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Whispy Willow

Female. Lives in Canterlot,  Hayseed Swamp,  Equestria. Born on February 13, 1998
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Helloooo! My name is Whisp, it’s great to meet you.
Roleplay Universe
Canon, AU, EqG
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
Ponysquare Refugees
442 Members

Status Update

Whispy Willow
#rp Willow whistles under her breath and makes her way over to your place of residence, a bouquet of freshly picked flowers held between her feathers and a cup of your favorite drink in hoof. She kno... View More
2 people like this.
Soory,I think I may be on date with a girl already dracofire siad
Like May 25, 2021
Whispy Willow
“Oh, it’s you!. Okay, bye then. Have fun?”
Like May 25, 2021 Edited
I will,thanks
Like May 25, 2021
Zirx the Hound
Huh, odd, no one ever came to Zirx's door. He heard the knocking and in just a few moments, the Hound poked his head out from the door. "Huh? Gifts? A date? Er.." The Hound seems very confused by everything, having a little panic.
Like May 25, 2021
Whispy Willow
“I’m not sure I know you. I may have gotten the wrong address?” Whisp groans and looks at the scribbles on her hoof. “No, no, this is the place— BUCK!” She groans in annoyance. “Sorry to bug you. Apparently, I was stood up.” She shrugged. “If you want the flowers, have em!” She forced a smile and tu... View More
Like May 25, 2021
Zirx the Hound
The Hound listened to the mare at his door trying to make sense of what was going on. "Ooh! Huh..What a rude pony to do that to you!" Zirx would frown hearing that she had been tricked! "Say, I was about to have dinner, did ya want to stick around? It's Mountain soup!" Zirx offered as she turned tai... View More
Like May 25, 2021