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Indiana Hoofs

Male. Lives in  Equestria. Born on November 23, 1991
Earth Stallion
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Indy is an aging earth stallion, born in a small suburb outside canterlot. He served in the princess's guard shortly after finishing his basic education and continued to receive his doctrite in archaeological Science following his term with the guard. He taught at the hoofington university for many years before recently retiring to a small homestead in the valley, overlooking the sea.
Roleplay Universe
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Company, Organization, or Institution » Computers/Technology
Brand or Product » Food/Beverages
Local Business or Place » Bar
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Ponysquare Refugees
442 Members
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus spun his tail like it was a propeller and floated over the pony. He landed on the ground by the pony with a smile. He soon passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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Indiana Hoofs
//slowly, very slowly, building up a FOE timeline/story for Indy, if i dont forget this site exists, again lol
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Like January 30, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode in his car shaped balloon and parked it besides them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode in his car shaped balloon and parked it besides them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Indiana Hoofs
Indy proceeds to scream from the void
Sukhoi and Sokol Sokov
Sukhoi scanned the ground below, trying to find any remnant, any clue as to where Indy's underground bunker lay... Then she spotted it. Now within familiar territory, Sukhoi managed to locate the rise... View More
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Indiana Hoofs
Indy pops his head out of the dirt, covered in well, dirt. "oh hey, been a while..."
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My trucker horse.
Like October 28, 2021 Edited
Indiana Hoofs
The greying stallion pokes his head out into the haze, his coat matting and dirt covered. "How long has it been....." He says to himself, shielding his eyes from the sunlight "What year is it?" #rp
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Sukhoi and Sokol Sokov
"It is the year 2021, and it has been too long," a voice with a strong Russian accent stated. A white mare stood before Indiana, smiling. She must have been an old friend, but would Indy still recognise her? She wasn't wearing her formal uniform.
Like July 22, 2021
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Indiana Hoofs
He looks back at the hole he literally just climbed out of and back at the voice, eyes staring to clear up. "I know the voice... I remember it from somewhere long ago..." he frowns a little and closes his eyes, looking deep into his past. Several moments pass as he mumbles "the face is shroude... View More
Like July 22, 2021
Sukhoi and Sokol Sokov
"Indy it is me, Sukhoi," the voice replied, regaining the cheerful tone it had before. "I do not know where my half-wit brother is but he is also here... Somewhere. Sokol, come and say hello to Indy!"
Like July 22, 2021
Indiana Hoofs
Indys eyes light up "S-sukhoi?!" The name made him jump a little and a little explosion happens in his brain. With his mind racing, he can't even begin forming a sentence.
Like July 22, 2021
Sukhoi and Sokol Sokov
She nodded and replied, "Yes, it is me." Sukhoi then gave Indy a rather tight hug, smiling. "It is good to see you again, it has been too long."
Like July 22, 2021
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Sukhoi and Sokol Sokov
"We came to help with some of the civil unrest," Sukhoi explained, "and have been here since. Some ponies don't always have their heads screwed on correctly." "I agree but virus outbreak has been challenging time for all," Sokol stated.
Like July 22, 2021
Indiana Hoofs
"Virus..." he trails off, trying to recall before he went into seclusion. "Right...its still here?!" His voice sounded angry. "That was nearly, what, 2 years ago?! What the hell are the princesses doing about it?!" He was definatly angry now. "damn it all..."
Like July 22, 2021
Sukhoi and Sokol Sokov
"There have been new strains, some more dangerous than others, but it is declining. The princesses are doing what they can to handle everything. Here, we are safe," Sukhoi said.
Like July 22, 2021
Indiana Hoofs
He frowns again and grumbles "I'll believe it when I see it..." his age was starting to show
Like July 22, 2021
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Indiana Hoofs
"So am i..." he trails off again. "If probally have just gone back inside." He motions to the derelict cabin on the hill, one side burnt to a crisp. "Kinda looks like a wasteland...."
Like July 22, 2021
Sukhoi and Sokol Sokov
"This is true... Never mind, let us go," she replied, smiling again. "Agreed, I am hungry," Sokol added as he turned and began heading off back to where he and Sukhoi were staying temporarily.
Like July 22, 2021
Indiana Hoofs
He nods, looking back at them. "Food sounds.... fantastic." He stretches a little. "As does a nice walk. Lead the way!"
Like July 23, 2021
Rough Winds
"Well its.... yeah its been a while... more exactly, mid 2021...."
Like July 22, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus tied on a cape and flew to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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