January 16, 2019
Prohibited, forgotten to time, volatile, dangerous, life-threatening, this are but a few warnings when dealing with this type of magic, the mother of all curses, corruptions, obscure summonings, all of them comes from one principle, to harm or inflict several damage.
Warlocks, Witches, Voodoo practitioners, all of them possess an array of knowledge and many of them have paid the ultimate price to obtain such strength, a life or a chunk of their own, or countless lives from different sources.
The only way one could obtain great advancement in this type of learning, is by being or becoming immortal, where it could sap your lifeforce for all eternity in exchange of great power, it is the reason many warlocks overtime cheated death by soulstoring themselves in great sarcophagus, they went through rigorous rituals in order to extend their lives, for this parasitic magic to continue it's course of power granting, they tricked the very source of magic into tapping it's nature infinitely.
Some would resurrect themselves as powerful undead, a Lich, finding a way to continue growing without the Grim Reaper's bothersome appearance.
Along the lines, the Sanguine themselves found this magic to suit them best, by being already immortal beings, they utilized this dark power for their advantage, becoming fearsome warlocks on their times, to find new ways to control their hunger, or control someone by far distances, even to the point of being immune to the same sun light.
Malediction is actually the root of everything that is evil, from a small lie, to extinguish an innocent life, everything on that regard has the potential to become magic, a curse.
Practitioners of malediction often finds themselves troubled, or better known as crazed wizards, someone who lost any reasoning and well being onto caring about nothing but to obtain more power, they want to utilize anything and anyone for their own magical prowess increase, even by this, dark practitioners often shows themselves with a withered look, fragile bodies that looks like they could turn into dust by a single touch, do not be fooled by their ancient appearances, they could obliterate the very area beneath your body by a single lift of a limb, charging directly into a powerful master of the dark arts could be the last action you'll ever perform as a living being.
Discretion is advice for young curse learners in this establishment.
Although this school grants free information about basic curses, and warlock spells, dark magics WILL take your life force in exchange of mastering it's destructive nature, and most of the times shall take it without your consent. If by any chance you start to notice the following:
- Aging,
- Absurdly tiredness.
- Progressive Blindness.
- Hair Withering.
- Unexpected sickness.
Make sure to visit our healers for a thoroughly cleanse.
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December 28, 2018
Although, the curse has been discovered under unfortunate circumstances and only a selected few are afflicted by it.
A well renowned group of Explorers, discovered an old serpentine looking temple, in one of their expeditions, and unknowingly for them, or despite the warnings outside the building, they all decided to enter it's putrid cursed walls without any type of preparation, underestimating the power of the dormant creature awaiting tor them inside.
A giant serpent-like creature, cursed the entirety of the crew, among them, the treasure hunters Maxh and Khax from the Vezpyre family, binding their lives to this ancient Empress of the Vipers, thus the name that has been granted to such affliction.
Their bodies gradually shaped into serpent-like reptilians, half snake, half humanoids, over the course of their lives, it didn't occur instantaneously, the suffering only begun at their early 20's, young and naive explorers facing unknown dangers.
Today they still perform the most important type of explorations and discoveries in all Egypt, and they're able to control their afflictions to a certain degree.
It's been ten years since the incident, but the Empress hasn't shown any type of interest for her old kingdom, but her territorial zones.
Egypt is separated into various clans, and one of them are the famous vipers. She will guard her territory with a nearly uncrushable power from those who dare to step into her doors, just like how she did thousands of years ago in her youth.
Viperess, as she kindly named herself, was the youngest sister of the Moon and Sun goddess, being only a young girl, she's been often threated horrible by her family. Her entire life knew nothing but the sole purpose of obtaining power, ultimately to take the throne she rightfully deserves.
On her teenager days, despite her sisters being often busy by their royal duties, Viperess found herself adoring the forgotten and prohibited arts of dark magic. Her fascination grew to such extents that her mind would eventually start to seek more, and more, to the point of madness.
Dark magic is, just as powerful than any kind of magic, if not even more powerful, but it cost one's sanity, it taxes on one's body, or even lifespan, something she had infinitely of, becoming the greatest vessel for this school to be growth into immeasurable magnitudes.
Viperess was also a skilled poisoner and arcane practitioner, being able to shape her arcane magic into green venomous fire, or exhale a toxic cloud of burning death upon her enemies, even finding herself being bitten by the most toxic of creatures, including subjecting herself to thousands of snake bites, in order to develop an immunity to said toxicities. The process was told by her to be the most horrid type of pains ever, like fire ants bitting you from the inside, for nearly an hour, passing out from each session until she grew accustomed to it.
Immortality had it's perks and she knew exactly how to use them, to make herself stronger. Something she achieved overtime.
She quickly earned followers, and a lot of attention from followers that would also offer her a snake in signal of good fortune, days were dedicated only to her, something her sisters found rather annoying.
But everything eventually came to an end, when one of her followers, which was believed was an outsider sent by her sisters, to infiltrate her secret cults, came to light the fact that she's been desecrating her rightful to the throne by practicing dark magic, an act of treason for the gods who feared this unholy power.
And yet, not even her sisters couldn't stop her, it didn't matter if they found out about her betrayal, Viperess already grew so strong, it was the most powerful warlock Egypt has even seen, she couldn't be killed, nor wounder, magic bounced off her like a rubber ball against an iron wall, leaving no other choice but to unite strength among god's and mortals who found her practices also an abomination, in order to cast a single spell, to lock her away in a dormant sleep. They built up a serpentine temple, where they left her to sleep forever, and never be found ever again.
Not only they locked her away, but also did her followers, dooming them to die within these walls with their so-called Empress forever.
And yet...
Viperess: "The world of the dreams, didn't stop me to keep on refining my powers, they only locked me away because they feared me, fear that I would take my inevitable vengeance against my family, and these pesky sisters of mine, on a time in which my popularity blinded me, and made me feel... happy, wanted.
My children's... they even dared to lock my children's to their fragile fate, but I wouldn't allow that. I bound them with me from the dream world, giving them a long lasting life within my imprisonment, they took care of me in my everlasting dreams, guarding my jail, mutating into their serpentine true form as how I did, it helped them survive as how I know it'll help my newly found children's as well. A dream in which a big group of adventurous would finally open our imprisonment, oh... I cannot wait to take them under my claws.
They're a fragment of me, and they live because I saved them, I am... a good mother."
(She wishes not to be interviewed, for the time being, it will take months for her to be in the same mood again)
Information about their Empress can be found in the separated library, of mythical gods and goddesses.
- Like any reptile creature, you may notice the already discouragement for extreme cold temperatures. Hibernation may occur after being exposed for too long under zero.
- Although they possess enhanced body properties, they're still mortals, any type of lethal force could stop them, like the Lycans it needs to be fatal.
- If a viper were to travel away from their homeland, their bodies become normalized, weakened by the missing aura of their Empress, their sight is significantly reduced, and cannot perform shapeshifting while in foreigner lands.
- Like the Lycans, they can also be killed by the only type of toxic that defies any normal boundaries, Viperess herself still is impressed by this concoction. She even tried to build and immunity by it, but it was unsuccessful, a simple injection of it was enough to knock her out unconscious for years. She realized it wasn't worth to try anymore. Finding respect for it's unknown powers.
- Although they can easily control their affliction, they cannot deny their mother's call, like mindless zombies if they're send to die for her, they must obey. Long battles have been won by her, just by sending her combat adept children's into countless wars, to test their newly enhancements. Many of these wars have been won, others they weren't so lucky. Reducing their numbers to only a few over the time, upon her release by the Vezpyre Explorer's League.
- The vipers, or better called "Naga" may find a boost in physical power only in their homelands or wild enclosures, where their Empress rules underground. Being closer to their homeland grants them a significantly increase of strength, speed and vision. For generations many raids have been attempted at the Empress lands, and every single one of them failed due for this strange magical aura.
"Come my children, do not be afraid, I'm here with you." - Viperess voice echoing whenever one of her subjects feels a surge of power, once near her territory, registry fragment.
- This has proven to be quite useful for the Explorer's League, the ability to shift back into a reptilian-like creature, capable of burrowing themselves under the sands, and tunneling their way around, like a professional swimmer would in a pool, it has been utilized to find even more buried treasures or buildings forgotten to time.
- Just like their Empress, they're also incredibly resistant to poison, venom or other wastes that could cause severe health problems to anyone who isn't keen in the subject, Khax Vezpyre often test herself many of our alchemical poisons or even test out radioactive substance, we found no clear signals of said things afflicting any sort of damage to their bodies. Unless it's Aconitum, which proved to be nearly fatal just by testing out a single drop of it. Further testing with this substance has been prohibited since.
- Or crystal gaze, it's an unknown prowess developed by the vipers themselves, Viperess herself shows no signals of having this power, apparently by her words, her childrens develop their own strength, driven by genetic alterations over the years. Even though they can't control it yet, it's strongly advice by anyone not to stare for too long, otherwise you might end in a complete paralysis, that will fade overtime.
"My children's often shows powers that even I couldn't comprehend... it's... interesting, and makes a mother proud of it." - Viperess registry fragment.
- Although venom is a harmful substance, many of Viperess nagas, seems to produce their own type of venom with often helpful, harmful or chaotic properties, we've collected several samples individually to see their effects, many proved to be harmful, but not lethal, some would give permanent blindness, others would shut down a leg, or auditive elements.
Other venoms showed to give a boost of energy, strength, speed, underwater breathing, even wound sealing, and many others.
However every single one of them proved to be highly addictive, with a heavy loss of strength and mood as a secondary side-effect that gradually normalizes, we recommend using venomous boost, once every two days, to balance out it's addictive-driven toxins.
The School also provides antidotes for any kind of venom or poisons, if you've been accidentally grazed by their injectors, do not wait for the effect to take place, rush immediately to the infirmary. Unless you're already knowledgeable about it's effect, or willing to take it's boosting.
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/ I'll keep filling this page with curses, go give it a like, gotta dust off the ol' book of curses to fill here.
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December 28, 2018
Lycanthropy has been long ago, bound by the god of death and life Anubis, a tall man or woman with the head of a canine with unknown origin.
Although the curse is well known to bring forth the feralish sides of every afflicted, Anubis never sees their magic as something harmful but something not to be trifled with.
It's said as well, Anubis knew the goddess of the Moon (The perpetrator of the Sanguine) An ancient tablet found in one of the hidden Anubis chambers, donated by the Vezpyre family, pin point a love interest in between the two, although the fragment has been damaged by the relentless erosion of time, the WHY about a break up is still a mystery.
Lycanthropy, or wolf transformation, is a maddening occurrence by the afflicted. Anubis did not took in consideration the weakness of their followers and fanatics, turning them into bloodthirsty creatures every full moon with the features of a wolf, or a two-legged humanoid with same aspect and enhanced body structures.
We also assume that, Anubis turned their followers while still hurt by the sudden break up with the Moon goddess, creating an unstable management of feelings and sensations only driven forth by confusion and feralish rage. Every full moon, a Lycan may howl at it, in sorrow and despair, giving a hint about Anubis still missing their loved one and calling for her.
Feeling an emptiness inside that only can be quench by rampant rage, thus, the tales of Lycanthropes ransacking towns is not new, but an occurrence still happening even to this very day. Depends on the courage of one's heart, they may be able to tame their wolf within'. A weak heart filled with nothing but worries and fears is prompt to lose control, fearing about hurting their loved ones, or dread feeling of rejection, it only feeds the curse with more motivation for them to go wild, even without a full moon, they're more unstable than others. Explosive short tempered lashes, often avoiding social interactions, are but the main things to be careful about.
It is possible to control this curse, depending on how the afflicted got said malediction, if the victim contracted Lycanthropy through an attack, it'll be harder for them to control it, unlike those who drank the blood of one, willingly accepting Anubis gift.
However, easier is a loose way of saying (Not as simple), let us introduce to you, Demitri Longtail, a veteran Lycantrophe that may explain in better details, and one of the teachers from our respectable school.
(Upon this point, a quite muscular Sphinx with several scars across his face, would step forward for a brief interview, although he has a face of no friends, he's still quite a social and composed teacher)
Demitri: "Greetings new students, if you're interested in knowing about the hardships of controlling Anubis old gift, I must say, it wasn't easy, no matter how loosely they tell you here, it simply wasnt."
The Sphinx quietly takes a seat and faces the recording magical device floating by.
"It's a nightmare, it takes years for someone to overcome their wolf. But the more you learn how to control your emotions, the wolf will start to manifest itself in your dreams, or your conscious, threatening to murder your entire loved ones if you don't give in to the temptation of the hunt, but the more you refuse it, the calmer it'll grow, just how mine became but a mere puppy, afraid of me instead of the other way around. The only tip I could give to those who has the gift of Anubis, is to find a witch doctor, as they will remove the curse through days upon days of tedious healing rituals, often proving to be fatal so it was a big no to me. Or face your wolf through emotional control, don't be afraid, that's what your wild side wants, it wants you to be a scared cat, easy to pull the worse of you in a blink of an eye." As he slams his paw on the table, cracking it a bit. "... Oh sorry about that, I still got a lot to learn."
- What is the best way to control your emotions.
Demitri: "Through spiritual attunement, monks will literally beat you down the moment they find any slightly burst of rage, they will bind your body and spirit down, with you unable to do anything but to calm down, it's extreme but works the fastest, allows one to start talking with your inner wolf, if you still can't talk with them, I suggest you find a way to, the more you let it hidden the worse it is to bring it forth."
As he stroked his chin and responded with a chuckle.
"Then there's meditation, but you'll have to travel at the highest of mountains where no wilderness can be seen, as many healers will aid you with it, it's less painful but takes a deal of time too, I'll recommend this one if you're afraid of physical pain. And that's gonna be it, for more information seek me at my classroom."
(End of the brief interview.)
- Lycanthropes have a mortal weakness against silver, although not as mortal for Sanguine, they however find it's cleansing properties life-threatening. Silver is one of the purest metals in the world, often utilized in medicine in small amounts to purify and enhance it's properties. And curses being the opposite of pure, shall be highly volatile against such metal, this also includes Quicksilver or Mercury weaponry.
- We believe the work of the Moon Goddess only reminded Anubis of his lost love interest, thus focusing a big amount of rage on them, while also feeling compelled by her and incredible weak, a bite of one Sanguine may erase a werewolf.
- a concoction made specifically to bring down a Lycan, it's highly toxic, and it's even capable to inflict several damage to the Venomous Vipers.
- Proven by Demitri, Lycans do possess an higher lifespan than most of the mortals, it allows them to hunt for longer time, but even they aren't immune to the pass of time itself, a wound must be performed with ruthlessness to a Lycanthrope, if the wound is not potent enough, they will simply quickly regenerate themselves.
- If the afflicted contracted Lycanthropy through a wound, their mind becomes softer, easier to scare, they end losing control of their acts and emotions, when turned for the first time, they may witness anything happening, only adding more to the mental torture this creates. They're aware of what they've become, and may have restless nights, afraid of themselves, afraid of telling others about it. They well know how much of a threat they became, to the point of finding themselves in total solitude, they fear death like nobody else would.
- It's no wonder to be unable to defeat a werewolf with a single sword slash, or a blunt impact, gun wound even. Lycanthropes body possess enormous physical properties, allowing them regenerate at an alarming speed, even without their transformations, a normal afflicted would also regenerate quickly if they get hurt. This regeneration slows the pass of body aging by a lot.
- A Lycan in their natural transformation could outmatch a running cheetah with ease, and possess strength enough to deal incredible damage, often sending their first victim, if smaller than them, fly away by one single blow. They have cunning night vision, and like wolves, if found in packs, they could possess an entire danger for any surrounding populated areas.
- Lycanthropy is not a choice, if you manage to tell the tale of a Lycanthrope attack, immediately find the closest priest to heal and dispel the curse, any Lycan is capable of infecting others by a single slash of their claws or bite. However the most experienced ones may offer it to the willing, by drinking a bit of their blood. The effect is immediately.
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I was always a fan of the Lycanthropes in dungeons and dragons, especially the newest editions, of how they portray the curse. I've had a werebear druid for some time, and its always fun to use the curse as a pivot point in the character's story and reaction to certain situations. This is especially... View More
I do add Werebears in my lore, but I do not put them since It's still an unknown type of thing to dwell into, not until I see a werebear character so I can start adding it.
December 28, 2018
If you ever decide to include a werebear, I do recommend following the mentality d&d describes; prefers seclusion, highly protective of nature, driven towards defending rather than attacking.
December 29, 2018
The idea of creation is to make something original from an already fantasy-based idea without twisting it too much. If I were to just take from D&D then I would of be simply copying, which isn't something original to begin with ;p
That's why I've tied Lycanthropy with Anubis, and tied the whole mo... View More
December 29, 2018
December 28, 2018
The curse of the Sanguine, it's a well knowing affliction, and one of the most ancestral in Egyptian lore.
A curse laid down by an old goddess to one of his betraying followers, cursing their mere existence by a severe thirst for blood.
With the populous growing weary and afraid every year, their constant attacks created a taste of vengeance in the people, devoting themselves to learn about their weaknesses and eventually, training to fend for themselves against the Sanguine tyranny. They created the Holy Crusade, a group of highly combative holy wielding paladins with the sole purpose to exterminated them.
Overtime they were able to erase the existence of every single Sanguine or so they believed, leaving them with no other choice but to suffer from starvation, due of them being secluded and hidden from the holy wrath. Yet one man, C'onde O Drakul Anerath. managed to survive the onslaught and hid himself on his own accords.
He didn't had to suffer from the demise of many Sanguine, unlike them, he had a huge social status, a lot of wealth and could satiate himself in secret.
Thousands of years has passed since, and the Holy Crusade disbanded from their practices, as more convenient ways of fighting were born, more easier ways to tap into the holy magic, thus the creation of priest's, monks and martial artist was the first movement to reach within the populous heart.
Yet lord Drakul didn't just stood there living a wealthy life all these years. His fortune was running out, many started to suspect from the overlord, and over the years he managed to pass his curse on many of his children, which they continued the same infectious chain again, and again, and again.
They've learn how to trick and deceive like professionals scammers, and found an affinity on how much they can push their luck on blending with the people in towns and cities, often succeeding, often failing and being hunted down by newly curse hunters.
Sanguines are hard to spot at simple sight, one isn't as dumb enough to show their fangs nor their incredibly illusionist prowess. Drakul himself taught his children how to blend among the living, but many would try to rebel against their father, and get exterminated in the process. An old habit that won't die anytime soon. It said that, blend in such oblivious ways is the school of disobedience from their sons passed to future generations.
- Silver, the metal of purity used by the Holy Crusade to slay Sanguine and Lycanthropy alike, yes, Silver can and will also deal several damage to cursed entities.
- Sun light, fire, another purifying element, it's mostly tied by the old Moon goddess, the one that cursed her followers, and the Holy Crusade, who asked the goddess of the sun to stop her sister from the wrong-doings and her unholy spawns, a sibling rivalry for the most, it's why the Sanguine are the only type of cursed beings who are mortally afflicted by it.
- Holy Artifacts, as dictated, seems to be fragments of the Sun Goddess body.
- Anyone Afflicted with Lycantrophy can erase a Sanguine by a single bite, and vice-versa. It's still not described why the Lycanthrope are enemies with them, and why one bite is enough for each other to erase their existence completely.
- Safety of one's house: By the inevitable fear of being caught, a Sanguine cannot enter someone's residence without being invited first, once invited the victim can do nothing to defend themselves, they WILL be attacked and feasted on no matter the precautions beforehand. A sleepless can be put into a deep hypnosis with ease, and the sleepers shall be attacked at that moment. As soon as you don't invite them, you'll be fine and they'll find another prey to try their luck. Sanguine's cannot be persistent, they need to find another source of food somewhere else, they cannot waste any time.
Notable Frightening Features:
- Immortal beings.
- Starvation madness. The Sanguine didn't die because of starvation, but they died by losing control after not having their share of blood over the past week, they succumb themselves to a much feralish state, like a rabid dog. They gain incredible speed and strength despite their withered looks, a Sanguine that can remain without feeding for months, it's safe to assume their physical power would be enough to lift an entire building with their bare hands and their screeching shouts pierce one's ears from kilometers. However, no state of this super Sanguine has been found, the hunger is strong enough to pull them out of their hide out and be easy target practice for hunters or the Holy Crusade itself, which is the main reason of their inevitable demise. Imagine a wild boar charging at a hunter in a straight line, it's entirely the same.
- Masters of Illusion: The Sanguine had an highly and capable enough intellect to also learn different schools of magic, but the ones that suits them the most is Illusionist. Being able to fool their prey by creating images of themselves and look like they're teleporting everywhere, often confusing or charming their victims as they find it like a magic show, mixed with their highly sweet talking skills. They possess invisibility spells that can only be used when in a pinch, or to make their escape easily, however, invisibility takes too much power and may need to rest an entire day after using it, depends on how adept someone is at the school.
- Hypnotic sight: Like that one stranger looking directly into your actual direction, and you else try to face them by also looking or look away, could mean potential hypnotism depends on how stupidly brave you are, a victim that has been hypnotized, can hear the Sanguine's voice calling for them. One feels an incredible urge to follow said voice, often leading to secluded areas, the Hypnotism last for a few hours, ending in complete paralysis from both body and mind. It is clear the Sanguine achieved it's feast and you may wake up with no recognition of what happened, but a pair of punctured wounds on your neck.
- Curse Spreaders: Their curse can ONLY enter someone's body by consent, and not by just a simple bite. The victim is actually well aware that they want to be a Sanguine, breaking the purity of their body seal and letting said magic take over. The Sanguine possess secret sects knowledgeable by other mortals looking to increase their numbers. The School also offers the curse of the Sanguine.
- Nocturnal acrobats: There's actual live reports of Sanguine being incredibly agile under the moonlight, instead of the dark enclosure of a cave or a castle, it's said that, the Moon Goddess feels regret for doing such a malevolent act towards her subjects, she does whichever she can to aid them in their survival needs, ultimately to face her sister over supremacy. (This is an estimation, we have no clear information why this phenomenon occurs.)
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