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Nar Yakushi
by on March 8, 2024
(Content Warning: Body Horror)
A lone voice screams it's rage into a ceaseless, and uncaring void. A man thrashes against his restraints, but they only tighten in response.
Visions flash into Nar's mind. Visions of a life he could have had. A life of joy, and happiness. A life with his beloved cousin, and best friend. A life he threw away.
NO! That life was STOLEN from him! A consciousness that is not his own is trying to inflict guilt upon him. Guilt that he!- Guilt that he does not feel, and never will. For which, he will suffer eternally. No. NO! He will not simply allow this torment to continue! Who cares if his tormentor is a god?! He has mastered the manipulation of subspace! He need only further his mastery so that HE may be the one who traps it in this prison!
This god will regret the day it decided to!- To... To punish him for his heinous actions. To inflict upon him, only a fraction of the suffering he's caused countless others. To do what was right. To protect all of existence from his madness.
For a few moments, the screams become quiet, and Nar is still. For a moment, he accepts his punishment.
Then, with another roar, he thrashes violently once more. Something snaps, and suddenly, his left arm is free. He reaches in an attempt to break his other arm free, but as it crosses in front of him, something else snaps. Nar's forearm snaps at a 90 degree angle. Bone pierces through skin, and muscle writhes, and twists in ways no muscle ever should. Unimaginable pain shoots throughout Nar's arm as his shoulder blade begins to dislocate. It snaps in two. One piece digs into his neck, while the other completely tears his left arm until it is only connected by sinew. Then, his arm snaps once more. It begins to bend, and break as it creates a jagged, twisted path back to it's restraint.
Nar howls in agony. Unable to do anything to ease the sensation overloading what little of his mind he has left. Metal clamps around his wrist, and soon, his left arm begins to piece itself back together. Even though his arm becomes whole once more, the pain persists. The restraint tightens, and bends his arm backwards, beyond what it should be capable of. Pain courses through his body, causing the visions to briefly cease.
Nar's head hangs low, as he no longer has the strength to keep it held up.
"So this is what has become of you."
A familiar voice cuts through the agony.
"I never thought you would have stooped so low, Nar. What happened? Where did all of your joy, and optimism go?"
Nar lifts his head, and is met with the face of his beloved cousin. Tears stream down her face, and her voice begins to crack.
"I thought you would have found a way through, like you always do. I thought you were going to make something of yourself. I thought you were going to be okay. I did everything I could to help you from afar, but you rejected me. You blamed me for leaving. You blamed Juno for living his life. You blamed the world for not stopping for you. When you needed to be strong, you showed me how weak you really were. You ran away. You hurt people. You tried to KILL innocent people who had NOTHING to do with us until YOU dragged them into it!"
Asuka raises her hand. Her palm open, ready to slap her cousin.
Then, her hand clenches into a fist, and she lands a punch across his cheek.
"You MONSTER! I hope I NEVER have to even THINK about you again!"
Nar's head falls again. He feels as though he wants to cry, but... He doesn't. His cousin's words should hurt him, but... They don't. He feels nothing. Perhaps... He stopped caring for her as he once did. Perhaps this was all for nothing. Perhaps, in the end, there were no good intentions. Nar was just an angry man, attempting to get back at a work that he thought had wronged him. Perhaps in a different life, he did better.
No. He KNOWS that he's done better in a different life. While he ran away, and hid from the hardships of his life, another faced them head on. The other him ran headlong into danger to save his sister, and never regretted his choice. Not once. He faced deep seeded fears, and charged through, just as he once would have.
This punishment...
It's not just, or fair. It is far too lenient for everything he has done.
Nar finds relief in the knowledge that he feels no remorse, or guilt. Lest he suffer more than he is.
Post in: Lore
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