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Nar Yakushi
by on March 21, 2025
12:07 AM, Winston's Arcane Technologies Headquarters, Vanhoover.
A security guard sounds off over his radio. Nothing to report on his patrol.
After the recent vandalism of multiple of the company's properties, every property of Winston's Arcane Technologies has seen a significant upgrade in security. New cameras everywhere, extra security guards, and even some experimental arcanotech developed by Winston himself. It's been a few days since the vandal last struck, and this guard doubts the vandal will strike again with all the extra security. Even if he does, he's going to be caught for sure. Winston's called in help from the big guns.
A blue door marked with a star opens on the side of a rooftop entrance to a brick building. The buildings real door sits only a few feet away, on a different side of the brick square acting as the rooftop access point. A figure clad in black exits from the threshold of white from beyond the door. It appears to be a unicorn wearing a black hoodie, black jeans, a black bandana over their mouth, a pair of metal aviator goggles over their eyes, and a pair of modified rollerblades on their feet. As soon as the rollerblades on their feet hit the rooftop, they take off to the north, towards the imposing silhouette of headquarters of Winston's Arcane Technologies.
Nar jumps the gap between two buildings, vaults over a small stone wall to access another's rooftop. In one ear under the hoodie he's wearing, is an earbud, which Aki's voice is currently speaking to him through. "No guards on your approach. I've switched their camera feeds. They probably won't notice anything for about five minutes." Under his bandana, Nar smirks. "That's all I need." He jumps into a wall-cling on the side of a nearby building, then hops once more to clear a wire fence atop a building on the outer perimeter of the headquarters. Nar lands atop the small building, then proceeds along a route Aki had planned for him earlier. After some brief acrobatics, Nar manages to make it to a landing on the 5th floor of the HQ, which is easily visible from the street to the south of the HQ. A can of spray paint is removed from his hoodie, then, Nar begins his work.
3 minutes into his piece, Aki's voice comes through Nar's earbud again. "Hey, Nar. I think I just saw something on one of the cameras near the plaza. Looked like something, or someone, just took off." Suddenly, Nar feels the hairs on his back stand up. He stuffs the can of spray paint into his hoodie, then turns to head back out VIA the route he took to get in. He hears a distinct popping sound from his left, and just narrowly avoids some sort of object that was about to hit his side. As Nar leaps from the landing towards the outer building, he risks a look over his shoulder. What he sees is a pegasus in some sort of tactical rig discarding a used taser as he begins to pursue him.
The wheels of Nar's skates hit the rooftop, and he gains a sudden burst of speed. Beams from high powered flashlights begin to light the sky like tiny spotlights. Behind Nar, the pegasus continues his pursuit. Nar finds an elevated point on the outer building's roof, and uses it to clear the wire fence. He lands hard on a nearby building, but scrambles to his feet to keep moving. He can hear Aki's voice in his ear, but he isn't paying enough attention to actually listen. He's more focused on making his escape.
Nar vaults over the side of the building onto the lower roof of another building, just in time to evade a swoop from the pegasus. He hurries to the other side of the building, where he spots a drain that goes to the ground floor. With some tricky acrobatics, Nar manages to vault the edge of the roof, but grab the ledge to swing himself back towards the wall. He then grabs hold of the drain pipe with his other hand, and begins to slide down the drain as the pegasus turns to follow. By the time Nar makes it to the ground, he feels like he's lost at least two layers of skin to the friction of his hands sliding down the metal pipe. No time to worry about that though. The pegasus is approaching fast.
Nar exits the alleyway he'd slid down into, and quickly pivots to head east. There's an Astral Highway door in the side of a building just 3 blocks down. He just needs to make it there, then, he'll be home free. Hopefully.
Another swoop from the pegasus is barely evaded. Nar powerslides to a stop in front of a blue door marked with a glowing store set in the side of a small hobby shop. He flings the door open, and leaps into the threshold of glowing white behind it, slamming the door closed behind him.
Nar emerges out onto a dirt path in the middle of a dense forest. He begins down the path, only looking back to see where the door he entered from is. He sees a blue door in the side of a large redwood tree. Then, the door slams open, and the pegasus emerges through the threshold of white. Oh shit! He didn't stop at the door! Nar kicks his skates back to full throttle, and blitzes down the dirt path. The arcane modifications making the bumpy dirt a non-issue. He quickly grabs a large tree branch, and uses it to fling himself into the forest, causing his pursuer to overshoot, and need to turn back to continue the chase.
There's another distinct, but much louder POP from behind Nar, and a tree branch is snapped above him. Okay! So he's using a GUN now! Judging by the lack of a follow up, it could have just been a warning shot, but Nar isn't willing to stick around to find out.
For around 10 minutes, Nar navigates the endless forest. After the first gunshot, he doesn't hear the pegasus anymore. After five minutes, he looks over his shoulder, and does not see the pegasus, or any movement in the trees. After ten minutes, Nar is certain he's clear. To his surprise, he manages to find another light blue door inside another tree, far off of the path, and opens it to enter.
When Nar emerges back out into Vanhoover, he feels his phone buzz multiple times from texts it received while out of service. He'll have to check them later. They're probably all from Aki anyway. Oh, right! Aki! Nar lifts his smart watch to his face, and pulls down his bandana. "Managed to escape whoever that was. Sit tight. Gonna take another route back." Then, Aki's voice, full of worry, begins to bombard him with questions. The only answer he gives her is "I'll tell you when I get back."
Post in: Lore
Topics: chase
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