
The battle continues! We will not let up until we have won! Stay true to the cause and we will secure victory!
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Starlit Spackle
Down with phoenix!
November 29, 2022
Ban Phoebe!
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// I agree, ban him from being a user, make him the head admin
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Well this page didn't age that well...
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Bro by making this page you're not just stroking his ego, you're giving it a full on handjob. With lube and everything smh...
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All I need is for the admins to take notice so that they will take action and finally ban him. I'll make the small sacrifice if it means we can finally RP without his stupidposting.
Either play along and have fun with it or just ignore it. Bitching about it doesnt help anything
So I have easy access to see the horrible things people say about me. Also, come on, everyone knows my ego can't possibly get any bigger.
Our cause is as strong as ever! It's time to make change for the better! #banphoenix
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