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Asuka Yakushi
by on August 22, 2024
//Late to this, but I wanted to try to get in on it before it closes.
Ah, the Carnival. A place of whimsy, fun, and possibly, tons of rides that barely meet safety standards. Of course, when you run a carnival, you need every bit of plausible deniability if an incident occurs. Not that it would here, right? Still, one must take every precaution when dealing with such large groups of people.
Near the entrance to the carnival, a white tent has been set up, featuring a sign out front which reads "FIRST AID" in bright, blue lettering. Behind the tent sits a parked ambulance. It's back doors appear to fit neatly into a flap in the back of the tent to allow for quick access. Inside, a lone paramedic sits next to a chair straight out of a doctor's office. She clearly would rather be outside, enjoying the carnival, but as the only medical staff hired by the venue, she'll be stuck in here the whole carnival. At the very least, she has a bowl of small lolipops beside the tent's exit that she can snack on. When she's not giving them to patients that is.
Topics: carnival
5 people like this.
Snow Storm
Snow Storm was wondering by and noticed the staff sitting out, doing their duty. She brought with her a second icecream, purchased from another store. "Hiya! Hot day, eh? I brought icecream if somepony wants to take it!" they beamed.
Like August 22, 2024
Asuka Yakushi
"Thankfully, the coordinators aren't completely heartless." Asuka jokes, while motioning over to a squeaky, standing fan in the corner of the tent. "I also get breaks, and a card for free food and drinks from some of the stalls, so it's not all bad. Just wish the stall in front of the tent would pla... View More
Like August 22, 2024
Snow Storm
"Oh, haha," they chuckle, turning to the tent in front and grimacing at the idea of repetitive whistle toots. "Ugh, yeah. That's enough to make you loopy. I know," their wings shivered with a plan, "I'll go offer them this ice cream in exchange for them to change up the music!"
Like August 22, 2024 Edited
Asuka Yakushi
"I appreciate it." Asuka replies, accompanied by a nod. "Feel free to grab a dum dum or two on your way out. They're supposed to be for children, but it's been pretty uneventful here, so I doubt I'll go through them all."
Like August 23, 2024
Suddenly a Appearence of a Clawed hand appeared, and had instantly taken a lolipop, What the appendage was connected to would be a Strange Creature, one that mostly Resembled a Dragon but part of it also looked akin to a Rabbit, just with a Mysterious swirl in their ears. "Sup." The stranger told t... View More
Like August 22, 2024
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"My Ailment is... You're too boring, And Suggest that you might take a break." She told them, Before taking a bottle out of her nearby bag, It looked like it was a bottle full of Who knows Alcoholic Beverage was in it. In reality it was just a Cheapest soda in it cause There was a No Alcohol rule he... View More
Like August 23, 2024
Asuka Yakushi
Asuka blinks a few times before eventually responding. "Did you really just come in here to call me boring?" She heaves a frustrated sigh before waving them off with her hand. "If you're not here to be seen, could you go somewhere else? This isn't a place to hang out. There's a whole carnival for th... View More
Like August 23, 2024
"True, But I rather hang out with new folk, It helps with my Social Anxiety...Also I didn't just come over here cause I hoped to meet somepony new." She would've suddenly pointed at her VERY much broken and mangled looking wing, It almost looked like she had recently been in a fight or 3 !
Like August 23, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would pull himself to the booth. His body was slightly burned, mainly second degree burns and melted hairs. He had a few cuts on his sides. He would cough some smoke out, before speaking.* So, I opened one of my portable hot air balloons, and it exploded in my face...
Like August 22, 2024
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Nitroxus Soulspins
I mean its only 2nd Degree Burns right? I quite surprised that I'm still able to walk and function. Still in pain, yet not in nerve wrecking pain. Still, I could be in an adrenaline rush. So I'm not in shock. *He would stand still, waiting her for to work.*
Like August 23, 2024
Asuka Yakushi
Asuka gently guides Nitroxus onto the chair in the middle of the tent before she begins using her towel to clean the blood from his cuts. She then begins to dab some of the antiseptic onto the cuts with the towel. The is followed by her lathering burn gel onto the burns, then wrapping the cuts, and ... View More
Like August 23, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
I don't want to go against a doctor's orders, yet I'm not at death's door. Then again, probably for the best. I can't exactly dig my way to the doctor like this.
Like August 23, 2024
Bright Brave
BriBra slumped onto a medical cot, obviously suffering from too much, ice cream, Latin food, kisses, and scare house experiences. Not to mention the sharp tongue of one shaped large pretty mare. "Medic!" He groaned out lowdly.
Like August 23, 2024 Edited
Asuka Yakushi
Asuka gives her newest patient a look over, then raises an eyebrow. "Are you just looking for a place to find a nap?"
Like August 23, 2024
Bright Brave
"Plz. Dilaudid. The pain...." The big war horse dramatically threw his hoof over his face, moaning.
Like August 23, 2024