Hello, everyone! I'm sure you're all curious if I had scrapped content from all 4 series that I've done. Well... *Pulls out big idea journal* I sure do! I'm not gonna go into every detail, but know that there have been 3 journals worth of scrapped ideas for the 4 main series, yes, including the reboot. I'm gonna go into the more interesting ones to save my fingers some room. Here we go! By the way, to save my fingers even more, I'll title each of the 4 series as such in chronological order: Orig...
(Welcome back to the island of tortured memories. Ready to see the mascot-only room once more? This is a sequel to a horror story I did way back when involving Destroy Man from No More Heroes, and the Abandoned by Disney creepypasta main location, Treasure Island, or, as it's called in this story, Mogwlii's Palace. This time around, the heroes return back to the horror place where it all began. The abandoned Mowglii's palace. There has been some unusual activity on the island lately, and Stickma...
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If you may recall, I did a friendship letter earlier in my CA career titled The Terms of the USF. Now I bring to you, the Terms of my entire series, your one stop shop to figuring out what the heckie is going on in my series. If you're ever confused... well, here ya go. Let's get started.
The Eternal Ink- An ancient relic given to Stickman to have him turn into a Stickian from his broken macaw form. This star-shaped relic never runs out of ink. It can be destroyed. Not much is known about thi...
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Here's another info letter coming atcha. This one's on the outfits Stickman has. And he has quite a few!
His normal outfit
The outfit everyone knows. This outfit has Stickman wearing Green sunglasses that are actually the Vision Shades, a blue, red, and white hoodie, a wristwatch, the USF Logo, golden shoes, and a gold chain.
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(Welcome to For My Brothers, an episode themed after Veilbreaker, an update where a badass grineer clone gets a starring role. In this episode, it's gonna be a bit special. We're gonna have 2 different paths that combine into one for one epic finale. I will specify which chapter has which path. The overall plot? Kahl-175 has broken free from his veil from Sentient Reign. He sets out to find his grineer brothers and eventually meets up with Stickman and his friends in their Warframes. They team u...
Hey guys! Just wanted to post here in a Friendship Letter what to expect for the rest of this year and next year too for my series. I'm sure you guys are excited to hear what I got. If not, TOO BAD.
For the rest of 2022, the stories, whether they be through Friendship Letter form or RP are:
The Curse of Lost Stick: This year's Halloween Special. Lost Stick, my evil Lost Episode counterpart, returns with a big vengeance by trapping our heroes in a cursed lost tape. Will they escape and see ...
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Did ya know that each of my series had a intro to each one? They weren't animated at the time, but they were a... uhh... story to hear, I guess. Now, many of you guys know there are 4 series in all. However, there are sub-series that are within the past 3 main series that had their own intros! Let's take a dive into them.
Stickman's Adventures (Original)
Theme: ??? (There wasn't really a name behind this song.)
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(And here we finally come to how Yinu came into my series. How Yinu formed a friendship with her friends, and an emotional bond with Stickman and Jewel. How Yinu got her Keytar Keyblade. It's all here, in Making the Record. Enjoy, everyone! This takes place after the events of No Straight Roads. Oh and i'll start referring to them as their Rhythm Thief names. You'll know why. -Stickman)
CHAPTER 1: A Resounding Sound
Stickman, Jewel, Skye, and Skystar make it to the vibrant and rhythmical cit...
And here I come to you guys with another info blog. This time, I'm doing a dive into the powerful Team Attacks. What exactly are Team Attacks, you may be asking? Well. Team Attacks require at least two people that combines their strengths and powers to unleash a mighty attack on their foes. In this case, every Team attack requires Stickman for activation. Let's go through each one, starting with the famous one:
Stickman and Jewel: All Together- With their bond unshattered, Stickman and Jewel ...
(Okie dokie! Let's do a new episode, shall we? In this one, we find our heroes returning to the Elements of Insanity universe. Stishoe, Stickman's Elements of Insanity counterpart, has trouble brewing in the EOI universe. Stickman and his friends must restore the EOI's powers after they are stolen by Stishoe. But how sane can you be in this universe? Find out... -Stickman)
Our story begins in the Elements of Insanity universe. In Stishoe's hideout, trouble was...
(Surprise new episode time! Welcome to the next warframe update-inspired episode, Screeches of the Past, inspired by Angels of the Zariman. In this episode, we follow our heroes as they uncover the mystery behind the recently emerged Zariman Ten-Zero. Beware of The New War AND Angels of the Zariman spoilers in here, but i'll try my best to not do many spoilers. I do think you'll like this though! Enjoy, and get a blanket, this one's gonna be scary. -Stickman)
CHAPTER 1: Out of the Void