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I'm a tiny bit shy so I like to spend my time with my music somewhere alone. But I always enjoy company from my friends! (My discord: Blue Water#4361)
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Nitroxus Soulspins Blue Water
*Nitroxus would crash land from the sky in front of the pony. He would nervously small, as he stood up. He then passed a large gift over them, before falling over.* Happy Birthday!
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My new years resolutions:
- Make an absolute banger of a song
- Get off my lazy bum more often
- Be more social
- 1920x1080
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Is it just me or are songs twice as good if you haven't listened to them for a while?
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I have returned once again!
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Do you ever have that moment where you can't think of a good comeback but then a year later or so you think of the perfect thing to say?
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I once posted something on CA about a dumb little city I was building in minecraft and someone came and shat on it by saying how they "professionally build cities". All I had to say is "Nobody asked" lol
My mom got me a bass guitar so now I can finally learn to play that, I ams happi
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