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Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on March 12, 1993
Horn head
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Short spunky mage
Roleplay Universe
Canon or any AU!
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would explode out of your mailbox, with a gasp. He then smiled to the pony. He then presented the large gift to them.* Happy Birthday to you!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on a magical carpet and flew to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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"Dear Princess Celestia, I'm trying to learn the magic of friendship, but I'm dummy thicc and the clap of buttcheeks keeps alerting the villains!" #rp
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“I’m here to steal all your girlfriends.” Branwen says, putting on a fedora and giving it a tip. “MA’LADIES.”
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"BAHAHAHAHAAA, HAAaaa...wait, yer' serious? HAH!"
Like October 16, 2021
Ya know what? You can have her actually. Weight off my shoulder
Like October 16, 2021
*Swoons~! loving the hat!*
Like October 16, 2021
Cakepop The Baker
Cakepop sits in the corner and sobs
Like October 16, 2021
Branwen screams suddenly!
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Chiara Riviera
She screams purely out of fright, and instinct.
Like October 12, 2021
Startled by Chiara’s responsive scream, Branwen screams again and jumps in fright!
Like October 12, 2021
Chiara Riviera
She's full on screaming now. They're both doing great.
Like October 12, 2021
Branwen starts scurrying around, bouncing off walls and flailing her hooves about as they screamed! She’d forgotten why she even begun to scream in the first place!
Like October 12, 2021
Like October 12, 2021
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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaa-urgh, hack, ahem, aaaAAAAAAAAAA"
Like October 12, 2021
“Oh, excuse you, here’s a cough drop… AAAAAAAAHH!”
Like October 12, 2021
Like October 12, 2021 Edited
White Toast
Toast blinks a few times before rummaging in his saddlebag before pulling out chocolate and offering it to the now screaming pony.
Like October 12, 2021
Horses can’t eat chocolate, this is a threat. Branwen screams louder!
Like October 13, 2021
White Toast
Toast slowly grins and the bar of chocolate begins levitating toward the screaming pony and he slowly takes a step toward her.
Like October 14, 2021
Branwen challenges you at good challenging game of bingo. It's a one on one and lasts hours. #rp
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Bright Brave
What do we win?
Like September 28, 2021
Like September 28, 2021
Branwen is standing at your front door, menacingly! She’s peering in at you, rattling the door knob. #rp
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The Ghostling would glance at her as he was busy dying his fur black and holding a razor. "Uhh........" Ghostbit would quickly close the blinds
Like September 26, 2021
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The Ling smiled as he stood victorious!... For about 2 second's before returning to his normal way's and helped the door off the mare.
Like September 27, 2021
Branwen sprung up like a broken accordion, looking bruised and ruffled.
Like September 27, 2021
Ghostbit would instantly grab a medikit, And started bandaging up Branwen, Feeling Guilty and sad from his action!. But at least he was willing to help patch her back up.
Like September 27, 2021
Dead Account 2
The cardboard doorknob of Torch's back alley 'mansion' falls off at the rattling. A reply of "Coming!" can be heard from inside, and soon enough the little mare appears, opening up the half-size door - also cardboard, the entire place is cardboard - and greeting her latest guest. "Come on in lady, I... View More
Like September 26, 2021
As the knob falls the cardboard door, Branwen shoves her snout through the hole and keeps talking. “I didn’t break that, it was like that when I got here. I swear!” Upon being let in, the small unicorn steps inside and takes a gander around, letting out a low whistle of surprise as she nods her hea... View More
Like September 27, 2021
Dead Account 2
"Heck yeah, you're just what I needed in fact! I was just watchin' Giant Spiders 2.5: The Spiderening - it's a spinoff of Giant Spiders 2 - maybe you'd wanna watch it with me? Woah hold up, don't step there, my kitty just vomited there. But anyway, I've got ice cream and Netflix, so come on in yeah ... View More
Like September 27, 2021
“I’m always down for a movie- but you should really clean up that vomit, before it soaks into the cardboard anymore!” Branwen points out after narrowly dodging stepping in the mess! Squeezing through the small openings behind Torch, Branwen plops down in a bean bag and gratefully accepts a cup of ... View More
Like September 27, 2021
Dragonfly is staring at her through the airlock window. "I need to fix this problem quickly. Is it magic? Do I just land the Titan in the ocean? Do I say something? Do I let them in?"
Like September 27, 2021
Branwen tries to speak, but can’t in the vacuum of space! Instead she just writes on the airlock window with a marker ‘Let me in, I am not imposter!’ Then gives a big warm smile!
Like September 27, 2021
He would squint his eyes before reaching out towards a button labeled "flush".
Like September 27, 2021
Chiara Riviera
Poor Chiara is scared out of her mind -- but she's watching anyway, like it was some twisted form of entertainment.
Like September 27, 2021
Branwen made direct eye contact with Chiara, then began to walk in place, getting lower with each step, as if she was going down stairs.
Like September 27, 2021
Chiara Riviera
She's now backing away, in her own apartment. Good work, Bran.
Like September 27, 2021
Branwen is a unicorn, gifted with the magic arts; something she forgot about until till now! Branwen wouldn't reappear in the door window, instead she would be standing behind Chiara staring her down after a simple teleporation spell.
Like September 27, 2021
“I’m a trend setter,” Branwen declares, showing off her crocs and ye old powdered wig. “You’re just a follower.”
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Bright Brave
Where’s your flint lock and saber?
Like September 25, 2021
“They clash with my crocs!” Branwen says with a scoff! “Have you no eye for fashion!?”
Like September 25, 2021
Bright Brave
You clash with the crocs. 😎
Like September 25, 2021
Hype train! Comment bellow and I won't post anything.
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Like September 23, 2021
Like September 23, 2021
Empress Jade
i dare you to post something instead of anything
Like September 23, 2021
Like September 23, 2021
Empress Jade
jade: i dare you - branwen: challenge accepted, gutterball ... View More
Like September 23, 2021
Branwen is having a fantastic day, and feeling extra productive and nice, so she bakes you a cake! “No special reason, just thought it would cheer you up!” #rp
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Charmy Glow
"Oh wow! Well now I feel bad..." He looked at the baked goodness with a happy gleam present in his eyes. "I'll have to repay you for such a nice surprise!" Charmy would begin muttering to himself about what kind of gift to buy her is. It was like he was in his own little world as he stares at the ca... View More
Like September 18, 2021
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Charmy Glow
“I’ve got it!” It was like he hadn’t heard what she had said with the storm of mutters escaping his lips. “I shall repay you with a creation of my own! I don’t know what it is yet… but I’ll try to make it look nice!” There was a determined look on his face as he smiles to the generous mare. Grabbing... View More
Like September 18, 2021
“Oh you don’t have to do any creations of your own for my sake! Also saying it like makes it sound complex, like you’re going to make some grand new invention.” The unicorn points out with a chuckle, taking a slice of her own. “Thank you for sharing though, I appreciate it!”
Like September 18, 2021
Charmy Glow
“Oh goodness no! I don’t think I have it in me to make some new invention. My technological skill and magic skills could use a lot more work if I wanted to accomplish something like that.” He chuckled and grabs a slice of cake for himself. “Do you ever think you’ll invent something grand and unique?... View More
Like September 18, 2021
"" Amaya questioned before looking back to the other. Of course she just wanted to make sure it was ACTUALLY for her, before she even began to try and eat it. Why? Because the mare would eat it fairly quickly. Her curled tail wagged behind her a bit while awaiting a response.
Like September 18, 2021
Branwen shot Amaya an amused smile, then nodded her head. “Yup! For you, every bit of it is yours, unless you want to save me slice or two. I don’t mind though, I can always bake one of my own at home!”
Like September 18, 2021
Listening to Branwen, she gazed to her when she confirmed it was in fact for her. Momentarily the bat went soft, looking back to the cake. It looked great! Not often she got a cake, and it didn't seem to have any cinnamon on it. Even if it did- she would still eat it to be nice. Taking the knife she... View More
Like September 18, 2021
Branwen took her slice with a thankful little dip of her head, smiling as she sat down and levitated herself a fork. “Oh it’s not!” She confirmed with a laugh, shaking her head. “I ate entire cake by myself once. Don’t judge me for it, it was mostly stress eating; regardless, It wasn’t a good choic... View More
Like September 18, 2021
Stardusk Strider
Stardusk looks at the cake, and humbly accepts it. "This is quite kind of you. I don't know how to repay the favor, but it's still noted nonetheless."
Like September 18, 2021
“Wait a second, you’re that crazy guy who was rambling about orphanages at the speed dating event.” Branwen realized, squinting her eyes before stepping away with the cake. “Imma just.. take this now.”
Like September 18, 2021 Edited
Stardusk Strider
Star observes as the cake he was offered is now no longer being offered. It made him a blink a few times, before he pinned his ears back. "Oh." Is all he could say, as he gave a nod to get up and walk away.
Like September 19, 2021
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Bryce looked at the cake he was given, he was in shock as he didn't expect to get any present at all but it made him happy nonetheless. "Wow thank you...I don't think I deserve this at all but it's still wonderful, now I'm a little sad all I have to offer is this little cupcake in return but uhh...I... View More
Like September 18, 2021
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