Vladimir Rudenko
Ok. I joined. Got a few quick question. Is this based on the scenario from EaW? And if so, is there a civil war, and the threat of a changeling invasion, or anything like that?
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Shadow Wing is walking around the medical office wondering when he and his staff will come of any real use to Daybreaker and her regime.
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[ Commander Wyatt Ryder Midnight Star ]
Today was a slightly more complicated day, for Daybreaker. It'd been a while since they'd retaken the East Coast from the Stalliongradine forces. But, after si... View More
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Wyatt walked in then, seeming rather stressed what with what had been happening recently... He mainly dealt with the home front, although was happy to help"My love." he smiled, leaning down and kissing her cheek. "How's the war going?" Wyatt asked, running a hand down her body soothingly.
November 17, 2019
Wyatt nodded to her. "That's the thing. We only need to do it one at a time. We don't need to commit our forces to two attacks. Lessening the hold on on front, will free up troops to support the other, and the stalemate could end." he suggested to her, nuzzling his mare. "But yes, we should ramp up ... View More
November 18, 2019
".. Hmm.. Hmmmm.." An idea had struck her mind.. A dangerous one, no doubt.. but... one that might prove to be valuable to the Imperium.
November 18, 2019
Wyatt looked to her. "Yes, love?" he asked her, wondering what Daybreaker was thinking.
November 19, 2019
A mare made her way up to the room, a stern expression across her face. It had only been recently that she had been appointed General Advisor and was a bit nervous about it. She didn't want to mess up, especially where one mistake could turn into a life lost. She wondered why she was being summoned ... View More
November 18, 2019
She then sighed as she looked back at the maps. A stalemate. The Imperium just didn't have the numbers to make further progress....
November 21, 2019
Honey Glow walked in. "Is there anything me and the other medics can do to help with the war, Daybreaker?" She asked nervously afraid of offending the princess.
November 21, 2019
Daybreaker would look back. "Mmm... Well, we do have combat medics already out in the field. And the guards and Inquisitors are going to need their own medic teams.. The best thing you can do right now, I would say, is to remain vigilant.... Lulamoon was attacked recently... And from what I've heard... View More
November 24, 2019
November 17, 2019
Nurse Honey Gloom is the third highest ranking medic. She is kind and has a gentle touch when dealing with patients. She excels with diagnosing. psychological disorders and is qualified to write prescriptions to treat the patients that suffer from them.
Solar Star is Honey Gloom's intern as she learns more than her days in medic school since coming under Honey's tutelage. She usually only handles giving out prescription drugs to the soldiers that have a script for them.
Shadow Wing is the highest ranking medic dealing only with the cases of life and death of Daybreaker's soldiers. He usually keeps to himself when not on shift.
Midnight Venture handles the less serious cases such as amputees, broken bones and other injuries that aren't quite as life threatening. He usually has a smile on his face when talking to his patients.
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Honey Glow walked into Daybreaker's castle. She looks around for anypony to lead her to the living quarters.
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Her ears fold back. "I've signed up as a medic for the Guard Unit, sir." She replied with a confident but respectful tone in her voice.
November 17, 2019
She nodded as a slight smile grows across her face while she follows him to the infirmary.
November 17, 2019
It was... rediculously hot today. Everyone was sweltering, even Daybreaker herself.
This wasn't really helping her situation. Currently she was in the War room, staring at a map of Equestria, which ... View More
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*Hymn entered the doorway, pausing to knock on the doorway as she does* Empress? Are you alright? *behind her, a rather scraggly unicorn hanging back behind, watching Daybreaker with wide, watching and curious eyes, the stallion was sweating profusely while Hymn (who was from a tropical environment)... View More
She chuckles to Sparkler again. "I don't really get it either. but, I'm not complaining. It's a welcome change from the stuffiness of nobles."
October 29, 2019
Wyatt's instant response, at least in his mind, was 'yes'. But... Some part of him wanted to remain professional... "No, it's... It's fine." he stated to Hymn, clearly mustering up what willpower he could.
October 29, 2019
Wyatt came inside, smiling at her. Wyatt had been subjected to far worse heat than this, but even he had some droplets of sweat on his body. "My love? Are you okay?" he asked her, a lot of those reports would be Wyatt's own handiwork.
October 28, 2019
The sounds of wodden staves smacking into eachother could be heard, echoing out through the moonlit training yard. It was way past curfew. They really shouldn't be out here, no doubt ... View More
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Wyatt was watching the girls and then moved into the training yard. "Wrong. Your hoofwork needs work." he stated to Applebloom and steps forwards into Luna's moonlight. He really was sneaky as he was watching for a few minutes and they hadn't noticed him. "What are you three doing out here at this t... View More
October 25, 2019
They all give a sharp nod. In perfect sync. "Yes, Sir. Understood."
October 26, 2019
They swiftly and obediently begin gathering the equipment they were using, and began to make their way inside.
Neon watched. Her expression was deadpan as she approached the group. "Little late to be doing this, don't you think?" She asked while approaching the group
October 25, 2019
“How’s about this? You can continue your practice. If anyone gives you trouble, tell them I allowed it. I’m sure they’ll understand. If not, then I’ll try my best to make sure you get trained by my best.” She reassured while approaching the group. Her attire becoming more exposed
October 26, 2019
"I'm afraid, your proposed idea won't quite work, as nice as it sounds, Ma'am. We follow a strict chain of command, and any commands or otherwise actions that require authority coming from outside that chain, to the best of my understanding, carry no weight." Scootaloo says.
October 26, 2019
“I’m a fellow princess. One to an aligned kingdom that wishes to aid in this war. I understand though what you mean. I’d hate to run into Celestia at this time anyways.”
October 26, 2019
Daybreaker stood in the plaza in front of her former school for gifted unicorns, the rubble since cleared away. It was hardly even recognizable.
It'd been a week since she'd had that nightmare. In f... View More
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Wyatt was stood by her, making sure no pony got too close, but also was showing support for his mare during this time as best he could. He was stood... Maybe a tad too close, but not that anypony would notice.
October 18, 2019
Wyatt nodded to her. "I agree, love." he smiled side at his mare, holding her close.
October 22, 2019
She sighs. "Once this is all over.. Today's stuff, that is... Let's spend time together.~ Proper time together. Get out of Canterlot for a bit."
October 22, 2019
He seemed to brighten up at that. "I'd love that, so much." Wyatt agreed with his mare. He adored spending quality time with her.
October 22, 2019
Neon stood behind her with her hoof kicking the ground. Her hoof managed to catch a rock which flung itself towards her hind leg. "I see your war is taking a turn. Let me know if you're still interested in my aid"
October 18, 2019
"I understand. Even merely material aid is welcome. Doesn't matter much what it is to me. Help as you see fit, whatever works best for your kingdom" She says.
October 21, 2019
Neon nodded while looking back. "I'll call on my army to help out."
October 21, 2019
She nods softly. "If that is how you deem fit." she says softly, continuing the preparations for the monument in front of her.
October 22, 2019