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Group Info
Martin Sinclair
Welcome to the rifle coffee shop we are serving some of the best coffee with a taste of liberty and constitutional rights.
this group is not mind for role-play but for p... More
Martin Sinclair
hello all customers great news my review of Cold Brew coming up beginning of next week plus I want to make a public announcement of highly important there is a new contagious disease going on this web... View More
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Ephemeria Spring
Like January 30, 2020
Like January 30, 2020
Martin Sinclair
(re-upload sanctioned by the administrators ) New Gun Control Bill Encourages Financial Institutions to Report 'Suspicious' Firearm Transactions #2A #shallnotbeinfringed #guncontrol
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Martin Sinclair
20 "Facts" About Guns (and Their Owners) #2A #shallnotbeinfringed
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Martin Sinclair
we are getting close to the holiday of veterans day to commemorate this I will create a speech and posted in here to remind our young people we are still at war but not in the trench or the desert but... View More
Angel Wingate heart
Florida Man Investigated for Pro-Gun Meme
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This is my county and I work in Weston I feel personally attacked
Like October 19, 2019 Edited
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Angel Wingate heart
Like October 19, 2019
Angel Wingate heart
you feel you got personal insulted because a video was talking about the area you're living that's just showing my point some people don't have a backbone and humanity f***** beyond belief
Like October 19, 2019
Dream Vezpyre
Bruh say sike right now.
Like October 19, 2019
Evenfall Lexicon
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Quick Heal
Like October 10, 2019
my brain had a hard time processing the Old English and it tool me longer to read than a page of Harry Potter
Like October 12, 2019
ummmm What?
Like October 11, 2019
Quick Heal
idk... i was asked to do that. i didn't even read it lol.
Like October 12, 2019
Angel Wingate heart
Martin Sinclair
hey guys sorry for a leg of consent something f***** up happened in my family but I want to talk about a special Kind of People and this website it's called the hypocrite I just encountered one today ... View More
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Polo Fastter
and don't use a glass breaker in a glass house as well
Like October 3, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Reading this post be like
Like October 4, 2019
Martin Sinclair
Colt have always been one of my favorites that's why I was so happy finding this article
Angel Wingate heart
in case you're curious how effect for A M60 will be on distance of 5 yards
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Nice gun
Like September 21, 2019
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