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Asuka Yakushi

Female. Lives in 4163, Rink Way,  Vanhoover,  Equestria. Born on July 7, 2000
by on January 18, 2020
January 16th, 3 PM, Snowy Hill Suburbs, Vanhoover. Police Corporal Franco Marcetti's boots make a quiet 'thud' as he steps out of the SWAT van onto the street below. He's followed by more thuds as 6 other armored ponies exit the vehicle behind him. Once they've exited the vehicle the team quietly forms a neat single file line behind Corporal Marcetti. Once the squad begins to move Corporal Marcetti speaks into his earpiece. "Entry Team to TOC. We've reached the drop off point, and are making...
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by on November 12, 2019
Asuka was having a hard time sleeping tonight. It certainly wasn't because the bed wasn't comfortable. She actually wasn't quite sure why it was so hard for her to fall asleep at the moment. No matter what she tried her eyes just wouldn't stay closed. It's not like she was cold, or too hot. In fact her parents had managed to keep the house constantly just right. It was completely quiet both inside, and outside of the house. Maybe that was it. Maybe she needed the sounds of a bustling nighttime c...
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by on October 29, 2019
In the early afternoon Detective Joe Winters exits his house, and enters his vehicle. His wife watches from the front door as his vehicle backs out of the driveway, and heads off down the street. As far as she knows he's off to the police station. Things have been very tough for him, and all the other detectives, and officers lately. She's hoping that whatever it is that's causing them all so much stress will be over soon. Joe on the other hand doesn't just hope. He's certain what he's doing tod...
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by on September 22, 2019
Asuka swears she was falling just a second ago, but right now she's hanging in the air. She looks up to find her front right hoof being clutched tightly by a silhouette. It's slowly, but surely pulling her up over the ledge. She grabs onto the ledge with her free hoof, and pulls herself up. "Thanks. I thought I was-." When Asuka looks up to speak to her rescuer she finds no one. She stands in confusion for a few seconds before snapping herself out of it.
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by on September 16, 2019
Asuka had eaten breakfast, and packed up her things to continue her climb. She was expecting another tough day ahead, so she had taken a little extra time to rest after waking up this morning. After having packed up, and being ready to leave Asuka decides to check her campfire one last time just to make sure there are no embers. Sure she was on a freezing mountain, but Smokey the Bear would be upset if she didn't properly put out her fire. Asuka turns back to her fire pit, and leans down to make...
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by on September 11, 2019
Her guide had told her to look out for weird stuff today, but she never expected this. Blocking her path wasn't a rock, ice block, or anything natural. It was a restaurant sitting on the side of the mountain. How, and when it got here was a mystery to Asuka. Without much of a choice Asuka enters the building hoping to be able to just walk through. She's greeted by a small lobby with a few dusty chairs, and a podium where a well dressed stallion is standing. Before Asuka can utter a word to qu...
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by on September 9, 2019
Asuka steps off of the rickety old bus, and turns to watch it as it slowly churns through the snowy wasteland of the Frozen North. She turns back in front of her, and looks up at the mountain ahead of her. Wrapped up in thick winter clothing Asuka makes her way to the only building in sight; a small shack with an old sign reading "GUIDED TOURS." As Asuka enters the shack she's greeted by a small room with a few decorations on the walls, and a counter with a stallion standing behind it. A radi...
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by on August 31, 2019
//This blog is here to help my new storyline to get started. It's a long one so if you plan on reading it i suggest getting some snacks and a drink. 7:45 AM, Vanhoover's industrial district, old Mintford Company Masonry plant, 3rd floor office. 6 stallions stand in the dusty, old office of the long abandoned masonry plant. Two stallions stand across from each other across a table. One wears casual (mostly yellow) street clothes. The other wears an immaculate suit and tie with an expensive...
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by on August 8, 2019
//I've decided to write a few blog posts here and there to sort of flesh out the kinds of things Asuka might experience when she responds to calls. Doing them in blog form because they'd be too long for wall posts. It had only been an hour since their shift began. Asuka and Frank had already responded to a handful of calls, and it didn't seem like they were going to slow down anytime soon. After having just dropped off a stallion at Grace East Hospital the two are greeted by a voice from the...
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by on August 5, 2019
The morning was dark with the storm clouds covering the sky. It had rained all in Vanhoover the night before, making everything humid, damp, and dreary. Sitting inside one of Vanhoover's many coffee shops were two ponies dressed in EMS uniforms. The first pony was an Emergency Medical Technician. A broad pegasus stallion with a short, slick, black mane, and a light blue-gray fur coat. The second was a Primary Care Paramedic. An earth pony mare with light pink fur, and a long, straight, blonde ma...
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