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Born on February 14, 1998
A canine.
About Me
An old soul making his way throughout the land. A nomad.
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Status Update

Rais had came to a halt, turning his gaze to peer behind him. “Thou hast been following me for a considerable time. Dost thou have business with me, or perchance something else?” #rp
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
You look like a familiar friend of mine.
Like August 1, 2024
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Hasn't appeared in a while... been a bit since we last talked.
Like August 1, 2024
“Is that so? Verily, we each possess our own paths to tread; in due time, I am certain thine and theirs shall cross again.”
Like August 1, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I look down.* I sure hope so.
Like August 1, 2024
Amy Callihan
Amy would stop as looked back. She would stare deeply at him and proceeded to do a creepy crab-like walk at him with a knife.
Like August 1, 2024
“Hm?” He tilted his head, it was awfully strange seeing something move about in such a manner. “Thou art much akin to the cover of a book when thou dost so. What was it called? Perchance ‘The Ring’? Ah, well, mayhap I assist thee?”
Like August 2, 2024
Amy Callihan
Amy would have gotten uncomforably close as she whispered in his ear. "I'm going to waffle stomp you down a drain." She sniffed and prodded him in the side with a knife before running. The stab was hardly worth mentioning.
Like August 2, 2024
“I have heard of aught like this before from a story my mother told; yet it is a rather drastic means to convey one’s love to another. Such a peculiar mare.” Rais could only scratch his head as she ran off. He had no idea what a waffle stomp was, some kind of exotic dish? Equestria is strange.
Like August 2, 2024