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by on January 7, 2025
Beautiful Love, the younger sister of PB. Though separated from each other at her birth Beautiful Love was put up for adoption in a foster home within the multuverse. Now was the foster home a good one only time would tell. 
As a filly Beautiful Love had to put all her faith in the caretakers provided for her and the others. She was a special foal one of the few born as an alicorn. Those with control over the foster homes' finances treated Beautiful Love better than the other fillies and foals. Their hope was to be heavily rewarded by the one who would adopt Beautiful Love. Though the nanny of all the children deemed it best that all children be loved and cared for regardless of their appearance and worth. The nanny did her best and protected the children even when the one in control of their financial situation was embezzling funds.
Beautiful Love grew up a bit and learned to be a child much like the others not becoming a spoiled child like most thought she'd become. Eventually she was adopted by none other than Princess Luna who caught wind of the young filly who just so happened to also be an alicorn as well as have a similar coat color albeit brighter in comparison. Beautiful Love was eventually taken care of by Luna and 2 unique guards under Luna that were different from the normal bat pony guards. 
Now the universe she was in was very similar to the main core of the multiverse. The rulers being Princess Celestia and Princess Luna a bit after Twilight's crowning as the princess of friendship. The only difference being that the former castle of the sun and moon princesses was being rebuilt as a library and historical building with the old design shining through.
Due to these simple differences of the universes within the multiverse PB had a hard time finding her beloved little sister not to mention the differences of time as time also flows differently in some of the universes at times. She continues to try and find any additional information to be able to find her little sister. In order to get that info though she must at least start with the hospital or the foster system in the universe she remembered her little sister being into start and hope for the best.
Post in: Lore
Topics: siblings, locations
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