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I'm not very good at making friends and sometimes I feel very lonely at night. I guess I just came here hoping that maybe I could imagine I'm spending time with some of the characters I really like around here, but I'm not really sure how to introduce myself or what to do to make people like me. We'll see what happens.
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i'm so sorry for worrying you all today, friends. i'm sorry. i've been fighting and fighting and fighting depression and trying to hide it so it doesn't bother anyone and i let it go to a very bad pla... View More
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Maxh Vezpyre
T's fine, you're not the only one in the world with depression, so hiding it does nothing, you don't need to be a super scientist to be interesting ;p big props on punctuation and spelling, which is something I really lack about. Take it easy and pursue these comics.
June 2, 2019

Looking for Friends
thank you.
June 2, 2019

Cynbel Ferode
Kinda missed what was going on today, but I'm glad that you've calmed down. I looked back at the post, and it seems everyone said all that needed to be said.
I can only hope that things get better for you. I'm sure a lot of people have already offered, but if you need to talk, my DMs are open. I re... View More
June 2, 2019

Looking for Friends
Thank you.
June 2, 2019

Tell someone.
The more you hide it, the worse it gets.
June 2, 2019

Caitlin Meowskivitz
I've been there buddy. Trust me. You're okay.
June 12, 2019
Great. I'm crying again. I really hope I can get this under control before I have to go to work.
1 person liked this.
Relish tears, for they are a sign that your soul is still capable of feeling some emotion.
Do not feel shame at those for judge you for those tears, for those that do so are merely blessed enough to not understand their need.
And definitely hope you never reach a point where tears are far away, fo... View More
*Nitroxus bowed* I hope you enjoy your time here.
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If I don't go to bed soon, I'm just going to get sick. Thank you to everyone who spoke to me tonight. I know it sounds silly, but you really did make my night a little less lonely. It meant a lot to m... View More
I really wish Pinkie Pie was real. It wouldn't be so scary to make friends living in a town with someone as friendly and extroverted as her. Instead I'm stuck not knowing who to talk to, how to introd... View More
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Yeah, I live in a little redneck country town in the middle of nowhere. Bronies aren't really socially acceptable here. Nothing I do is. It's hard to be a shy nerd in the middle of Redneck Town.
May 27, 2019
Well, you're doing it right online, at least. For one thing, your spelling and grammar is on point! It might seem like a minor thing but it shows you put in effort. It carries over to the real world to a certain degree as well: if you put in effort when you talk to someone (and they're in the mood t... View More
May 27, 2019
Yeah. I know that pain. That's the thing. I start to make friends with people and they like me because I make them laugh and all... Then I admit I like cartoons and instantly they just zone out and want nothing to do with me, like I'm a dirty person or something for liking animation. It happens ever... View More
May 28, 2019
Well, that really does suck and I don't know why that keeps happening but that's definitely a them problem! Heaps of people like cartoons, some of them just call it anime is all...
May 28, 2019
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