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"Maybe~" Sylvia smiles as she allows him to lead her. "You know...Part of me wants to split....But I'm not to sure how that will affect the child." She would say. Of course, she didn't think about how that sentence sounded since she was talking about her technique to bend reality a little and give her other two personalities their own physical forms so that they all are active in the world as three instead of one.
Sky who had been busy watching the chaos of everyone fighting over pizza unfold before his draconian eyes would look back to Misty with an amused chuckle. "Yeah uh everything sorta turns in to a battleground when there is pizza on the line. Or food in general really. I'm not saying I'm any better of course."
He stops as he considers that, "It is possible that they would be fine but it would also be possible that they would all be pregnant," he says, "You would also be creating two additional beings within the already existing ones and merging back together would mean you would have to merge those additional beings together as well who may or may not go along with the merge... it could be disastrous," he says worried
"Dont say that Elizabeth." Obsilion would say sternly, suddenly becoming a bit serious. "Its no competition..It has never been about if either of you were enough for me....That's not how love with Requians work....Its been about love you both. Nothing more, nothing less. I do not love either of you more than the other.......Dont think so little of yourself.." he would say the last part with a soft sigh as he gently pat her head.
"Pizza talk only leads to divided, [i], opinions. Pineapples are still unequivocally compatible with pizza. Well, most of the time - a single piece can overwhelm quite a few toppings." Ephemeria shrugged through whatever mechanical means an equine body would do to present a shrug, and pranced around the outer boundaries of the dance floor. It wasn't her kind of venue and breaking off on her own might end up being rather counterproductive, so she was lucky it felt spacious enough to promote some level of walking around in order to get a peek at the decor. "Oh! It might be necessary to leave a tip. It's... not sounding like a conventional order, to say the least."
*Nitroxus would been tearing up, as he ate his first slice of his choice in pizza. His first bite, as the cheese touched his tastebuds was to amazing. He sighed after his second bite, leaving his mouth to water so effortlessly. Before his fourth, he would moan in pleasure that the garlic and tomato combined acidic taste would dance along the roof of his month. Merely taking the final bite of the first bite, Nitroxus would already be blushing bright red. The sheer divine taste of this pizza was enough to make the stallion go to the cook and ask for their hoof in marriage. Finally eat the crust, the delicate crunch of the baked bread with light seasoning from the pizza was enough to make Nitroxus's mane to shock itself. Growing goosebumps on his flesh, Nitroxus would dance into his own mind, while slowly enjoying this pizza.* If I may, may I request another?