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Male. Lives in  Dragon Lands,  Equestria. 20 years old
Honey Dragon
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*I was happily licking and eating honey out of a bee hive while the bees excitedly flew around me. I didn't seem to be bothered by the mad bees.* #rp
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Nyinx D'Lune
There seems to be a large fluffy creature nearby, almost 10ft tall. It seemed to walk by you, only to stop, looking down at the honey, the bees, the hive and what seemed to be a floofy dragon
Like September 1, 2023
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*I scrambled up to my paws before deciding to pounce onto you* RAH!!
Like September 19, 2023
Nyinx D'Lune
With a slight jump from the sudden movement, the creature's reflexes causes it to catch the little floofy thing mid air before holding it. staring at the honey dripping creature. blinking... before putting you down. "....?"
Like October 3, 2023
*I gasped and nuzzled into them* Pick me up!!
Like October 6, 2023
Shifter Burnside
Are you pooh bear?
Like September 2, 2023
nuh uh
Like September 17, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would be dressed in a beekeeping suit the whole time.* You're a brave pony, like dear Luna, you're brave.
Like September 19, 2023
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Nitroxus Soulspins
That should distact them.
Like October 9, 2023
*I began to lick and eat the honey* mmm
Like October 10, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would sigh.* Well, I hope they are happy, they are eating my 20 years supply of honey.
Like October 10, 2023
Knight Wolf
Knight looks at the bees, then at the honey, "I dont think the bees are happy," he says as he sniffs the honey
Like September 20, 2023
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Knight Wolf
"Stingy!!" he yells as he chases after her, he forces her mouth open and jumps inside, he then forces his way out of her mouth with a big piece of honeycomb and flies away himself
Like September 21, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(Is it weird I imagined when you shoved that honeycomb piece in your mouth, your character suddenly inflated and flew away like it was nothing cause of the bees? Lol)
Like September 21, 2023 Edited
*I gasped* My food T^T
Like October 6, 2023
*Honey would fall onto their back with their paws in the air as their tongue stuck out* I'm so thirstyyyy!!
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Malinda Lockheart
*hands them water* Will this help?
Like August 11, 2023
*scrambles up onto my paws as I aggressively sipped the water* yum yum
Like August 11, 2023
Malinda Lockheart
awh, you're so cute!!! *pats your head*
Like August 11, 2023
Like August 11, 2023
*Ramirez hoofs over her canteen* "The water's taste suck but its still drinkable"
Like August 11, 2023
*Runs around in a small circle with my neck tucked into my chest fluff. My tongue stuck out while making tiny grunting and squealing sounds.* #rp
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Olive Drab
Oli watches him running around, getting a bit dizzy and wobbling "I-It's so hypnotizing..."
Like August 10, 2023
*looks at you before sneezing softly and slowly falling backwards onto my back. I whined while moving my legs, as if I was going to throw a temper tantrum*
Like August 11, 2023
*hops in place while my tongue stuck out, every time I hit the floor I would squeak, Whenever someone was walking by I would hop around them and follow them for a few seconds before going back to bei... View More
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Sprout returned the hop, then stood by to watch Kazan.
Like June 26, 2023
*Tackles you to the floor while squealing dramatically quick and loud.*
Like June 26, 2023
"GAH!" Sprout was knocked down successfully. Then she laughed.
Like June 26, 2023
Calaco Fleethoof
Calaco brought a cloud down and rested on it, hovering about two feet off the ground, watching the silly pony being silly.
Like June 26, 2023 Edited
*stares off into space with my pupils wide and my tongue sticking out* #rp
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Princess Starwatcher is it going?
Like June 12, 2023
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Like June 12, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
awww cute *I keep petting you*
Like June 12, 2023
Like June 13, 2023
Calaco Fleethoof
*Calaco waves a honey bun in Kazan's face*
Like June 12, 2023
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Calaco Fleethoof
*he holds it out for Kazan to take* do you want this?
Like June 12, 2023
yeeeaaah! *commits tiny happy stomps*
Like June 13, 2023
Calaco Fleethoof
*he hoofs it over* here you go
Like June 13, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would be confused for a moment.* Oh, I get it. *Nitroxus sat beside them and did the same.*
Like June 12, 2023
*my tail happily wagged as I now have a friend who understands the objective*
Like June 13, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*This was nice for Nitroxus.*
Like June 13, 2023
*Ramirez starts to question on what Kazan was on...and where to get her hooves on some*
Like June 13, 2023
*makes tiny struggling grunts, apperently I have forgotten how to breathe*
Like June 26, 2023
*She flies over to Kazan* You good?
Like June 26, 2023 Edited
*Jumps around as I chased a butterfly* #rp
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Princess Starwatcher
You’ll get that butterfly I believe in you
Like May 30, 2023 Edited
*looks over at you for a few seconds before continuing my chase*
Like May 30, 2023
*waddle runs in a circle with my head tilted up. My tongue was sticking out as I made tiny grunts* Honeyy... #rp
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Yami Crosshide
what about honey...
Like May 22, 2023
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*squeals happily with such pure delight before opening the jar and stuffing my face inside, I quickly lapped my tongue all over the jar while tasting and savoring the wonderful honey*
Like May 26, 2023
Yami Crosshide
glad i was able to help
Like May 26, 2023
Like May 26, 2023
*Ramirez snickers* You give off the same vibes as a changeling starving for love
Like May 26, 2023
*stares at you with pure confusion on my face*
Like May 26, 2023
*Waves her hoof dismissively* Bah, nevermind, so you want honey?
Like May 26, 2023
yes! *drools a bit at the word of my favorite food*
Like May 26, 2023
If you want gotta have money *she smiles*
Like May 26, 2023
*I would grunt and glare at you before waddling off to continue my search for honey* I shall take my fluffy self elsewhere then!
Like May 26, 2023
*She shakes her head and follows* I'm kidding, here *takes out a jar of honey and hoofs it over*
Like May 26, 2023
*turns and opens up the jar, I stuff my face inside of it and lapped up the honey quickly*
Like May 26, 2023
*stares off into space with my eyes crossed and the tip of my fork tongue sticking out.* #rp
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*Patiently sits on the table, in your home. I stared at the fridge before I went crossed eye and stuck my fork tongue out* .....Bleeeeh...... #rp
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Princess Starwatcher
sorry you hate my cooking
Like May 15, 2023
*shakes my hood as I looked at you properly* I want cake...not veggies!
Like May 15, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
oh yeah here *Gives you a cake*
Like May 15, 2023
*giggles and nibbles on the cake*
Like May 15, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
hope you like it
Like May 15, 2023
I do!
Like May 15, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would ride on the back of a large tortoise. Upon arriving, he would wave and smile to the newcomer. Stepping down, he would bow to the creature.* Honor and Peace to you. Welcome to this wond... View More
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*My mouth gapes in amazement before I let out a squeal of delight. I breathed honey like smoke in your face before nuzzling the top of your head with my own*
Like May 15, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus was a little confused.* Um, thank you. I'm Nitroxus Soulspins and you are?
Like May 16, 2023
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