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by on May 10, 2024
There are three ways/ interpretations that i like to play as Flam, sort of correlating with a general time in his life. 
1. being the more canon version, a sort of pathetic cheat, who is very perceptive and persuasive in what he does. Cowardly, and is willing to cheat you out of something for a bit of profit. This usually takes place before twilights coronation, and a little bit after, and in my opinion is the funnest version of him
2. Walt disney/ Robert house. An innovator and idealist, wanting to make a name for himself and his family. He has long outgrown the need for money or fame, looking towards legacy and ego. This version has an enormlus amount of ego, but now he has the merit and ability to back it up moving beyond simple scams, to actual innovative products that can change the world.
3. The corrupt politician, a pony who has taken his time to become powerful and entrenched. Manipulative and sly, his ego has been replaced by a sheen of acute precision and clockwork motions. Flam isnt afraid to get his hands dirty. Isnt afraid to bribe, blackmail or manipulate others to get what he wants and through it he becomes a powerful, legitimate threat that can be feared rather than passed off as a minor villain. His methods are slow methodical, and poses the greatest threat to those around him. 
I like this in a way,  playing a character whose arc has already settled, playing into the different parts of his life from a more naive, a bit greedy, but well meaning pony, to a cynical threat to the power structures of equestria as power consumes him.
I just though it would be interesting to kind of lay out!
Post in: Lore
Topics: arc, flam, time
3 people like this.
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
The versions of my main cast differ from their Canon versions in their respective series, if you can't tell. I like the feel of the second one, especially when my cast interacts with that version.
Like May 10, 2024
Bright Brave
A Flam user. He keeps walking towards me.
Like May 10, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
He can't become Flam without getting closer to you.
Like May 10, 2024