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Tony Jumano
//It's time. 12:00 Hours, Deck 2 Mess Hall As the ESV Reconnoiter reaches the edge of the Equis system, and the coordinates for the first jump are being plotted a Meet and Greet is being held in the... View More
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Approximately 10 minutes in, the hall’s door opened as Bok nonchalantly making her way right through. Her calm appearance was not a sign of passivity, case contrary: she held herself calm and collected to a dignified degree, showing elegance and an air of grandeur -that didn’t match her rather compa... View More
Like May 28, 2020
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Tony Jumano
As Bok nears the counter where the food has been laid out crew members attempt to greet her as she walks past. The food laid out on the counter is an assortment of "easy" foods such as sandwiches, and pizza with snacks like chips, pretzels, and small candies. The drinks provided come from the drink ... View More
Like May 28, 2020
Bok exchanges mostly quick greetings with everyone who approaches her on her way to the snack counter. Once there she grabs a couple slices of pizza, chips and as much candy as her plate could hold at that point, even when she was approached by this stranger who was talking to her, her attention was... View More
Like May 31, 2020
Phoenix Wind
After finishing his food Phoenix would return his tray and cutlery. Taking a look around he would see Bok making her little speech. After she had taken a seat Phoenix would move to sit across from her, Giving her a nod "Hey there Bok. You asked for me to be your first officer right? Well you just le... View More
Like May 31, 2020
Entering the mess hall a few minutes late, after the majority of the crew had already arrived, Alex stepped inside and peered around with his icy blue gaze bouncing over his fellow crew mates, who were all busy mingling or scarfing down the delicious food they were provided by the hard working cooks... View More
Like June 2, 2020
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Tony Jumano
About 20 seconds after Alex walks in a stallion sitting at one of the tables lets out a 'cat call' whistle. This is followed by one of the three other stallions sitting at the table stating "Look at action man over there." Another stallion responds "How much do you want to bet he's one of those spec... View More
Like June 3, 2020
Upon hearing action man, Alex couldn’t help but glance upwards. He didn’t even know if that was directed to him, but he was apart of security, so he only assumed it was worth taking a look. Sure enough, he met the gazes of numerous ponies, staring eagerly in his direction as they invited him over to... View More
Like June 3, 2020
Tony Jumano
"Just lookin' to chat is all." The first stallion states. "Yeah, you look like you'd be one of our guys, but we didn't see you in the briefing a few days ago." The second states. The others nod before the first speaks again. "Warrant Officer Cooper. EDC Marine Corps." The second of the two stallions... View More
Like June 6, 2020
The Ghostling Looked down at the locket he was wearing to memorize his deceased owner by Before getting up from the ground and telling the scientist "you have anything i could eat in you're cafeteria..? or something to drink...?" He said while his stomach growled as he looked around his cage trying ... View More
Like June 2, 2020
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Like June 3, 2020 Edited
Like June 3, 2020
Tony Jumano
//Oof. Sorry about the stupidly late response. Had a hard time motivating myself for replies the past few days. By now a small team of marines had entered the brig. (4 armed, and armored marines.) After talking with the Head Researcher for a few seconds the door to the cell is opened. Two marines ... View More
Like June 3, 2020
Suddenly the whole ship would shake just a little as The ghostling was told to tap into the same state he used on accident to crack his cell's window...a few second's later Engineer's were sent to the science lab as there was a large amount of damage there now. Ghostbit would float back to the grou... View More
Like June 8, 2020
// Random Fortnite Dancing :3
Like June 17, 2020
Tony Jumano
Crew of the ESV Reconnoiter
//The Captain, and First Officer positions have been filled! is now the captain of the Reconnoiter, with chosen as her First Officer! We'll begin with the first RP post tomorrow, so b... View More
Crew of the ESV Reconnoiter
//Since you can't post polls to pages I'll be posting the link to the captain poll here. Vote for whoever you like. As stated on the Info tab the captain will choose the First Officer (or be simply ha... View More
// Spooky Scary Ghostling, Sending shiver's down your spine //
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Chiller Sway
The shrieking skulls with shock your bones?
Like May 25, 2020
Crew of the ESV Reconnoiter
Right, now that all the info has been finished it's probably best you all read up on it if you'd like some insight as to how this is going to work. Captain voting will begin tomorrow, and end two days... View More
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