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Male. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. Born on December 7, 1995
1/2 Dragon, 1/4 Crystal Pony, 1/4 [REDACTED]
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hey there, Jule's creator here! Y'all can call me Aisu! I'm a pretty laid-back chick with a wide variety of interests and hobbies and all that. I'm in my mid-twenties with a job that kinda consumes half my day (so if I don't reply to you right away, I'm sorry and that's why).. I'm also open-minded and always available to come to if you need a shoulder to cry on a body to lean against. Looking forward to meeting you all~!
Roleplay Universe
Self-made AU/Flexible
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
The Castle
172 Members
Jule was happily munching away on a hayburger. Someone, somehow, placed a cucumber behind him, on the ground. When he looked around idly, he spotted the cucumber. And much like a cat, Jule jumped int... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxas walked by and saw the whole thing. She poked the cucumber and then went to look for Jule to tell him it was gone.*
Like February 11, 2020
The dragon hybrid was gone. He booked it out of there pretty quickly.
Like February 11, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Since she couldn't find Jule. She shuffled walked away and burrowed into the ground.*
Like February 11, 2020
Spirit Weaver
oh, sick! loot! Soul sliiiid into that chair and ate the free food.
Like February 11, 2020
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When Soul let go of the cucumber, it didn't let go on him. It began to wrap around his hoof. Oh no! It was actually a snake!
Like February 11, 2020
Spirit Weaver
Soul glared down at the snake. Before he would open up his mouth and attempt to snap at it. He was hungry and some snake wasn't getting in the way >:c
Like February 11, 2020
Rude! The snake snaps back at Soul. He didn't bite, but still. First his nap is ruined, then the same pony that ruined it is snapping at him! Talk about being double rude!
Like February 11, 2020
Ephemeria Spring
Ephee nodded, intrigued. "Notable inheritance of feline reactions, interesting!" She went to collect the cucumber, as well as picking up some of the unsullied scrumptious hay fries before leaving!
Like February 11, 2020
Once hidden by the cucumber was a little garden snake. It blinked cutely up at Ephee when she picked up the cucumber. Dawwwww.
Like February 11, 2020
Now the conclusion of the thrilling marshmallow trilogy. Not surprisingly, the marshmallows won. Kind of. Jule laid on his back, groaning. A couple of empty bags of marshmallows were clustered around... View More
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Adrian Coalhopper
Adrian ran up, plucked it off Jule's hoof with his mouth, then ran off without stopping.
Like February 11, 2020
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks for asking!" Jule feigned being offended. He was impressed at Adrian's dine'n'dash technique, though.
Like February 11, 2020
After burning the marshmallow last night during his attempt at showing off, Jule was bound and determined to roast a perfectly golden brown marshmallow with his fire breath. Nevermind the cavities he... View More
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"Sometimes, I forget I have fire breathing. It's not very big, but I can still roast a marshmallow to perfection with it!" Jule began to roast a marshmallow on a stick, to show off. The flame was sma... View More
It had been a few weeks since the storm had passed through that put a hole through Jule's roof and took out half a wall. It was the "perfect" opportunity to finally do the expansion for his little cab... View More
Jule, and Loki were currently sitting in a train, quickly approaching their destination of Baltimare. "Right.. So to recap what's happening; There's a haunted house, apparently, in an abando... View More
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He nods. "I do not look forward to this...haunted house usually denotes cult-related activity, rarely anything good. Strong creatures of darkness, even when they gather together, rarely attack in an organized manner. So to hear we are dealing with something of this scale...worries me." Solaire says ... View More
Like September 14, 2019
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"...myeah, probably- I mean I ain't exactly reeking of malice, buuuut." Iro says as she looks around at the ghosts before looking around the rest of the room. "They could probably freak out at any moment sooooo...." She looks over to Jule, seeing him reveal the hole. "I mean that works too. Was hop... View More
Like November 26, 2019
He dives and slides into the opening, nodding. Jule's assessment was pretty on point, the moment they make it through the hole leading to another stairwell, he desummons his rapier and pulls out what can only be described as the prettiest greatsword to ever exist...the thing's blade doesn't even see... View More
Like December 5, 2019
Jule ducks into the opening, he was trying to wait for everyone else to get through first, but a spirit made a swipe at him. "C'mon Loki! Let's move, our fight isn't with them. If Solaire is right, if we beat the thing that's holding them here, most of them should leave," he pointed out. He readjust... View More
Like December 9, 2019
Like September 14, 2019 Edited
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Like September 15, 2019
Like September 16, 2019
Rover Wonder
Like September 16, 2019
Jule let out a sigh as he stepped out of his cabin, that was along the southern treeline of the Everfree. A bad storm had just blown by, leaving a few trees fallen nearby. One fell a lot closer than h... View More
shared a photo
Fuck ya chicken nuggets and memes, ya comment deleter. Gosh
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It's not everyday you get to see the fruits of your labor. It brings me joy to know my simple idea could cause so much anger <3
Like May 21, 2019
Amy Callihan
Anger doesn't even cover it! I am mildly uninterested! It's only right that the world see's my glory and shit.
Like May 21, 2019
GOOD! GOOD! your slight displeasement on the matter fills my EMPTY SOULL!
Like May 21, 2019 Edited
he's evil
Like May 21, 2019
Nah, not anger. Clearly, ya need to brush up on your memes if you think my caption was anger. Lol
Like May 21, 2019
Like May 21, 2019
Trip Wire
After he's wiggled out of Sin's grasp, he trots over to the door in the alley she had teleported them to. It looks like a normal door leading into the side of a building in the Canterlot alley, but th... View More
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Sin Stealer
SHe just shoves her way into the doorway like the rude cow she is, calling. "OI, BUGBOY, WE BROUGHT A DEMON HOME CHECK IT!" like a moron.
Like May 20, 2019
Jule would just hang out in Sin's arm for a bit longer after their arrival, looking around a bit. When he noticed he was in Canterlot, his ears flattened back a little, though he had a pretty good poker face going on otherwise. When Couper welcomed the two inside, that's when he finally slipped out... View More
Like May 20, 2019
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He would quirk a brow at Sin's comment of an Order, but decided to not press about it, given the little context he has already. Doesn't sound like a happy memory lane to go down right now. "But uh.. yeah. Don't plan too many things at once. My magic is kinda hindered, given my unique horn.. Though, ... View More
Like May 22, 2019
Sin Stealer
"You want us to duplicate YOU? Are you sure Couper can handle that?" Sin says with a shit-eating grin.
Like May 23, 2019
"What? No! No.. No, I meant the crystals, ya goof," he'd nudge Sin, "then we'd just have to make one crystal from start to end, and then just duplicate it."
Like May 23, 2019
This is going to be a slight rant and me stating my thoughts and opinions on the difference between rants, voicing opinions and call-outs. Please, feel free to hit the eye icon in the top right of thi... View More
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Daddy Cambia
Like May 13, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Yes... YESSSS! Feed my bitterness... MUHAHAHAHAHA!
Like May 13, 2019
Calm down there. XD
Like May 13, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Like May 13, 2019
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