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Bright Honor

Male. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria. Born on September 12, 1993
Earth Pony
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hi my name is Bright Honor. I also go by boops.
I lile video games, animation, nature, animals, photography, and more. Message me i don't bite!
User Achievements
No achievements
Bright Honor
*blushes thinking of strong mares*
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Spirit Weaver
Huge fucking mood
Like September 24, 2020
Commander Wyatt Ryder
*blushes thinking of Pegasi mares*
Like September 24, 2020 Edited
Silver Bullet
Alarms go off across the board.
Like September 24, 2020
Dream Vezpyre
Dream² looks at 's sister
Like September 24, 2020
Bright Honor
*bright grunted as he entered a beam struggle with an evil entity*
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Bright Honor
*bright honor meditates in his ultra instinct -sign- state*
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Bright Honor
*wonders if there are any muscular women around*
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Comments for notifications if there are any ♥
Like May 29, 2020
Quick Buck
Leslie assures you that she is the most muscular mare she knows.
Like May 29, 2020
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Quick Buck
Leslie accepts the offer. It dont mean she had to smile tho.
Like May 29, 2020
"You're a kuudere!?" Pride squealed during the selfie as his heart melted ♥
Like May 29, 2020
Quick Buck
"What tha fook es that?! I dinnae speak jayponys!" She responded simply.
Like May 29, 2020
Dream Vezpyre
Dream appears.
Like May 29, 2020
Bright Honor
*laughs at dream*
Like May 29, 2020
Bright Honor
Looking for someone to rp as trixie
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Ice Wisp
Can rp as Twix (right twix)
Like May 19, 2020
Bright Honor
Right twix?
Like May 19, 2020
Bright Honor
*enjoys his new earbuds*
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Bright Honor
Bright honor does some heccin laundry
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Bright Honor
So i linda cooked up an mlp/fnaf crossover au. Anyone wanna ehar about it?
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Bright Honor
anyone up for rp? serious inquiries only
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Bright Honor
Oh the usual. Stop bad guys, train, eat, watch fredbear and friends
Like April 20, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
Wait, you're like a superhero that likes FNAF?
Like April 20, 2020
Bright Honor
Kinda yeah. *sips his OJ*
Like April 21, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
So how are you doing today?
Like April 21, 2020
Bright Honor
I've decided im leaving. I did not get what I was hoping for. Typical. Bye.
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Spirit Weaver
What were we hoping for? You good?
Like April 20, 2020
Bright Honor
No I am mot good. I got personally attacked multiple times today. Society treats me like fucking crap. Also I was hoping for more to and general chatting but didn't get it. Everyone is always conveniently busy.
Like April 20, 2020
Spirit Weaver
Oh okay so it's society as a whole and not this specific site that's getting you down. I feel that but you don't have to up and leave. Just take a siesta from the world and all that Also busy is the name of the game around here. But that's just life
Like April 20, 2020
Bright Honor
I really have like zero incentive to stay.
Like April 20, 2020
Timezones + jobs + the virus thing are kinda making it hard for most to communicate if you want people to actively chat with you then I think a rp site is not best for it but the forums site could work, it’s better to not put your expectations too high of places cause you’ll only end disappointed. S... View More
Like April 20, 2020
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