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Applejack (Mean six)

Female. Lives in  Klugetown,  Beyond Equestria. Born on February 16, 2000
Earth pony
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hello there i came on here to rp and do whatever really. ONLY SFW
//Btw gorey rp you MUSt do it in private messages
i pretty much rp anything, cus why not.
Roleplay Universe
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User Achievements
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode in his car shaped balloon and parked it besides them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus climbed down a ladder from the very heavens themselves. He soon smiled to the pony. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus floated down from his wing suit and landed on the ground near the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus aimed a cannon toward the pony and fired himself to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Applejack (Mean six)
Applejack and mean applejack
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Rough Winds
Sheriff ruff shows up "Outlaw applejack, you´ve yeed your last haw"
Like January 27, 2022
Applejack (Mean six)
"Aright pinhead, your time is Up"
Like January 28, 2022 Edited
Bright Brave
To the town of Ponyville, rode Bright Brave one fine day.
Like January 27, 2022
Applejack (Mean six)
"You know..there's no possible way to describe how you feel, when you're talking to your meal." She smiled like that wouldn't made somebodies skin wiggle.
3 people like this.
"What's so special about that, doesn't everyone?"
Like April 6, 2019
"Yeah I don't tend to talk to cheesecake, people already think I'm insane. Which is true but you keep that shit on the downlow you feel me?"
Like April 6, 2019
"I don't follow. Either way I haven't actually had a decent meal for a long time now that I think about it."
Like April 6, 2019
Zaten slowly backs away. "...please don't..."
Like April 6, 2019
*Minion got the chills thru his back and just stared up to the mare.* "I- It's funny, 'cause I talked to a pumpkin once, and it r- really did talk back!"
Like May 4, 2019
Darren Cuffs
"I'm investing in neck guards now..."
Like May 4, 2019
Applejack (Mean six)
"Isn't this date just lovely~?"
11 people like this.
Celtic Cross
Like April 6, 2019
*she smiles and nods* It is. I hope you’re enjoying yourself, ma’am.
Like April 6, 2019
Daddy Cambia
"You're picking up the bill."
Like April 6, 2019
"What IS a date?"
Like May 4, 2019
Applejack (Mean six)
*Blows a kiss to you* "A kiss for a cutie"
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"Yay!" Zaten noms the blown kiss, because it's free love food, yay!
Like April 3, 2019
Bright Brave
Like April 3, 2019
"Hmmm. No one has ever called me 'cute' before. Thank you, nurse creature."
Like April 3, 2019
A: he blushes, but takes the kiss, but uncertain what to do next in fear of enraging his friend, and losing sunny forever*
Like May 4, 2019
Applejack (Mean six)
*The nurse would put her clothes on you, the socks, the hat, the collar and tail bow tie.* "AWwww you look so cute!" *She'd hold up a mirror to show you*
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She blushes, heavily. "I... I..." a small tear sheds. "Thank you."
Like April 3, 2019
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"But... I'm not a nurse. I can never be one."
Like April 3, 2019
Applejack (Mean six)
she'd take back her hat. "how about now cutie?"
Like April 3, 2019
"Hmm..." she looks at the mirror, looking at how cute she looks in those socks. "You know what? I do wanna be a nurse!"
Like April 3, 2019
She just looks offended when she is fully dressed. "How dare you."
Like April 3, 2019
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Dream Vezpyre
Dream holds up a sign high, "Yea you look fine. "
Like April 3, 2019
She narrows her eyes, her offended look deepening as she then lets out the war cry of a bat. "Nyehhh!"
Like April 3, 2019
Dream Vezpyre
Dream goes, "D'aaw!" but in mute of course.
Like April 3, 2019
*she looks a little confused as to why the nurse is dressing her, but allows it still, giggling a little as her tickle spots are brushed, and then holds her head up proudly, doing a blep*
Like April 3, 2019
Applejack (Mean six)
"awww.. such a little cutie pony pie!"
Like April 3, 2019
*she chuckles, and looks at her reflection, although the moment was probably ruined by her Sloanes Viperfish slithering from out between her web-mane* Where did you even come from, Tilly?
Like April 3, 2019 Edited
A: How did you know my size? Also the bow on the front I kinda like, but I don't like it well on my tail... *he looks at his tail, then his back hooves* I don't think I like the socks on me... I prefer them on you instead.
Like May 4, 2019
Applejack (Mean six)
*smashed wine bottle on the table and screams* "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
8 people like this.
Supply's a new bottle and supportive headpats "there there now."
Like March 25, 2019 Edited
Something something, 28 stab wounds.
Like March 25, 2019
Stardusk Strider
"are you okay? You seem to have gone quite mental."
Like March 25, 2019
Basalt Alltrades
"Be careful, I wouldn't get too close."
Like March 25, 2019
A: What happened?! Why are you sad?!
Like May 4, 2019
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