Soulful Shadow
I'm just starting art but this seems nice soooo ye!
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So... about the YAC Secret Santa thing. Signups close tomorrow '~vo' Tomorrow starts in like... 10 hours? Timezones 'n' all.
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Thanks =3 You should check out the song that inspired me to draw this. It might be familiar if you watched the old Scooby Doo's cartoons.
Or a large kobold ;3 But yeah... I'm guilty as charged. I looked up a reference but that was it; I completely ignored any and all size differences cx
//Here's a lil' landscape sketch I did ^^ I'm happy with how it came out. I want to finish it but I'm also scared tbh X3 I think that only makes it more important that I see it through. //
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Oooh, a swamp would be fun to draw. So tempting to take yet another detour cx I went from gryphons to kobolds to dragons and now possibly landscape.
D'aww, thanks <3 You'll get here in due time, I believe in ya. Just keep on drawing~ A little bit of perspective and lighting can go a loooong way. ^^
// I haven't played any of those X3 The one game I was talking about is called 'Rygar'.
November 13, 2018