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"One last mission, Siva..."
Those were the words that Ghost spoke to his AI a while back. He was wrong. Turns out, that wasn't going to be there last mission. Ghost is fortunate that he has yet to ge... View More
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Polo Fastter
January 3, 2023

4 hours after Stickman was able to free himself another signal would pop up. This time it was a signal that would alert anyone who had a communication device online. It seemed to be an SOS signal that was coming from a large forest.
January 3, 2023

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Wait... Obsilion?! What th- *I shake my head.* Knight's gonna wanna see this.
January 3, 2023

Obsilion and others
Obsilion would remain unconscious throughout the surgery.
January 3, 2023

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I would tell the surgeons to keep me updated. After, I head to the kitchen for a snack. I would see Knight, Jewel, and Skystar there.*
January 3, 2023

Obsilion and others
Obsilion would groan a bit as he slowly woke up. It has been a few hours since the surgery. He would groan as he slowly sat up and looked down at the bandaged on his body. "...Uggh....Where the hell am I?...."
January 3, 2023

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(Don't remember giving knight a Wristwatch Communicator, lol)
January 5, 2023

Knight Wolf
//Knight isnt using your PRIMITIVE gear, you cant see what is on his wrist
January 5, 2023

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(I'm giving you a hard time, calm down lol ^^;)
January 5, 2023

Obsilion and others
The egg had appeared in the jungle. It would be underground and laying in front of a large door that appeared to be made of some sort of alien material. Above him would be a large body of water as the ceiling. It seems there is some sort of gravitational energy that's keeping the water afloat above.... View More
January 5, 2023

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*As Knight went inside, I would call Kahl and we would talk about guns while I waited for Knight.*
January 7, 2023

Knight Wolf
"And I will not debate with one who does not explain itself, I do not trust you door but you have something I want, you may not trust me but I have the egg you want, in our mutual interests we must come to a compromise, or else we both get nothing," he says
January 7, 2023

Obsilion and others
//I'm going to make another post to continue this.
January 7, 2023
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