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"If you have an issue with pineapple pizza, I believe your heart lacks sweetness. I vote for pineapple to be included, maybe anchovies too - I hear they're pretty good on pizza." Ephemeria Spring chimed in, having casually strolled in and inserted herself into the scene like a perfectly fitting Jenga piece. It was easier than having to explain she may have slept in for the day while also forgetting the details of the party until she found the tattered pamphlet. "Mm... then again, you might need to get a doctor if you manage to find out your heart *is* sweet."
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
*chuckles a bit* Of course I have standards, that's why I wont eat something that's intelligent enough to have a conversation with. Which, in this place has been about everything I would normally eat. However, thanks to Comp, *nods appreciatively towards Comp* I now know that you are advanced enough to produce vat meat. Yes its spongier than normal meat but it should still satisfy my dietary requirements.
was writing all the requests down as fast as she could. She then took a deep breath and quoted, she breathed out and breathed in again, rubbed a bead of sweat off her brow and continued, elbowed discreetly and muttered, nodded and continued, took a second to breath and continued, looked up from her notebook back at the crowd of users bickering about their choices on pizza toppings. looked back at and shrugged. blinked.
Silverspark:playing with the claw machine seeing all the cool plushies there is a few she is trying to get one that look like Fluttershy she almost had it but notice a red dot moving where she was standing and missed the toy she was after and see the Lazer came from Ghostbit
Silverspark:watch that ghost rabbit vanished she found some carrots and set it near before going back too the claw machine trying again to get the Fluttershy plushie and finally got her ended up two somehow "huh what luck maybe I will give the extra to somepony who wants her