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Female. Lives in Lost Meadow,  Beyond Equestria. Born on May 5, 2002
Widely described as 'fairies' or 'elves' by most.
Roleplay Availability
About Me
hello!! you can call me Wren c: I'd appreciate it a whole lot if you glanced over my Misc. Info before messaging me, especially regarding an rp <3
Roleplay Type
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus climbed down a blue pipe that was in the air. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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"Oh, don't worry about me! I can get home just fine. It was lovely seeing you all again," Elle lingers by the door of an establishment, holding the door for her dear friends as they file out. "We sh... View More
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*Idropped my dagger and nodded as i unpinned you and pulled out a roll of gauze and a bottle of alcohol* Wee have a deal… My name is Ace…..
Like October 10, 2022
She places her hooves back on the forest floor, still just a little on edge. Her wings flutter a little, and then she winces - a section of one delicate wing flops limply, following behind the movements of the rest. At a closer glance, the liquid seeping from the wound glitters silvery in the moonli... View More
Like October 10, 2022
Cobalt Shield
Perhaps Chanterelle was at ease with her surroundings, but the forest around her was always alive and teeming with life. It was much more than plant-life too, flowers and toadstools could sit almost scenically, but peaceful silence of her night walk would be suddenly broken with the sounds of shouti... View More
Like October 10, 2022
*I wrapped up your wing carefully before putting a healing rune on it* There , it should heal faster now
Like October 10, 2022
She flinches slightly at the pressure being applied by the wrap, adding a mental note to fix the bandaging in a way more appropriate to the wing’s structure later, but appreciates the effort enough not to comment. Then comes the rune! Elle studies it closely, and glances over Ace again. She hasn’t s... View More
Like October 11, 2022
*I followed closely behind you as I ate an apple* Yknow I could trace your scent back to the castle
Like October 11, 2022
Elle finds her way into your garden and starts talking to the plants. #rp
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The Outsider
The plants respond merrily, some of the larger-than-usual flowers even unrooting themselves off the ground to approach and engage the conversation.
Like December 31, 2021
Delighted to find magically influenced plants in Equestria, the fae creature very gently brushes one hoof along a petal of one such flower. Her wings flutter. She seems absolutely captivated by the garden, with no caution to speak of. "You're all so very lovely. Someone takes good care of you, I su... View More
Like December 31, 2021
The Outsider
To Chanterelle's many questions, the flowers had many answers. No words were spoken to convey them, nor did they move in a manner as to resemble any type of known mute language. Rather, feelings and thoughts that were not her own floated with the breeze as the flowers waddle and slither around her h... View More
Like December 31, 2021
Though she chooses to speak aloud, she would have been more than shocked by any other form of response from the plants. It is second nature to drink in what the plants chose to share and to interpret it. She lets each thought wash over her, separating her own emotions from the feelings they convey t... View More
Like December 31, 2021
Stardusk Strider
His eyes widen as the random pony was talking to the plants, him a bit miffed. "Hey, HEY! Those are my plants! They only talk to me! " he stated with a huff
Like January 1, 2022
"Oh my, I apologize! They just seem so friendly. Although..." Elle lowers her voice conspiritorally, "I think you've been overwatering that one." She gestures to one, fluttering her wings just a bit.
Like January 1, 2022
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would roll on the ground like a ball toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Elle spends three entire hours looking at plants growing out of sidewalk cracks. Each one makes her heart swell a little - she's just so proud of them! Despite the cement that should, by all rights, k... View More
It's afternoon - and oh, what an afternoon! The sun is shining, there's a gentle breeze, and Ellie is well on her way to adventure. She's just a little fairy, but her steps are proud and there's a smi... View More
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Scratch Star
Scratch is walking down the same path when she spots the fairy. "Hello there miss, care to buy a drink?"
Like February 23, 2021
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Scratch Star
"Of course," Scratch says reaching in and pulling out the drink revealing the orange slowly turning into a pink and red as it went down, "This one is called sunset. It has an orange taste with hints of lemon and strawberry."
Like February 23, 2021
"Marvelous!" Ellie's face lights up with joy. It sounds delicious! Her adventure is shaping up to be a lovely one already.
Like February 23, 2021
Scratch Star
"Normally I'd charge two bits, but since you turned down my 'first bottle tree's offer and I'm feeling generous, I'll only charge one bit," Scratch says handing the bottle to Ellie.
Like February 24, 2021
The ghostling would be seen hopping along the same path looking for some poison joke's and herb's while humming a little shanty tune to himself aloud "Yarr har fiddle dee dee~..."
Like February 23, 2021
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"It's uh..... It's a certain type of flower that causes a random joke to ponies like turn hair pink or have them sneeze all day" He easily explained to her with a smile
Like February 23, 2021
"How very curious. What is it that you use it for?" She's a tad concerned now - it could be dangerous.
Like February 23, 2021
" eat......................" He told her staring at her blankly, Before booping her nose a little smiling at her "Better way to explain is that It's the only thing that help's replenish my fento magic so i have to eat them just so i can use magic again and it's really good!"
Like February 23, 2021 Edited
Radiant Dawn
Dawn is walking in the woods and is surprised to see a fairy in the distance.
Like February 23, 2021
It takes another few moments for Ellie to catch sight of the stranger, but when she does, her wings prick up and flutter just a little. Adventures were so wonderful! She waves enthusiastically.
Like February 23, 2021
Radiant Dawn
Dawn waves back and walks towards the fairy. "Hello How goes your day?" asked Dawn
Like February 24, 2021
Ellie waves to you! Hello!!
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Ice Wisp
Ice waves back!
Like January 5, 2021
Alexander 'Crow' Kingston
Alex would tip his hat in return!
Like January 5, 2021
Rough Winds
Have you seen a strong looking mare around named "abby" by any chance?
Like January 5, 2021
Ellie offers you a pretty flower she found! She says it reminded her of you.
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Kishi puts it in her hair near the other flower
Like January 1, 2021
Ellie is delighted that Kishi has accepted the gift!
Like January 1, 2021
The ghost gives them a happy smile, hoping not to freak them out too bad.. she also happens to share a love for flowers
Like January 1, 2021
Mina May Marzipan
//I love this OC's name so much it's really cute <3
Like January 1, 2021
Like January 1, 2021
They blushed. “Thank you! I love it” they said with a smile
Like January 1, 2021
The Outsider
"Oh, would you look at that!" The chloromancer carefully affixed it to his outer jacket and cast a simple imbue spell on the flower, thus keeping it alive. "It's kind of.. Carrying around the head of a friend, but still, this is a nice gift, very thoughtful of you. Thank you for this!"
Like January 1, 2021 Edited
Ellie, in her wanderings, found herself by a winding creek. There was a clear patch with lush grass, and otherwise it was surrounded by tall, thin trees, reeds, grass, and some flowers. It was, all in... View More
Ellie thinks you look very nice today. She waves at you and tells you she thinks you look nice today, because Ellie is no coward.
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Seph H.
"at least someone noticed"
Like December 15, 2020
"It's hard not to notice you."
Like December 15, 2020
Seph H.
"N'aw. Thank you" He would give her a pat.
Like December 15, 2020
Yami Crosshide
bull shit *leaves*
Like December 15, 2020
Well, that was a little harsh.. but Ellie supposed not everyone liked compliments, and continued on her way. If she saw them again, she'd be sure to remember that!
Like December 15, 2020
well your nice too you know
Like December 15, 2020
"Aw, thank you!"
Like December 15, 2020
your welcome
Like December 16, 2020
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