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by on November 29, 2023
After a long day of classes, the night had fallen and the warm streets of the city became cold -far too cold for this one city-.
The crowd were walking out the old classroom, the wooden door creaking one last time for the day as it got closed behind the professor. Whispers filled the now deserted hallways of the campus, yet the silence of the night time filled the dull buildings. Only the fridges from the laboratories broke the dead silence.
A couple of pegasi walked out the campus through a lateral gate that connected the avenue with the parking lot of the university. One was a small mare, wearing colorful atire. Her emerald eyes reflected the street lights in precious ways, reminicing a oasis in the middle of a desert of concrete. Her high pitched voice resounded through the streets as she kept chattering. Her companion was a larger folk. He was rather fluffy, with a tired expression, yet a warm smile and sheepish eyes. His peachy fur shyly peeking out from under his heavy leather jacket. He didn't seem to mind the cold.
"Yeah, we'll have a performance in the next convention! I'm afraid we won't do good enough this time, though. We have barely practiced... process control is so time consuming!" the mare squeaked. Her companion chuckled and walked closer to her. "I know, I barely understand any of the math in this class!" he replied.
The chatting kept going until they were finally at the bust stop, waiting for their route. Of course, the stallion could have took any other bus home. But he didn't want to leave the mare on herself that night. It was cold, and it was getting really late. So he kept talking with her until the bus came. They boarded and took a seat, together.
"So..." she mumbled. "So...?" he queried. Neither of them took the next step. It was a lazy waltz of flirt between a beauty and a beast. Or at least, it looked like that for him.
"Is something bothering you?" he asked, taking the step. His heart was beating faster.
"Can I lean on your shoulder...?" she shyly asked. He smiled warmly and embraced her with a wing, bringing her closer to himself.
"I can't believe it took us so long..." she whispered. His heart skipped a beat. "I always had you in my mind, but the situation didn't allow this" he commented. She clenched her teeth for a moment. "It's really cold tonight..." she bashfully commented. "Can I get a bit closer?" she asked. He nodded and, without telling a word, he brought her closer. Then, he broke the silence "Would you want me to lend you my jacket?" he offered. She shook her head. "With the hug and the lean I'm warm enough"
A moment of silence went by, and she spoke once again. "Mom was right. She always told me stallions were like natural heaters. Your hooves are so warm..." she said, leaning a bit closer to his chest. He blushed and nuzzled her mane. He didn't need to say any other word. The silence was just perfect.
Suddenly, she broke the embrace and distanced herself a bit. He was confused and stared at her worriedly. Did he do something wrong?
"I just don't know Petri... I always wanted this... but... is it really happening? Why now? Why not earlier? Why did it took you so long? Do you really...?" she paused, expecting for a response from him. His heart skipped another beat. Things weren't going good now, he knew it.
"I do. I really do. I meant every word. But you knew I was taken back then. I owed her my loyalty" he explained.
They had finally reached their stop. She went down the bus, and he followed her. "You should get going now" she said. "Don't worry, I can fly over there in just a few minutes. I'll wait for your next bus with you" he replied, still startled from before.
A minute of silence went by, and she broke the silence once again. "Back then I didn't know you were taken. I just thought you took my confession as a joke" she said bitterly. Nothing farest from the truth this was.
"Not quite Star. I'm sure I told you I was dating someone when I had to reject you that day" he said, his voice breaking down. His throat was sore. Was it the emotions? Or just the cold weather?
"Even so, that wasn't cool" the mare replied, looking away from him. "When I kissed Cat back then, I was so angry at you for rejecting me. It was... a way to get back at you, I think?" she admitted. "I didn't think too much if I loved him. I just wanted to make you angry"
A chill went down the stallion's spine. Was it really wrong to be loyal to the fillyfriend he had back then?
"Well... I... forgive you" he said. "That's water under the bridge now, Star"
"I'm not good for you, Petricor. I'm so happy, but so scared. After what I did back then to hurt you..." the mare bitterly remarked.
"Hey, it's gonna work out. It's meant to be. You're more than enough" he reassured her, and came close. Held her hoof and reached closer for a kiss.
"No. No no no no no. No. It's not ok. It's not gonna work... I'm sorry" she said as she rejected the kiss and pulled her hoof away from his. Her bus had finally arrived. She boarded in a rush and didn't look out the window.
Petricor sighed and walked back home slowly, in the middle of the deserted streets of the big city. He lit a cigaretted and smoked his way back, trembling from the adrenaline from the rejection. Maybe someday, the sun would shine and the cold from the loneliness would be gone.
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