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Stitches and Crew

Female. Lives in Poppyfield Online,  Beyond Equestria. Born on September 22, 1998
Multiple Characters -- Varies
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would twirl around with some streamers in front of the pony. He smiled and waved. He then passed a large gift to the pony.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus dove out of the ground and landed on the surface. He smiled to the pony. He soon passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Stitches and Crew
Ok so i'm kinda redoing this starter to see if i can't get people interested. I'm going to give y'all some context here. My intent with this AU in mind is mostly to try something new for me, and to ... View More
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Honey Glow
Honey spawned into Poppyfield and looked around the area before walking off to find another player. "Hello?"
Like January 2, 2020
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Honey Glow
Honey looked around before spotting a pony standing alone. She trotted over and introduced herself, "Hello, My name is Honey Glow." Sh looked up at the other player with a smile as she tried to read any emotion from the stranger.
Like January 2, 2020
Stitches and Crew
The player would eye them, tilting thier head curiously. "As in that being your screen name... oor...?"
Like January 3, 2020
Honey Glow
"umm yeah..." She looked around nervously. "Where do I get weapons?"
Like January 3, 2020 Edited
Stitches and Crew
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While I've never heard of or dealt with AU's. I can't see what would be wrong with having a different set of lore, or physics would be, as long as everyone can agree on it, and it stays consistant.
Like December 26, 2019
Lord Somber
Well good news is from what I've learned, Equestrian Au or MLP Au doesnt have to always be by the letter. If you have an understanding and feel of the world, it's very possibly to bend some things around. My opinion on the matter. Course nothing wrong in my eyes when it comes to spreading out more.
Like December 26, 2019
Stitches and Crew
Right yeah. I get that. My issue is that it seems nobody wants to leave Equestria, really. heck the thing i've tried to start up here takes place in a virtual world. I get that that's not everyone's cup of tea, but... I can get there being generally little interest, but for there to be *zero* inter... View More
Like December 26, 2019
I'll try it out if you want.
Like December 26, 2019
Stitches and Crew
I mean. If you want to, I won't stop you. It should be on my page already. couple days old.
Like December 26, 2019
Polo Fastter
when every au canon to your canon
Like December 26, 2019
Sandra Blastmark
I stick to FoE I suppose thats a rigid form of equestria but i would be interested in branching out. Unfortunately i cant find any ideas to branch out to. Im dum xd
Like December 27, 2019 Edited
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Sandra Blastmark
People dont generally want to branch out as sad as that is. Branching like that adds variety flavor and more skill to the rp partners in general imo
Like January 2, 2020
Stitches and Crew
Mm. Yeah. Well i guess i may as well say, I'm up for FoE stuff (some of my favorite stuff). If you wanna get stuff like that started feel free to contact me on any of my characters. As for new ideas... well I'm fresh out, save for stuff involving completely virtual worlds. :/
Like January 3, 2020
Sandra Blastmark
Im actually interested in trying out something like a technological apocalypse style thing
Like January 4, 2020
Stitches and Crew
[Upper Manehattan, North-Eastern Equestria. April 2nd, 2048.] Stitches hit a quick keybind. No she wasn't in the middle of some analog control, classic MMORPG. That was sooo early 2000s. Just a quick... View More
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Stitches and Crew
//I'm dumbfounded how well this song fits as background music for this scenario.
Like December 24, 2019
Stitches and Crew
(Bumping for day crowd)
Like December 25, 2019
Stitches and Crew
(Last attempt bumping this...)
Like December 26, 2019
Bright Brave
Like December 25, 2019
Looks nice.
Like December 26, 2019
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus bowed* I hope you enjoy your time here.
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