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Nitroxus Soulspins Anakin SkyWalker
*Nitroxus climbed up the mountain while using some ropes and hooks. He finally made it up where the creature was with a smile. He then passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus aimed a cannon toward the pony and fired himself to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Cal blocked a lightsaber strike barely. "The holocron is gone, we destroyed it! I've escaped you once and i can do it again!" he said, swinging low at his legs.
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the blue unicorm mare waved at you softly shyly looking away she had braces and her own glasses the teenaged mare puffed into an inhaler and smiled softly "hello there miss whats your name
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a tiny light blue unicorn filly gentlly runs past afraid as she tripped over her own hoofs whimpes* " mister?" looks at him tilting head
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A transmission for help could he heard coming from space. This transmission was very primative compared to normal transmissions, but could be heard nonetheless with crackles and pops. "This is Officer... View More
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Anakin had gotten the transmission and decided to take on this task himself without his master's approval as he ended the transmission putting it into his locator quickly leaving for one of the transport ships so he wouldn't be easily noticed as a imperial shuttle he left the dock quickly after lyin... View More
June 18, 2019
Once arriving, the signal became loud and clear. It would appear to be an out of control cone-like freighter, about the size of a meduim sized house. It donned insignias and logos not affilliated with the empire or the new republic. But it could be seen easily that this shuttle was fairly primative ... View More
June 18, 2019
I've done the math, 196,464 clones died in the clone saga. It's crazy how many of those nameless soldiers died by taking orders they didn't question.
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As a ruler, it is very hard having to dish out punishment to others. Who else would agree?
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Dream nods rapidly. Yea what she said. Also, that little tuft on her pom pom beanie goes crazy swaying it all over the place.
This place feels dead, like sand. I hate sand.
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