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King Artemis
by on January 17, 2024
"Father. I'm having a hard time in understanding this lesson you've given us this past week. When I listen to you speak, I feel as if it all makes sense. Yet,....reading it out fights my doubts towards it. Is there a way to get a better explanation?"
"Artemis, My Son, such lessons are not to be worrying of in this current era. For it is your Brother that has to take the brunt of that responsibility. Being King is something that isn't as simple as hearing a lecture or studying writing. It is something you must experience first hoof. And for you, such a time will not be present unless your Brother were to unfortunately be lost to us."
"For such cases, shouldn't I also be prepared?"
"Hmm......" "As you wish, I shall further explain the lecture. Tell me My Son? What is it that you think would be important if you were to have your own Kingdom?"
"My Own Kingdom?"
"Yes, your own. A Kingdom not governed over our Names or your Brother's Name. A Kingdom of just Artemis Luminous and whatever Wife or Wives he chose. What is important in the function of that Kingdom. What would you see as important?"
"Well....I'd seek out to be a King that is loved and cherished. A King that does everything possible to keep his citizens happy. For a Kingdom of Happiness is a Kingdom worth living in."
"Wrong answer."
"W-Wrong? But, you were asking for what I saw fit. My opinion on what is write for my Kingdom. How is that wrong?"
"It just is. Such thoughts and views of how to run a Kingdom will do no more then run it into the ground before it has legs."
"You Desire to be a King that is loved, correct? You set that a goal. A task to achieve. Such a thing is a waste of priority. And not because you can't be loved, but because you can't decide on who decides to love you, Artemis. Being King has many trails from a day to day basis. Such trials include having ponies that despise your role. Being Ruler means you Rule over them. That is the default statement. And such statements don't sit well with others. Especially newer generations."
"The correct answer, for what is important in your Kingdom? Keeping the Kingdom safe. Do what you desire to be the correct path in keeping your Kingdom safe."
"Like what?"
"Double patrols, make strict laws, keep everypony on watch, restrict the Kingdom to outside influence if you must. Any of those. Or? None of those. Something else maybe."
"But wouldn't citizens dislike such harsh rules?"
"And? Is it your job to care what they like or don't like? OR is it your job to protect them? Artemis, you can't please everypony. You will never be able to. Some will label A King a Ruler. Others? A dictator. Tyrant. Such words need to simply pass by that King. Don't stir a pot that is already brewing over. Understand that as King, it is a right to protect your Kingdom. And if the King's methods aren't as kind as others would want, then they are nothing more the arrogant children."
"Hmmm....." Artemis seemed to grumble to himself as such a memory had appeared in the front of his thoughts. Lately that seemed to be a theme. Past lessons or conversations of his childhood take form to remind him of upbringing. Being reminded of his Mother's teachings was expected. However, hearing of his Father's teachings was a surprise. And even more so then that?
His Father was right.
Post in: Lore