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Asuka Yakushi
by on July 20, 2024
//Much like the first challenge in this Battle of the Bands, I'm going to be posting this one in parts throughout the day/multiple days. Mostly highlighting the more notable parts of the challenge.
7 PM, Vanhoover Time, Helfire Coal Plant, Old Industrial District.
Fans of the city's top two bands crowd the interior of the coal plant, while a small group stands before the plant's massive garage door. Currently, all are facing away from the door, with their focus turned towards a massive screen, and a mare in a flashy dress standing before it. In this line (from left to right) stand Ruby, Sapphire, Juno, Ryuji, Nar, and Steeltrap. Juno and Ryuji both carry a skateboard, while Nar, and Steeltrap stand atop pairs of rollerblades. Notably, Steeltrap sports a solid, steel muzzle, and his torso has been wrapped entirely in heavy steel chains. Of the six, only Juno wears any protective gear. Behind the mare, Asuka, and the remaining members of Dragonautica stand, flanked by a single EMS SUV.
"Ladies and gentlemen!" The mare begins. "It's time for Tartarus on wheels! It's do, or die for Attack on Mango! If they lose this race, they lose the battle of the bands! Which means, they'll not only lose their number one spot in the city, but be forced to disband!" The crowd is a mix of cheers, gasps, and cries of 'You guys got this!' The host allows this to continue for a few moments before she continues. "Before we begin, let's go over the rules for this race!" She then motions to the screen behind her, which now displays an old warehouse. "Your goal is the abandoned warehouse at the end of the track, which has been marked for you all!" The screen then transitions to an overhead shot of the old industrial district. A line has been drawn through a long, complex stretch of roads, and passages within the industrial district, indicating the track. "Distractions, and slowing your opponents down are allowed, but serious injury or worse will result in disqualification!" She then pauses again, waiting for a signal from the producers that their camera crews are ready.
From her position by the EMS SUV, Asuka carefully inspects the faces of all the races arrayed before the host. Ruby appears calm, cool, and collected, while Sapphire is showing the same disdain for those around he that she always does. Juno's face is more quizzical than anything. It appears he's studying the map of the track quite closely. Looking for some sort of shortcut perhaps? Ryuji is grinning from ear to ear, and waving to the crowd. Nar is trying his best to keep a confident smirk on his face, but Asuka can tell it's forced. He's nervous. That's not what Asuka expected from her brother. Of all the people here, Nar should be the most confident in his abilities. This race was practically MADE for him.
As her eyes glance over at Steeltrap, Asuka finds herself wondering just why Nar seems so nervous. Maybe he had a bad dinner, and was trying to hold in a poop or something? No, Asuka knows what face Nar makes when that happens, and it isn't that. Could he just be getting pre-show jitters? Maybe he'll feel better once the race starts, and he can pretend it's not being filmed. No. Nar has never had problems with being filmed, or being in front of a crowd before. Well, if it's not that, then what is it? Surely he's not ACTUALLY worried about losing, is he? All that would happen if they lost is... Oh. OH! Asuka gets it now. Of course her brother was nervous. He probably thinks the fate of the band is resting on his shoulders. He's treating this like he's the only person in the band who could possibly win this race for them, and placing the burden of the consequences of potential failure entirely on himself. Maybe there's something she can do to calm him down before the race starts. She thinks for a good while.
Nar scans the crowd with his eyes, looking for some sort of sign from his prayer from the night before. He scans over the crowd three times over before he finally spots something. It's his sister, out by the SUV. The two lock eyes, and Asuka begins to smirk, giving Nar a simple thumbs up, and a head nod. 'Crush them.' He returns the gesture with a nod of his own. It's then that the host begins to speak again. "Alright racers! Get ready!" The sound of the large garage door opening behind him causes Nar to turn around. "On your marks!" He takes up a stance. "Get set!" The motors within his skates begin to whine. "Go!"
Post in: Lore
Topics: band, battle, race
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