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Born on February 14, 1998
A canine.
About Me
An old soul making his way throughout the land. A nomad.
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From a small camp setup near the edge of a cliff, Rais took a look out to the horizon. It was dawn, his food was rather low and he would need to head out soon to restock. There was this small town her... View More
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Like August 2, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would float down from a large green bubble. Upon landing, it popped and he bowed. With a smile, he would introduce himself.* Good Joy to you! Welcome to this magical realm, I really hope you... View More
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Rais had came to a halt, turning his gaze to peer behind him. “Thou hast been following me for a considerable time. Dost thou have business with me, or perchance something else?” #rp
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
You look like a familiar friend of mine.
Like August 1, 2024
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Hasn't appeared in a while... been a bit since we last talked.
Like August 1, 2024
“Is that so? Verily, we each possess our own paths to tread; in due time, I am certain thine and theirs shall cross again.”
Like August 1, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I look down.* I sure hope so.
Like August 1, 2024
Amy Callihan
Amy would stop as looked back. She would stare deeply at him and proceeded to do a creepy crab-like walk at him with a knife.
Like August 1, 2024
“Hm?” He tilted his head, it was awfully strange seeing something move about in such a manner. “Thou art much akin to the cover of a book when thou dost so. What was it called? Perchance ‘The Ring’? Ah, well, mayhap I assist thee?”
Like August 2, 2024
Amy Callihan
Amy would have gotten uncomforably close as she whispered in his ear. "I'm going to waffle stomp you down a drain." She sniffed and prodded him in the side with a knife before running. The stab was hardly worth mentioning.
Like August 2, 2024
“I have heard of aught like this before from a story my mother told; yet it is a rather drastic means to convey one’s love to another. Such a peculiar mare.” Rais could only scratch his head as she ran off. He had no idea what a waffle stomp was, some kind of exotic dish? Equestria is strange.
Like August 2, 2024
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