This is an automated bot message.
January 15, 2025
*Mirror Fluttershy hands over ten bits to comp*. Dang it.
January 15, 2025
Come and get an autograph from yours truly only 50 bits.
*Flutters would be shredding on her electric guitar, giving a legendary face melting performance during one of her concerts*
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Spinneret's face melted off. As this was not covered by the waiver, she had grounds to sue.
December 13, 2024
-For lack of a bra or panty to throw on the stage, she screams in the front row jumping up and down losing her bloody mind.- OMG LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!
December 13, 2024
Eh heh heh heh, Welcome to Mirror Fluttershy's Dice of Destiny! Game's simple all ya gotta do is roll a D6. Your roll will determine the pun- er I mean prize you get, so don't miss. Oh and try not to ... View More
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Dr. Odd requested: /roll 1d6
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 1 = 1
This is an automated bot message.
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 1 = 1
This is an automated bot message.
December 6, 2024
Comp requested: /roll 1d6
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 3 = 3
This is an automated bot message.
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 3 = 3
This is an automated bot message.
December 6, 2024
Hmm here have a few coins...
*She'd give you three coins*
Nightengale Nighttime requested: /roll 1d6
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 6 = 6
This is an automated bot message.
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 6 = 6
This is an automated bot message.
December 7, 2024
Marvel Gleam requested: /roll 1d6
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 4 = 4
This is an automated bot message.
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 4 = 4
This is an automated bot message.
December 7, 2024
*Meanwhile at the Home of the Erroneous Equines!*
Mirror Fluttershy:Pull the lever Rainy!
Mirror rainbow: u-um okay... *She'd pull a random lever which then opens up a trap door above flutters that ... View More
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Somepony get me my mallet, we got a wise guy over here.
AGH! You threw off my grove!
I'm sorry, you threw off the emperors grove...
Mirror King Sombra: greetings everyone, It's rather nice to meet you.
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