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Butterscotch waves at you shyly from the distance. #rp
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*waves back*
18 hours ago

Mirrorverse Fluttershy
What's up other me?
17 hours ago

Butterscotch just squeaks muffled, hiding his face behind one of his wings.
16 hours ago

Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Shessh yer just as bad as rainy. Anyway name's Flutters and I'm the mirror opposite version of yer mare self
14 hours ago

Dr. Normodd
Normon would jeer at butterscotch before softening up his gaze. He simply pulled his hat over his masked face shyly back.
15 hours ago
*Nitroxus floated down from his wing suit and landed on the ground near the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus floated on the top of a flying guitar. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Scotch waves at you from the distance. #rp
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Torch excitedly waves back upon spotting Butterscotch, tossing aside the frisbee she’d been throwing around and running over to greet him. She abruptly throws herself at him once she’s close, wrapping her hooves around him in a bear hug.
“Hiiii Butterscotch! How ya doing, buddy?” She asks, squeezin... View More
August 17, 2022
His ears go slowly flat with each second she gets closer "O-Oh.. hey torch" she whispers before a loud squeak escapes him as the mare wraps her hooves around him in a hug "I-I am doing fine" he stutters as he returns the hug "h-how are you.. doing?" He asks with a forced smile.
August 17, 2022
Torch throws herself into the hug as Scotch’s hooves find their way around her back, nuzzling his chest and rubbing her cheek against him out of happiness to reconnect with a friend - and while they don’t know each other the best, to her, he is most *definitely* a friend.
“That’s good to hear, dude... View More
August 17, 2022
Butterscotch waves at you and hopes youve a wonderful day. #rp
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Torch waves back, approaches Butterscotch, and tells him about the absolutely terrible no-good bad day she's having. It started with vomiting in the toilet due to eating a leftover hayburger for breakfast, and then her phone started glitching to the point she can't use it, and THEN her cat peed on h... View More
July 6, 2022
Scotch listens careful about torch's bad day "I-im so sorry" he stutters "I'm pretty sure your day will be bright and beautiful again" he says, trying to cheer her up "i-if you want, I can give you a hug! If you want"
July 6, 2022
The little pegasus raises a hoof to her chin in thought upon hearing such an offer, staring off into space as if considering the pros and cons to accepting a hug. After several long seconds, she puts her hoof back down and nods, saying, "Why yes, I would very much like a hug! Thanks, Scotch!"
And w... View More
July 6, 2022
The moment Torch thinks about his offer, scotch spends most of the time just standing there awkwardly until the mare speaks up again "Y-Youre welcome!"
A loud squeak escapes him as the mare attack hugs him "Oh my" he chuckles, wrapping his hooves carefully around her to return the hug.
July 6, 2022
Butterscotch wonders if want to roleplay with him.. if you don't mind.. and you're not busy.
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