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From coast to coast, ponies from all over equestria come to see the cool booths stories and crafts others have made! If you have skills or talent, this is the perfect t... More

Wall Comment

Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
*Aurora would be sitting in a booth with a sign that says "Life's Lemonade and Sweets " on it. This would be the goddess's first time in a while interacting with ponies that didn't involve taking them... View More
7 people like this.
Sprouting Bulb
"...wait, if life's making lemonade, then who gave life lemons?"
Like August 6, 2024
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Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
So what do you think?
Like August 8, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Cold...perfect!" She beamed. "Thanks! Canterlot heat is too much, even for my cold-blooded body..."
Like August 8, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
You're welcome
Like August 8, 2024
"Hey," Tality said, coming up to the stand. "Haven't seen you around before, and I remember every alicorn I meet." She pauses, suddenly, frowning, studying the queen, "Have I ... seen you somewhere before?"
Like August 6, 2024
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Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Ah that's okay dear. Just be mindful of the others while you're here ok?
Like August 8, 2024
"Haha ... " Tality sweat bullets as her master plan to help Aurora bake more goods in a hurry to get to spend more time with her blew up in her face. She had really meant it as a joke, but she really hadn't planned it out in advance enough to realize it was never going to work. Probably because Auro... View More
Like August 8, 2024 Edited
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Like August 10, 2024
Mystral Callous
“Royal sweets from an Alicorn? Please miss, show me what you have.” Their eyes widened at the sign and immediately trotted to the stall, nudging a pony or two to the side.
Like August 6, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Easy now dear, be patient.
Like August 6, 2024
Mystral Callous
"Ah.. My sincerest apologies. This seems like a once-in-a-lifetime chance to taste exclusive delicacies like these. I've never tasted products from an alicorn of all culinarians." The unicorn seemed to have a strange fondness for sweets. Mystral grabbed a notebook, a quill and their coinpurse. "What... View More
Like August 7, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Well it really depends on what you prefer as I have cakes of all kinds same for pies and so on,all made by myself at my castle. I also have lemonade and pink lemonade if you're thirsty.
Like August 7, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Lemonade? What flavors do you have? *He was hoping she had a green colored one, of any flavor.*
Like August 6, 2024
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Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Actually you can, it could go down the windpipe if you drink it too quickly.
Like August 10, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Wait what? *Nitroxus would blink in shock. In all of his life, he never choked from drinking. Which is both impressive, and also very concerning.*
Like August 10, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Now then would you like anything else?
Like August 11, 2024