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Nitroxus Soulspins Karlheinz
*Nitroxus spun his tail like it was a propeller and floated over the being. He landed on the ground by the gryphon with a smile. He soon passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus dove out of the ground and landed on the surface. He smiled to the creature. He soon passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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"You don't know me."
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"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here; this is the war room!"
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"If I hear one more joke about 'handling packages', I'm going postal. No pun intended."
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"I'll show you going postal," Cloud snorted, slapping a stamp on Karl's ass before forcing him head first into a mailbox.
“I’ll follow your instructions to the letter.”
Carmine then held his hooves up and stood on his hinds. Now would be the perfect opportunity to take the shot.
December 30, 2020
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Gamer, Artist, Musician, Roleplayer, Techie