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by on December 17, 2024
"Ma'am, I have good news for you."
The purple unicorn turned around in her swivel chair, her red eyes glaring at the stallion who had entered her office.  "Make it quick," she said.  "I have a hanging scheduled for this evening."
"One of yours?" the stallion asked, a slight hint of teasing in his voice.
The unicorn nodded.  "Is it ever not?  If it's not a criminal I found, it's a so-called 'criminal' I own."  She stood up, her face obscured by the shadows in the room.  "Now, tell me what you came here to tell me."
"Right, right."  The stallion reached into his bag, pulling out a piece of changeling silk.  "We found your Ponyville hunter in a cocoon a few months ago.  Said it was from a small one, green eyes."
"A small one?  Don't tell me he underestimated one of those parasites."
"Afraid so.  He said the changeling was near-death, but we've seen a pony matching its disguise still active in Ponyville."
"Well?"  The unicorn raised an eyebrow.  "Send another one to finish the job."
"I'm afraid it won't be easy, Miss Sunset."  The stallion shook his head.  "She's...well, she's become a local celebrity."
"Good.  That'll make her easier to find."  The unicorn, Ms. Sunset, waved dismissively.  "Get another hunter on it."
"But what about the public?" the stallion asked.  "Surely they'll wonder--"
"Send somepony expendable, then!" Sunset snapped.  "Now leave!  And don't return until you can bring me her chitin!"
Time passed, as time was wont to do.  The purple unicorn entered her office first thing in the morning.  She polished off her nameplate, reading "Fuchsia Sunset".  As she sat in her chair, she turned on the radio.
"News from Ponyville, local singer Spinneret had her concert interrupted by a crazed stallion attempting to kill her!  Police say the attacker believed the starlet to be a changeling..."
Well.  That changed things.  Fuchsia smirked, turning around to look out her office's window.  The view stretched out from the edge of Canterlot, Ponyville visible in the distance.  "I see...either this bugger's really lucky, or she's a worthy opponent.  Spinneret...hiding in plain sight.  Taunting me.  Her arrogance shall be her downfall."  She picked up her phone and began dialing, her grin becoming wider and more sinister with every turn.  Once the other party had picked up, she only had four words to say:
"Bring me my carriage."
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