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by on May 18, 2018
Once there was a big Godzilla Cambia
355 views 3 likes
by on May 18, 2018
The Slurpee Legion and I have taken over Ponyville! Twilight Sparkle is now a permanent guest at one of my seven Slurpee hotels! I dare you to find her if you can!
310 views 2 likes
by on May 17, 2018
Do you know what is like when you try your hardest on something but it seems like what ever you do it bites you in the flank? That what im having trouble with, when ever I go to school and try to do my work Its ether something i don't understand or When i turn in a missing assignment and My parents Complain about my grades. Sometimes i feel so useless...anyway This is my first letter ever so here you go... From Jacko
299 views 1 like
by on May 16, 2018
Poem 1: No one is red Birdsong is blue (I think) Now that I'm bored what do I do? Poem 2: To Lonna Kitty your really pretty Poem 3: Happy Amazing Really kind ...
314 views 0 likes
by on May 14, 2018
I have lost my love. She said would be back, but for now my heart is broken till she returns in a new form. I gravely miss her and I have been trying hard to keep strong, but I don't know how much longer I can fake and say everything is hunky dory or being happy like I never met her...... (The next line where smudged by Wolf's tears) I h___ _o much f___ __r leaving. I ____ her back. I want my m___ __at I l____ and that l___ me back. Sincerely Wolf
319 views 2 likes
by on May 14, 2018
I have been given an incredible task by the royal sisters! I am to study the fine arts (and other such things) across Equestria and beyond! Starting tomorrow I will begin my task as Princess Luna's "pupil". Princess Celestia thinks it will be beneficial for the both of us to engage in the cultures of the world under a new perspective, although it might be awkward with Princess Luna staying behind in Canterlot... I hope I can replicate the new art forms I learn accurately enough to her. I don't w...
346 views 0 likes
by on May 12, 2018
"i dont see the point in having friends when your ignored by everypony. when nopony pays you any mind, when even if you have "friends" none of them wain to do anything with you. why. why dose nopony care about me. why dose it seem like i dont exist. sorry for my depressed ramblings its my problem you dont need to let it worry you sorry" - soul
327 views 0 likes
by on May 12, 2018
Today I learned to control my shyness when it comes to new people so that I can work on being less aqward, I also learned that your friends can be the best people to confide in even if you don't know them well.
305 views 1 like
by on May 10, 2018
I love you... you know who you are.
400 views 10 likes
by on May 9, 2018
- "Celestia and Luna: Your crates will have a slightly delay, because catching dark salmon is hard, why do you want salmon, Equestrians don't eat that, we do, but if you wanna try them out then fine, just a little more." - "Cambia: is resurrecting the dead again, we're not responsible of what she does next." - "Snow: visited a couple of days ago, and is flirting with the biggest mares there is, she's so small probably would fit in their saddlebags." - "Charlie: only visited to buy Egyptian ...
338 views 2 likes
by on May 8, 2018
Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned that being nice doesn't mean you have to suffer because of it. Sometimes you want to be a great help to other ponies, but you ended up sacreficing yourself or being used. I had a teacher who is known for her wisdom and assertiveness. She told me a story when a young woman came to her house and asked for charity money for orphans. She refused to give any money, but she still wanted to help by donating food and paying for the school fee although I knew s...
314 views 3 likes
by on May 8, 2018
Colors: Pink,purple, and teal Gender: Female Pony: Unicorn Hobbies: Magic and spells Achievements: The Pink Hearts of Equestria ...
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